Countable compactness vs. limit point compactness

In summary: Yes, that's correct. We can just take a countable subset of S and use the same argument to show that it has no limit points, and thus is closed and satisfies the conditions for a countable cover without a finite subcover. So we can use it in the proof to show that X is not countably compact.
  • #1
Homework Helper

Homework Statement

If X is a T1 space, countable compactness is equivalent to limit point compactness.

The Attempt at a Solution


Let X be limit point compact, and assume X is not countable compact. So, there exists a countable open cover for X such that no finite subcover covers X. So there is an element x1 not belonging to U1, x2 not belonging to U1 U U2, etc. in general xn doesn't belong to U1 U ... U Un. Now, the infinite set S = {x1, x2, ...} has a limit point x. Since X is T1, every neighborhood of x intersects S in infinitely many points. Let Uj be an open set from the countable open cover containing x (and infinitely many points of S). Choose a finite number of sets which cover the finite number of remaining elements of S, let's say m of them. Now we have a finite subcover which covers X, contradicting the fact that X is not countable compact.


Now, this is the direction I'm having trouble with, however I attack the problem, I don't seem to get anywhere. Any suggestions?
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  • #2
Claim: If S has no limit points, then the complement of S is open.

Use this along with some choice neighborhoods of elements of S to construct a countable cover with no finite subcover. You don't even need T1 to do this direction
  • #4
If S has no limit points. Then S is closed.
Furthermore, for every x in S there exists an open set [tex]G_x[/tex] such that [tex]G_x\cap S=\{x\} [/tex]

Then [tex]\{G_x~\vert~x\in S\}\cup \{X\setminus S\} [/tex] is the open cover your looking for.

Can you tell what about that link you found bothering? Their definition of limit point is not the same as our definition of limit point (allthough in T1 spaces it is the same).
  • #5
micromass said:
If S has no limit points. Then S is closed.
Furthermore, for every x in S there exists an open set [tex]G_x[/tex] such that [tex]G_x\cap S=\{x\} [/tex]

Then [tex]\{G_x~\vert~x\in S\}\cup \{X\setminus S\} [/tex] is the open cover your looking for.

Can you tell what about that link you found bothering? Their definition of limit point is not the same as our definition of limit point (allthough in T1 spaces it is the same).

Out definition of a limit point is:

"x is a limit point of the set A if every neighborhood of x intersects A in some point other than x itself "

  • #6

While in the other tread a limit point was a point x such that every neighbourhood of x contains infinitely many points of A. In standard terminology this is called a [tex]\omega[/tex]-accumulation point.
  • #7
micromass said:

While in the other tread a limit point was a point x such that every neighbourhood of x contains infinitely many points of A. In standard terminology this is called a [tex]\omega[/tex]-accumulation point.

OK. By the way, as mentioned above, if X is a T1 space, then every limit point is an accumulation point, i.e. x is a limit point of A if and only if every neighborhood of X contains infinitely many points of A.

micromass said:
If S has no limit points. Then S is closed.
Furthermore, for every x in S there exists an open set [tex]G_x[/tex] such that [tex]G_x\cap S=\{x\} [/tex]

Then [tex]\{G_x~\vert~x\in S\}\cup \{X\setminus S\} [/tex] is the open cover your looking for.

OK, so the strategy of our proof for this direction is to prove the contrapositive right?

So, if X is not limit point compact, X is not countable compact. Somehow I expect to find a countable open cover for X with no finite subcover, but I don't see how what you wrote fits into it? Perhaps I misunderstood it.
  • #8
radou said:
OK. By the way, as mentioned above, if X is a T1 space, then every limit point is an accumulation point, i.e. x is a limit point of A if and only if every neighborhood of X contains infinitely many points of A.

Yes. In fact a space is T1 if and only if every limit point is an [tex]\omega[/tex]-accumulation point.

radou said:
OK, so the strategy of our proof for this direction is to prove the contrapositive right?

So, if X is not limit point compact, X is not countable compact. Somehow I expect to find a countable open cover for X with no finite subcover, but I don't see how what you wrote fits into it? Perhaps I misunderstood it.

Yes, so the proof is contrapositive. It goes like this:

If X is not limit point compact, then there exists a set S without limit point.
If S has no limit points. Then S is closed.
Furthermore, for every x in S there exists an open set[tex]G_x[/tex] such that [tex]G_x\cap S=\{x\}[/tex].

Then [tex]\{G_x~\vert~x\in S\}\cup \{X\setminus S\}[/tex] is a countable cover without finite subcover. Thus X is not countably compact.

Note that we did not use the T1 property here. Thus countably compact [tex]\Rightarrow[/tex] limit point compact is always true.
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  • #9
Hm, but how do we know that S is countable? (which implies that the family Gx is countable)
  • #10
Ah yes. That's a little gap in the proof. But it's easily solved. Let S be a set without limit points, then any countable subset of S also has no limit points. So we can assume S to be countable.
  • #11
micromass said:
Ah yes. That's a little gap in the proof. But it's easily solved. Let S be a set without limit points, then any countable subset of S also has no limit points. So we can assume S to be countable.

So, basically, instead of S, in our proof we take a countable subset S' of S and complete the proof with it, right?
  • #13
OK, thanks a lot for your help!

Related to Countable compactness vs. limit point compactness

1. What is the difference between countable compactness and limit point compactness?

Countable compactness and limit point compactness are both properties of topological spaces. Countable compactness means that every countable open cover of the space has a finite subcover, while limit point compactness means that every infinite subset of the space has a limit point. Essentially, countable compactness deals with the covering of a space, while limit point compactness deals with the behavior of points in the space.

2. Can a space be countably compact but not limit point compact?

Yes, it is possible for a space to be countably compact but not limit point compact. An example of such a space is the topologist's sine curve, which is countably compact but does not have a limit point for its vertical segment.

3. Is every limit point compact space also countably compact?

Yes, every limit point compact space is also countably compact. This is because if every infinite subset has a limit point, then any countable subset must also have a limit point, and therefore can be covered by a finite subcover.

4. Are there any commonly used theorems that involve countable compactness or limit point compactness?

Yes, there are several commonly used theorems that involve countable compactness or limit point compactness. For example, the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, which states that every bounded sequence in Euclidean space has a convergent subsequence, relies on the limit point compactness of Euclidean space. Another example is the Heine-Borel theorem, which states that a subset of Euclidean space is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded. This theorem relies on the fact that Euclidean space is both countably compact and limit point compact.

5. How are countable compactness and limit point compactness related to other properties of topological spaces?

Countable compactness and limit point compactness are both related to other important properties of topological spaces. For example, every compact space is both limit point compact and countably compact, but the converse is not necessarily true. Also, limit point compactness implies sequential compactness, but the converse is not true in general. Additionally, both countable compactness and limit point compactness are weaker than the Hausdorff property, which states that distinct points in a space have disjoint neighborhoods.

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