Coulomb's law, electrostatics?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of Coulomb's law to calculate net forces on charged particles under static conditions. The participants debate whether the term "static" in "electrostatics" refers to a steady state or no net force condition. The conversation also touches on the application of Coulomb's law in engineering statics and the generalizability of the term "static" in different contexts. In the end, it is concluded that Coulomb's law applies to all electrostatic situations and can also be applied in engineering statics.
  • #1



Considering more than a couple of particles. How can a net force on a charged particle be calculated if Coulomb's law is under the restriction of static forces?

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  • #2
What does the number of particles matter?
  • #3
To imply a generalized approach.

To restate, how can a net force be present under static conditions?
  • #4
Jurtinus said:
To restate, how can a net force be present under static conditions?
Perhaps you are thinking of Earnshaw's theorem?
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  • #5
Jurtinus said:
To restate, how can a net force be present under static conditions?
You are correct. Statics usually assumes no net force. However:

1) The electric force may not be the net force if there are other non-electric forces involved.

2) The Coulomb force is not “static” but “electrostatic”, meaning that the currents are at least momentarily 0.
  • #6
Dale said:
You are correct. Statics usually assumes no net force. However:

1) The electric force may not be the net force if there are other non-electric forces involved.

2) The Coulomb force is not “static” but “electrostatic”, meaning that the currents are at least momentarily 0.

Assuming no external forces, I suppose Coulombs Law investigates impending motion of charged particles.
  • #7
Jurtinus said:
To imply a generalized approach.

To restate, how can a net force be present under static conditions?

I think you have misunderstood the term "static" in "electrostatics".

It means that any "d/dt" term is zero, or that there is no time-variation in the electric field. In terms of the presence of charged particles, it means that (i) these charges do not move or change position (ii) the amount of charge of each particle does not change over time (iii) you are finding the electric field at a fixed field location. This will then allows you to find the coulomb's force at that field location if you place another charge there.

So yes, there can be a force under static condition. This is not "static" as in "engineering statics", where the NET force on each member is zero.

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  • #8
ZapperZ said:
I think you have misunderstood the term "static" in "electrostatics".

It means that any "d/dt" term is zero, or that there is no time-variation in the electric field. In terms of the presence of charged particles, it means that (i) these charges do not move or change position (ii) the amount of charge of each particle does not change over time (iii) you are finding the electric field at a fixed field location. This will then allows you to find the coulomb's force at that field location if you place another charge there.

So yes, there can be a force under static condition. This is not "static" as in "engineering statics", where the NET force on each member is zero.


In fact, I am taking an engineering statics approach. But statics is statics.

From my understanding of mechanics; d/dt=0 implies a steady state condition, which is not the same as d/ds=0 which implies a static condition, thus no net force. However, the integral of ds is taken over time. So, I suppose this would agree with your argument.

Once again, I’m led to the notion that Coulombs Law defines how a charged particle impends motion on another. Rather than, explaining a static situation explicitly.

Additionally, impending motion is covered in engineering statics with respect to dry friction. Which, nonetheless, can be referred to as Coulombs friction.
  • #9
Jurtinus said:
Assuming no external forces, I suppose Coulombs Law investigates impending motion of charged particles.
Coulombs law certainly applies to situations that violate the no external forces assumption. I would not try to restrict it through unnecessary additional assumptions. It is valid in all “electrostatic” situations, which is a different criterion than “static”.
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  • #10
Jurtinus said:
In fact, I am taking an engineering statics approach. But statics is statics.

No, it isn't. That's like insisting "theory" is theory, and using the layman's use of it to apply everywhere. Where is it written that this is the ONLY way to use that word?

If that is the approach you are taking, then this whole discussion is pointless, because you are applying an irrelevant set of rules to something where it wasn't meant to be used. There's nothing written anywhere that "statics is statics"? You made that up, and arbitrarily applying it. Go to your Engineering Statics professors and try to sell your idea to them and see how that goes.

Besides, what makes you think this application is a one-way street? Why can't the "statics" as used in electrostatics be applied to Engineering Statics? After all, if you think about it, the condition used in E&M is a lot more GENERAL, and encompasses what is used in Engineering Statics. What arbitrary rules did you made up to allow for this one-way application?

I see this topic as going nowhere fast.

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  • #11
ZapperZ said:
After all, if you think about it, the condition used in E&M is a lot more GENERAL, and encompasses what is used in Engineering Statics.
That is an interesting point. I had not considered it before, but that is right. It also incorporates magnetostatics and various equilibrium assumptions
  • #12
ZapperZ said:
No, it isn't. That's like insisting "theory" is theory, and using the layman's use of it to apply everywhere. Where is it written that this is the ONLY way to use that word?

If that is the approach you are taking, then this whole discussion is pointless, because you are applying an irrelevant set of rules to something where it wasn't meant to be used. There's nothing written anywhere that "statics is statics"? You made that up, and arbitrarily applying it. Go to your Engineering Statics professors and try to sell your idea to them and see how that goes.

Besides, what makes you think this application is a one-way street? Why can't the "statics" as used in electrostatics be applied to Engineering Statics? After all, if you think about it, the condition used in E&M is a lot more GENERAL, and encompasses what is used in Engineering Statics. What arbitrary rules did you made up to allow for this one-way application?

I see this topic as going nowhere fast.


I think I see what your getting at, perhaps I'm misunderstanding the concept of electrostatics. In an attempt to learn, I'm using concepts familiar to me and trying to form a link to enlighten myself elsewhere. I must be misunderstanding the intent of particular examples problems introducing Coulombs Law. I shall continue to study further.

Although, I believe I have an idea of how Coulomb formulated his Law through his torsion balance experiment, it has been eluding me how it can apply to charges in space. I now see I have been assuming too much, and the example problems I'm using aren't intended to show equilibrium, as such of Engineering Statics.

Thanks for everyones help:)

EDIT: Wikipedia defines electrostatics as "charges at rest." This would agree with what I'm trying to define as "static," or in equilibrium.
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  • #13
Jurtinus said:
EDIT: Wikipedia defines electrostatics as "charges at rest." This would agree with what I'm trying to define as "static," or in equilibrium
Even “charges at rest” would still allow non electric forces.
  • #14
Dale said:
Even “charges at rest” would still allow non electric forces.

Yes, I understand equilibrium. But not a net force in equilibrium.
  • #15
Jurtinus said:
EDIT: Wikipedia defines electrostatics as "charges at rest." This would agree with what I'm trying to define as "static," or in equilibrium.

But here again you are confusing "source" charge with "test" charge!

If the source charge, i.e. the charge that is the source of the electric field, are "static" or not moving, then the electric field are also fixed in space at time. This is EXACTLY what I stated in one of my posts!

However, you then claim that this means there's no net force, as in "engineering statics", where everything is not only stationary, but also has net zero force. This is not true in electrostatic, because I can put another charge (the "test" charge) in the static electric field and that charge will experience a net force! This is the coulomb force.

The problem here is that it appears that you have on learned about electric field yet, and how coulomb's law can be obtained by the introduction of a charge into this electric field.

  • #16
Jurtinus said:
Yes, I understand equilibrium. But not a net force in equilibrium.
Yes, but the total electric force may be nonzero, which is what Coulomb’s law describes.
  • #17
ZapperZ said:
But here again you are confusing "source" charge with "test" charge!

If the source charge, i.e. the charge that is the source of the electric field, are "static" or not moving, then the electric field are also fixed in space at time. This is EXACTLY what I stated in one of my posts!

However, you then claim that this means there's no net force, as in "engineering statics", where everything is not only stationary, but also has net zero force. This is not true in electrostatic, because I can put another charge (the "test" charge) in the static electric field and that charge will experience a net force! This is the coulomb force.

The problem here is that it appears that you have on learned about electric field yet, and how coulomb's law can be obtained by the introduction of a charge into this electric field.


I believe to understand all that you have said, this isn’t my first time dealing with electromagnetism.

If, instead, we drop an actual charge. Would it not either repel/attract from/to the source charge?

If so, than all I’m claiming is impending motion of the test charge, which describes a net force.

If not, than I’m utterly confused.

  • #18
Dale said:
Yes, but the total electric force may be nonzero, which is what Coulomb’s law describes.

This would then give rise to motion, no?

  • #19
Jurtinus said:
This would then give rise to motion, no?
No, not if there were other forces.

This goes back to your extra unnecessary assumption that I pointed out earlier

Jurtinus said:
If so, than all I’m claiming is impending motion of the test charge, which describes a net force.
It is only a net force under an additional and unnecessary assumption
  • #20
Jurtinus said:
I believe to understand all that you have said, this isn’t my first time dealing with electromagnetism.

If, instead, we drop an actual charge. Would it not either repel/attract from/to the source charge?

If so, than all I’m claiming is impending motion of the test charge, which describes a net force.

If not, than I’m utterly confused.


I have no idea what you said here.

The "test" charge that I stated is the charge that you put in an electric field, and which you are finding the Coulomb's force for!

  • #21
Dale said:
No, not if there were other forces.

This goes back to your extra unnecessary assumption that I pointed out earlier

It is only a net force under an additional and unnecessary assumption

I have made assumptions to simplify the matter, since the examples I was looking at were introductory (which are never complete in the first place). In fact, I suspect these examples to be the source of my confusion.

For clarity, I’ll post the example problem. Please take it as is, and no more.

  • #22
The initial problem

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Sears & Zemansky's University Physics w/ Modern Physics 13th ed., Young & Freedman, 2012



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  • #23
So what’s the issue here? How does this problem somehow resulted in this thread?

  • #24
ZapperZ said:
So what’s the issue here? How does this problem somehow resulted in this thread?


There is a net force, the particle isn't in equilibrium. Coulombs law, based on electrostatics or equilibrium (from what I understand).

1) How can there be a net force if the particle is in equilibrium?
2) If the particle is not in equilibrium, how does Coulombs law apply?

These were all my original inquiries, wether or not I made that clear.

  • #25
Jurtinus said:
There is a net force, the particle isn't in equilibrium. Coulombs law, based on electrostatics or equilibrium (from what I understand).

1) How can there be a net force if the particle is in equilibrium?
2) If the particle is not in equilibrium, how does Coulombs law apply?

These were all my original inquiries, wether or not I made that clear.


And again, it is a misuse of the term "static" in this case. It does NOT mean it is in equilibrium. It means that the electric field that the center charge sees does not change with time at that location, thus a "static", non-time varying field.

Static in "engineering static" means not moving. "Electrostatic" here means it is not time varying.

If you have such inflexibility in adapting to the various different rules and definitions, you will have a rough time in school.

  • #26
ZapperZ said:
And again, it is a misuse of the term "static" in this case. It does NOT mean it is in equilibrium. It means that the electric field that the center charge sees does not change with time at that location, thus a "static", non-time varying field.

Static in "engineering static" means not moving. "Electrostatic" here means it is not time varying.

If you have such inflexibility in adapting to the various different rules and definitions, you will have a rough time in school.


Why then, does Wiki and Young & Freedman define electrostatics as “charges at rest”?


EDIT: Perhaps, the source charge is at rest?
  • #27
Jurtinus said:
There is a net force, the particle isn't in equilibrium. Coulombs law, based on electrostatics or equilibrium (from what I understand).
Indeed, the problem is one where Coulomb’s law is not clearly applicable. I assume that in the broader context of the chapter it is obvious, but I agree with your objection in the specific context of this problem.

Often simplified laws are applied even when the exact assumptions are violated. In such a case it is important to understand when you can get away with the approximation. Chapter 3 below is a good explanation
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  • #28
Jurtinus said:
Why then, does Wiki and Young & Freedman define electrostatics as “charges at rest”?

Those are the SOURCE charges. They are the two charges on the two ends. The TEST charges is the one in the middle, because that is the charge where you are calculating the force for!

The two source charges are NOT MOVING, resulting in electric field that is STATIC WITH TIME atthe middle test charge. The middle test charge still has a NET FORCE. Nothing is moving with respect to time in that problem.

When will this sink in?

  • #29
I'm terribly sorry, but I've made a mistake. The entire problem wasn't shown...

Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 8.18.01 PM.png

Sears & Zemansky's University Physics w/ Modern Physics 13th ed., Young & Freedman, 2012

Dale: I'm unsure wether your reply would change. Thanks for the book! Although, it seems too advance at first glance. But I hope to get to this point.

ZapperZ: My mistake aside, from the FBD alone, the particle would have to be in motion or impending motion. This is where you lose me.

Thanks again:)
Sorry for the mistake:(


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  • #30
Dale said:
Indeed, the problem is one where Coulomb’s law is not clearly applicable. I assume that in the broader context of the chapter it is obvious, but I agree with your objection in the specific context of this problem.

Often simplified laws are applied even when the exact assumptions are violated. In such a case it is important to understand when you can get away with the approximation. Chapter 3 below is a good explanation

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  • #31
ZapperZ said:
Those are the SOURCE charges. They are the two charges on the two ends. The TEST charges is the one in the middle, because that is the charge where you are calculating the force for!

The two source charges are NOT MOVING, resulting in electric field that is STATIC WITH TIME atthe middle test charge. The middle test charge still has a NET FORCE. Nothing is moving with respect to time in that problem.

When will this sink in?


New to PF, not sure if you've been notified. Check above.
  • #32
Jurtinus said:
Dale: I'm unsure wether your reply would change.
Yes, it does change. The additional information clearly specifies that the charges are at fixed locations.
Coulomb’s law clearly applies as specified.

The FBD seems incomplete.
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  • #33
Jurtinus said:
There is a net force, the particle isn't in equilibrium.


1) How can there be a net force if the particle is in equilibrium?

The particle is not in equilibrium.

2) If the particle is not in equilibrium, how does Coulombs law apply?

Because the particles are not moving.
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  • #34
Dale said:
Yes, it does change. The additional information clearly specifies that the charges are at fixed locations.
Coulomb’s law clearly applies as specified.

The FBD seems incomplete.

What if it is not. Could Coulombs Law alone suggest the impending motion of a particle at an instant, without the need of additional conditions? Such as Coulombs dry friction, covered in engineering statics.

  • #35
Jurtinus said:
ZapperZ: My mistake aside, from the FBD alone, the particle would have to be in motion or impending motion. This is where you lose me.

Thanks again:)
Sorry for the mistake:(

The FBD has nothing to do with the particle being in motion or not. The FBD shows the forces acting on the particle at that particular instant at that particular location.

If you let the situation continues, then the particle will move, and now, we no longer have the same situation as before because at a different location, the forces will be different. Furthermore, a moving change in a changing electric field (the electric field can be different at different locations) has other complications added to it that is NOT covered here.

You will deal with uniform electric field soon enough, and you'll see the case of charged particle moving in such a field. In that case, then you have the same kinematical equation that you had when dealing with particles in a uniform gravitational field.

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