Couldn't the end of spacetime cause spacetime?

In summary, if someone suggested that the universe had a beginning because something could not come from nothing, they would be talking about the paradoxical situation where the effect becomes the cause.
  • #1
Couldn't the end of spacetime cause spacetime? As in some sort of looping paradox keeping existence in existence.

I just wanted to ask this question. It's probably wrong but I wanted to know what people think.
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  • #2
can you explain your reasoning please. how could the end of spacetime cause spacetime...and are you talking about one universe or parallel universes?
  • #3
One universe. It's one of those paradoxical situations when the effect becomes the cause. What I'm suggesting is that because logically something can't come from nothing, some cataclysm in the present, past or future; be it the end of the universe or something else actually caused the big bang and therefore the universe. In other words the universe (assuming there is only one. This theory could be adapted for multiple but I choose not to at the moment) has always been here yet has a beginning. The beginning being caused paradoxically by it's end (or some cataclysm somewhere in time). If a piece of string was time. The beginning of the string represents the beginning of time. Before this point you have no time, afterwards you do. But the piece of the string after this first point has always existed, but the existence of the string caused it's own existence.

I realize this is probably nonesense. I can't really find the words to express it properly as of yet and so what above is probably contradictory.
  • #4
i am still confused how can the existence of the string cause its own existence?
  • #5
There is a possibility that a closed universe will go through an endless series of 'big bangs' and corresponding 'big crunches', in which spacetime does indeed expand to a maximum then contracts, dragging all matter inwards. Is this what you have in mind? Look into the "Robertson-Walker metric" with a closed universe and see if that's what you're thinking of. If so, current evidence suggests our universe is not closed; indeed the expansion is accelerating.
  • #6
Space Time cannot cease to exist because with that all matter must vanish. Energy created or destroyed and hence something cannot go into nothing.
  • #7
J_desu101 said:
The beginning being caused paradoxically by it's end .

Why are you using the word 'paradoxically'?

  • #8
J_desu101 said:
... logically something can't come from nothing




  • #9
J_desu101 said:
What I'm suggesting is that because logically something can't come from nothing...

Actually, I was reading an article in Discover magazine, in which they discussed that since all matter was equal to all gravity in the universe that they canceled each other, so in fact, something could come from nothing.

You could also get into the topic of anti-matter, where in random things, mainly neutrons, are created from nothing. Theoretically, albeit how rare it may seem, a person, dog, or plant could be created from nothing.
  • #10
zefram_c said:
There is a possibility that a closed universe will go through an endless series of 'big bangs' and corresponding 'big crunches', in which spacetime does indeed expand to a maximum then contracts, dragging all matter inwards. Is this what you have in mind? Look into the "Robertson-Walker metric" with a closed universe and see if that's what you're thinking of. If so, current evidence suggests our universe is not closed; indeed the expansion is accelerating.

I don't think this is what he is trying to say.
I think it is more along the lines of, since there is a string, there is a beginning of a string. So there would have to be an end so that the string could exist. Kinda of like a line seg. is the only usuable form of a line.
  • #11
Cosmo16 said:
I think it is more along the lines of, since there is a string, there is a beginning of a string. So there would have to be an end so that the string could exist. Kinda of like a line seg. is the only usuable form of a line.

But you have to remember, that's only the way we, humans, think about it. That doesn't necessarily make it the way the universe itself works.
  • #12
time is a perception, so depending on where you are depends on how you view it.
  • #13
Hi J_desu101, welcome to PF! That's a difficult question. Anytime you talk about an 'end' to spacetime, you imply it had a 'beginning'. It is easier to talk about the beginning, since it appears to be a more recent event - and one we can nearly observe. It is a fun topic though... and no one can prove you wrong.

FAQ: Couldn't the end of spacetime cause spacetime?

1. Couldn't the end of spacetime cause spacetime?

No, the concept of spacetime ending is not supported by current scientific theories. Spacetime is considered to be a fundamental and infinite aspect of the universe.

2. What is the end of spacetime?

The end of spacetime refers to a hypothetical scenario in which the fabric of the universe, including the dimensions of space and time, would cease to exist. This is not a scientifically supported concept.

3. How could the end of spacetime occur?

There are various theories and hypotheses about the potential causes of the end of spacetime, such as the collapse of the universe or the Big Rip scenario. However, these are still speculative and not proven by scientific evidence.

4. Would the end of spacetime affect the laws of physics?

It is difficult to say for sure, as the end of spacetime is not a scientifically supported concept. However, it is possible that the laws of physics, which are based on spacetime, could be affected if spacetime were to end.

5. What would happen if spacetime ended?

If the end of spacetime were to occur, it is impossible to predict what would happen as it goes beyond our current understanding of the universe. It is also important to note that this is a hypothetical scenario and not supported by scientific evidence.

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