Count Arrangements of 16 Balls in 4 Drawers-At Least 3 Each

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In summary, the number of ways to insert 16 similar balls into 4 drawers such that each drawer has at least 3 balls is equal to the number of multisets of size 16 consisting of 4 distinct elements. This can be calculated using the multiset coefficient, which has a one-to-one correspondence with the number of combinations with repetitions. The formula for the multiset coefficient is \left(\!\!\!\binom{n}{k}\!\!\!\right)=\binom{n+k-1}{k}.
  • #1

* How many ways we can insert 16 similar balls to 4 drawers such that in every drawer we have at least 3 balls?

So I know we have to insert at first 3 balls to every drawer and the remainder is 4 balls.
But how can I calculate the amount of possibilities to insert 4 balls to 4 drawers without any limit?

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  • #2
The number of ways $k$ indistinguishable balls can be put into $n$ drawers is equal to the number of multisets of cardinality, or size, $k$ consisting of $n$ distinct elements. (I explain why below.) This number is often denoted by \(\displaystyle \left(\!\!\!\binom{n}{k}\!\!\!\right)\) and is called a multiset coefficient. Just like the binomial coefficient \(\displaystyle \binom{n}{k}\) equals the number of subsets, or combinations in combinatorics parlance, of size $k$ taken from a set of size $n$, the multiset coefficient \(\displaystyle \left(\!\!\!\binom{n}{k}\!\!\!\right)\) equals the number of multisets, or combinations with repetitions, of size $k$ whose elements come from a set of size $n$. Note that unlike the number of combinations, in the latter case $k$ can be greater than $n$ because elements in a multiset can be repeated.

There is a one-to-one correspondence between multisets of size $k$ drawn from a set of size $n$ and $n$ drawers that have $k$ balls combined inside them. For example, if $n=4$ and $k=5$, the multiset $\{1,1,3,4,4\}$ corresponds to the situation where drawer 1 has two balls, drawer 3 has one ball and drawer 4 has two balls.

Finally, \(\displaystyle \left(\!\!\!\binom{n}{k}\!\!\!\right)=\binom{n+k-1}{k}\). This is explained in Wikipedia and in the linked article there.

FAQ: Count Arrangements of 16 Balls in 4 Drawers-At Least 3 Each

1. How many possible ways can 16 balls be arranged in 4 drawers with at least 3 balls in each drawer?

The total number of arrangements can be calculated using the formula for combinations with repetition, which is (n + r - 1)C(r), where n is the number of objects (16 balls) and r is the number of groups (4 drawers). So in this case, the number of possible arrangements is (16+4-1)C(4) = 19C4 = 3876 ways.

2. Is it possible to have all 16 balls in one drawer?

No, since the problem states that there must be at least 3 balls in each drawer, it is not possible to have all 16 balls in one drawer.

3. How many arrangements are there if each drawer can hold a maximum of 5 balls?

In this case, we have to consider the fact that some drawers may have less than 3 balls. So we can use the formula for combinations with repetition again, but with the restriction that no group can have more than 5 objects. This gives us (16+4-1)C(4,5) = 19C4,5 = 170 ways.

4. Can we calculate the number of arrangements using factorial notation?

Yes, we can use the formula for permutations with repetition, which is n^r, where n is the number of objects (16 balls) and r is the number of groups (4 drawers). So in this case, the number of arrangements is 16^4 = 65536.

5. Is there a more efficient way to calculate the number of arrangements?

Yes, we can use the concept of stars and bars to calculate the number of arrangements. In this case, we have 16 stars (representing the 16 balls) and 3 bars (representing the 3 dividers between the 4 drawers). So the number of arrangements can be calculated using the formula (n+r-1)C(r-1), which gives us (16+3-1)C(3-1) = 18C2 = 153 ways.
