Could time move inside a black hole?

In summary: The rest of the universe will, as you say, appear to "speed up" as the infalling observer approaches the horizon but it will never actually appear to speed faster than light, and it will never actually become infinitely speeded up.In summary, at the event horizon of a black hole, time appears to move slower for external observers, while it continues to pass normally for any infalling observer. The mass and event horizon radius of a black hole are directly related, with the radius decreasing faster than the mass as the black hole collapses. However, the concept of time itself may cease to exist at the singularity within a black hole. The idea that objects can "fall past" the event horizon is incorrect, as the infalling object will
  • #1
At the event horizon for a black hole is R=2GM/C^2
This means that, as a star collapses, it gets more dense until this limit is reached. Assuming a consistent density (just an approximation as I know this will not really be the case), the Mass will reduce proportionally to the cube of R, but the event horizon goes down proportional to M - so the event horizon radius reduces faster than the mass that would create it. This means that, below the event horizon, time is still moving.
Assuming the minimum size of a naturally occurring black hole is about 2 stellar masses - this gives us a radius of about 6km inside every black hole where time still moves.
Or does the star instantaneously collapse to a singularity? If so, how can it continue to collapse once time has stopped?
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  • #2
whatdoctor said:
Assuming a consistent density (just an approximation as I know this will not really be the case), the Mass will reduce proportionally to the cube of R, but the event horizon goes down proportional to M - so the event horizon radius reduces faster than the mass that would create it. This means that, below the event horizon, time is still moving.

Time would pass normally for any observer who passes the event horizon. It's the rate that the observer's time passes as viewed from someone well outside the event horizon that goes to zero. That is, to an observer standing far away from the black hole, the rate at which an infalling observer's clock ticks approaches zero as they approach the event horizon. The problem with black holes is that thing become unpredictable when an observer reaches the singularity.

whatdoctor said:
Or does the star instantaneously collapse to a singularity? If so, how can it continue to collapse once time has stopped?

I believe there is an issue with how an event horizon can form if the infalling material slows down under time dilation. As the density during collapse increases, the amount of time dilation increases, so to an far away observer the material should appear to "freeze" before an event horizon forms. I'm not sure if this is a real issue or if there is a way around it. Perhaps someone else can answer that.
  • #3
Given it is presumed that space collapses to zero volume at the singularity, it is perfectly reasonable to expect the very concept of time itself also vanishes at the singularity. Nonsensical situations like this is what leads most scientists to reject the notion of the physical existence of singularities
  • #4
whatdoctor said:
Assuming a consistent density (just an approximation as I know this will not really be the case), the Mass will reduce proportionally to the cube of R

No, it won't. The mass of the collapsing object is constant (assuming it doesn't give off radiation or eject matter--any real collapse will do both of those things, but we can idealize them away for this discussion).

whatdoctor said:
so the event horizon radius reduces faster than the mass that would create it

No, this is not correct. Assuming an idealized collapse that does not emit radiation or eject matter, the horizon radius is known at the start of the collapse--it's the radius corresponding to the original mass of the collapsing object.

whatdoctor said:
This means that, below the event horizon, time is still moving.

It is true that "time is still moving" below the horizon, in the sense that objects that fall in (or objects in the collapsing matter) continue to experience time normally. So you have the right conclusion here, but your method of getting to it is incorrect. See above.
  • #5
I would say that an object cannot fall past the event horizon. My reasoning is this: From the perspective of the object falling, time moves normally for it - but time outside the event horizon would appear to speed up. So as the next second passes for the falling object, billions (or even trillions) of years pass outside the event horizon. By this time the black hole would cease to exist (by Hawking radiation). So as soon as the object hits the event horizon, the black hole vanishes.
  • #6
whatdoctor said:
I would say that an object cannot fall past the event horizon. My reasoning is this: From the perspective of the object falling, time moves normally for it - but time outside the event horizon would appear to speed up. So as the next second passes for the falling object, billions (or even trillions) of years pass outside the event horizon. By this time the black hole would cease to exist (by Hawking radiation). So as soon as the object hits the event horizon, the black hole vanishes.
Totally incorrect. Have you been reading this thread? The infaller doesn't even notice the EH.
  • #7
whatdoctor said:
From the perspective of the object falling, time moves normally for it - but time outside the event horizon would appear to speed up

No, it doesn't. Don't confuse the infaller with a static observer. A static observer, one who "hovers" at a constant altitude close to the horizon, will see the rest of the universe speeded up, yes. But an infalling observer will not. In fact, as the infalling observer crosses the horizon, he will see the rest of the universe slowed down.

Related to Could time move inside a black hole?

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape. This is due to the immense mass of the black hole being compacted into a very small area.

2. Can time move inside a black hole?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time is relative and can be affected by gravity. Inside a black hole, the gravitational pull is so strong that it can significantly slow down time, making it seem like time is moving slower. However, at the singularity (the center of a black hole), time stops completely.

3. How would time behave inside a black hole?

Time inside a black hole would behave differently depending on where you are in relation to the event horizon (the point of no return). Closer to the event horizon, time would appear to move slower, while closer to the singularity, time would stop completely.

4. Can we observe the effects of time inside a black hole?

Currently, we do not have the technology to directly observe the effects of time inside a black hole. However, we can indirectly study these effects through observations of objects near the event horizon and by studying the behavior of light and other particles near a black hole.

5. Could time move backwards inside a black hole?

No, time cannot move backwards inside a black hole. The concept of time moving backwards is a common misconception about black holes. While time may appear to move slower or stop inside a black hole, it does not move backwards.

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