Coulomb's law without a pure inverse square relationship?

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential consequences of an electric force with finite range instead of a pure inverse square force. This would greatly affect Maxwell's equations and electromagnetism, as well as quantum mechanics and atomic physics. The Yukawa potential, which describes the potential due to a field with mass, is also discussed as an example of a potential with finite range. Its Green's function, which represents the solution for a point charge, is derived and shown to be dependent on the mass of the field.
  • #1
If we try to imagine how things would be if electric force were not a pure inverse square force but instead a force with finite range, for instance, a force varying like $$e^{-\lambda r}\over r^2$$, ...

Then it goes on explaining how Gauss law would fail because for a very large surface, E field would be vanish with flux through it and though we can calculate div for this field it won't depend on source density.

But I don't get what makes this particular function so evil that it would break physics, I can see that fallout rate is exponentially large for this function than would for a "pure inverse relationship".

Basically I want to know what makes this function so different than the ##1/r^2## relationship ?
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  • #2
Buffu said:
Then it goes on explaining how Gauss law would fail because for a very large surface, E field would be vanish with flux through it and though we can calculate div for this field it won't depend on source density.

But I don't get what makes this particular function so evil that it would break physics, I can see that fallout rate is exponentially large for this function than would for a "pure inverse relationship".

Basically I want to know what makes this function so different than the ##1/r^2## relationship ?

"Break physics" is too vague. I think the main point is that there are consequences beyond the obvious. Maxwell's equations and all of electromagnetism would be much different.

Physics would still work, but it would work much differently from what we are used to.
  • #3
Dr. Courtney said:
"Break physics" is too vague. I think the main point is that there are consequences beyond the obvious. Maxwell's equations and all of electromagnetism would be much different.

Physics would still work, but it would work much differently from what we are used to.

So nothing special about ##e^{-ar}/r^2## ? it could be anything except ##1/r^2## ?
  • #4
Buffu said:
So nothing special about ##e^{-ar}/r^2## ? it could be anything except ##1/r^2## ?

Yes, but things that fall off faster than ##1/r^2## turn out to be much different from things that fall off slower than ##1/r^2##.

##1/r^2## is unique and special for lots of reasons, among them are Gauss's law and Maxwell's equations. But there are also some symmetries to ##1/r^2## that give rise to special and unique things in quantum mechanics: for example the degenerate energy levels of the hydrogen atom. Atomic physics and chemistry will all change significantly if there are significant deviations from the existing Coulomb's law.
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  • #5
The Yukawa potential is the static potential due to a field with mass. In this case instead of the Poisson Equation you get
Now to get the Green function, i.e., the solution for a poin charge ##\rho=Q \delta^{(3)}(\vec{x})##, use a Fourier transform,
$$\phi(\vec{x})=\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{k} \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^3} \tilde{\phi}(\vec{k}) \exp(\mathrm{i} \vec{x} \cdot \vec{k}).$$
Inserting this ansatz into the equation you get
$$(k^2+m^2) \tilde{\phi}=1 \; \Rightarrow \; \tilde{\phi}(\vec{k})=\frac{1}{k^2+m^2}.$$
For the Fourier integral you introduce spherical coordinates with the polar axis along ##\vec{x}##. After some algebra you are left with
$$\phi(\vec{x})=\frac{1}{4 \pi^2 r} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mathrm{d} k \frac{k}{k^2+m^2} \sin(k r).$$
This integral can be solved with the usual trick making ##k## complex and close the contour by a large semicircle in the upper (lower) plane for the ##\exp(\mathrm{i} k r)## (##\exp(-\mathrm{i} k r)##) part of the sine. You pick up the poles at ##\mathrm{i} m## (##-\mathrm{i}m##), respectively, leading finally to
$$\phi(\vec{x})=\frac{1}{4 \pi r^2} \exp(-m r).$$
Of course, for ##m=0## you get back the Green's function for ##-\Delta##, i.e., the Coulomb potential for a unit charge.
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FAQ: Coulomb's law without a pure inverse square relationship?

1. What is Coulomb's law without a pure inverse square relationship?

Coulomb's law without a pure inverse square relationship is a modified version of the original Coulomb's law, which states that the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In this modified version, the force is still directly proportional to the product of the charges, but the inverse square relationship is replaced with a different mathematical relationship.

2. Why is the pure inverse square relationship not always applicable?

The pure inverse square relationship in Coulomb's law assumes that the charged particles are point charges and that the electric field is uniform throughout the space. In reality, charged particles have a finite size and the electric field may not be uniform in all situations, which can cause deviations from the pure inverse square relationship.

3. What is the modified mathematical relationship in Coulomb's law without a pure inverse square relationship?

The modified mathematical relationship in Coulomb's law without a pure inverse square relationship is known as the inverse power law. It states that the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to a power of the distance between them, rather than the square of the distance.

4. How does the inverse power law affect the strength of the electric force?

The strength of the electric force in Coulomb's law without a pure inverse square relationship is affected by the power of the distance in the inverse power law. As the power increases, the force decreases at a faster rate with increasing distance, resulting in a weaker force compared to the pure inverse square relationship.

5. What are some real-life examples where Coulomb's law without a pure inverse square relationship is applicable?

Coulomb's law without a pure inverse square relationship is applicable in situations where the charged particles are not point charges and the electric field is not uniform. Some real-life examples include the interactions between two atoms or molecules, the behavior of electric circuits, and the motion of charged particles in non-uniform electric fields.

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