Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges

In summary, the net force acting on the 1 nC charge in this triangle of charges is 0 N in the x-direction and 7.19 x 10^-6 N in the y-direction, pointing upwards. This is due to the equal and opposite forces acting on the charge from the two bottom charges, as well as the symmetry of the triangle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the triangle of charges diagrammed below, for which d = 5 cm, q = 2 nC, and the +x-axis points to the right. What is the force Fvec on the 1 nC charge? Give your answer as a magnitude and a direction.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure what to do. I converted the nc to c, and the cm to m. Then I did

F= K(1X10^-9)(2X10^-9)/.05^2

Then I would multiply this by two because the two sides are effecting the charge. Is this on the right track?



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  • #2
Remember that the force acting on the one particle is the sum of the individual forces acting on that one particle.

[itex]\vec{F}=\frac{q_i}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\sum\limits_{j=0, j\neq{i}}^n \frac{q_j \hat{r_{ji}}}{|r^2|}[/itex]

Where [itex]q_i[/itex] is the particle which is experiencing the force, [itex]n[/itex] is the total number of particles, [itex]\hat{r_{ji}}[/itex] is the unit vector pointing from [itex]j[/itex] to [itex]i[/itex].

If this formula is confusing or you haven't seen it before, I can explain it more simply (i.e. if you are in high school, or first year physics).
  • #3
That certainly looks like a secondary school or freshman college diagram.
You already know how to find the force on one charge due to another one.
You realized that you have to add the forces and noticed that the two forces you have to add are the same.

But you have forgotten that force is a vector - how do you add vectors?
  • #4
Well to add vectors you just add them keeping in mind direction, and in this case both sides of the triangle would have the same vector.

Wait, do you have to find the x and y components of the vector, and use those?
  • #5
You can do that, or add them head-to-tail.
  • #6
ok its an equilateral triangle, and you're looking at the forces on the top. what does that say about the forces in the x direction? I don't think head to tail is good enough for this problem, i think the prof wants a number. add F1 + F2 like this <F1x, F1y,F1z> + <F2x,F2y,F2z> = sum F on 1nC
z's are 0. so: <F1x, F1y,0> + <F2x,F2y,0>
  • #7
I don't think head to tail is good enough for this problem, i think the prof wants a number.
What are you talking about? head-to-tail gets you a number just fine!
Sketch it out and see ;)
  • #8
The net force component along the x-axis points rightward. With ## \theta = 60° ##

let ##q_1 = 1nC ## , ## q_2 ## and ## q _3 = 2nC ##

## F_1 = 2\frac{q_1 q_2 cos\theta}{4\pi \epsilon a^2} ##

Since ## cos(60°) = \frac{1}{2} ## , we can write the expression as

## F_1 = \frac{k q_1 q_2}{a^2} = \frac{(8.99*10^{9} N\cdot m^2/C^2)(1.00*10^{-9} C)(2.00*10^{-9} C)}{(5*10^{-2} m)^2 } = 7.19*10^{-6} N ##
  • #9
patrickmoloney said:
The net force component along the x-axis points rightward.
you do realize we're calculating the force on the 1 nC, right? there is no x component to the force. it's zero. [itex]∑F_{on1nC} = ∑K\frac{q_{j}q_{top}}{r^2}\hat{r} [/itex]
[itex]= K[(\frac{q_{LowerLeft}q_{top}}{r^2}(cos(\theta)\hat{i} + sin(\theta) \hat{j})) + (\frac{q_{LowerRight}q_{top}}{r^2}(cos(\pi-\theta)\hat{i} + sin(\pi-\theta) \hat{j}))][/itex] (the angles are mirrored over [itex]\frac{\pi}{2}[/itex])
[itex]= 0\hat{i} + 2K(\frac{q_{LowerLeft}q_{top}}{r^2}sin(\theta))\hat{j}[/itex]
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  • #10
i guess i could've used d's instead of r's and plugged in the angles, but you get the picture.
  • #11
I thought from symmetry, the net force component in the y-axis is zero. Not the x-axis, no?
  • #12
step back from the maths and stuff and just think about it physically. From the picture, is the y force (vertical) component going to be zero on the top charge?

The bottom left charge exerts some force on the top up and to the right, and the bottom right charge exerts some force on the top up and to the left. since the distance, charge and angle are the same, the left and right components are equal yet opposite, and thus cancel.
  • #13
Damn, they do cancel. I was thinking of different bottom charges.
  • #14
patrickmoloney said:
damn, they do cancel. I was thinking of different bottom charges.


FAQ: Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges

1. What is Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges?

Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges is a graphical representation that helps to visualize and calculate the forces between multiple charged particles. It is based on Coulomb's Law, which states that the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

2. How is Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges used?

Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges is used to calculate the magnitude and direction of the electrostatic force between multiple charged particles. By using the triangle, one can determine the net force acting on a specific charged particle due to the presence of other charged particles.

3. What are the three sides of Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges?

The three sides of Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges represent the magnitudes of the charges (in Coulombs), the distance between the charges (in meters), and the magnitude of the electrostatic force (in Newtons). These sides are labeled as Q, r, and F, respectively.

4. How do you calculate the electrostatic force using Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges?

To calculate the electrostatic force between two charged particles using Coulomb's Forces triangle, you need to place the values of the charges (Q) and the distance between them (r) on the corresponding sides of the triangle. Then, the length of the third side (F) represents the magnitude of the force, which can be determined using the Pythagorean theorem or by simply reading the value on a ruler.

5. Can Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges be used for more than two charged particles?

Yes, Coulomb's Forces triangle of charges can be used for any number of charged particles. It becomes more useful when dealing with more than two charged particles as it helps to determine the net force acting on a specific charged particle due to the presence of multiple charged particles. In such cases, the triangle can be used multiple times to calculate the individual forces and then added together vectorially to determine the net force.
