Counting Quadruples of Integers: A Combinatorial Problem

  • Thread starter YAHA
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In summary: We have n+4 choices. Hence, the number of ways is \binom{n+4}{4}.In summary, the question is how many quadruples of the form (a,b,c,d) can be formed from four numbers (a,b,c,d) where 0<=a<=b<=c<=d<=n. This can be solved using the multiplication rule and summing over all possibilities. Alternatively, we can map the problem to choosing 4 distinct numbers from 0 to n+3, resulting in a total of \binom{n+4}{4} possibilities.
  • #1
This should be a simple combinatorial problem. Suppose I have a number n which is a positive integer. Suppose, that there are four numbers a,b,c,d such that 0<=a<=b<=c<=d<=n.
The question is how many quadruples of the form (a,b,c,d) can be formed out such arrangement?

I realize that this is a homework-like question, but I am really interested in seeing which principles of combinatoris would apply here.
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  • #2

Recall that if you get a number x on a particular draw, then the number of possibilities in the next draw will be n-x.

The rest is to apply the multiplication rule on these to get the number of possibilities for one particular set of observations.

Then sum over all possibilities and this will give you the total number of combinations.

So as an example, you look at the (n+1)*(n+1-x)*(n+1-y)*(n+1-z) for getting (*,x,y,z).

Now sum all of these over all consistent values of x, y, and z and that will give you the number of combinations.
  • #3
The number of quadruples is the number of multisets of 4 numbers drawn from the integers 0, 1, 2, ..., n (n+1 integers), hence

[tex]\binom{n+1+4-1}{4} = \binom{n+4}{4}[/tex]
  • #4
awkward said:
The number of quadruples is the number of multisets of 4 numbers drawn from the integers 0, 1, 2, ..., n (n+1 integers), hence

[tex]\binom{n+1+4-1}{4} = \binom{n+4}{4}[/tex]
Quite so, but I suspect that will need more detailed explanation. Here's my version, yours may be simpler.
We can map the problem into one where a< b < c < d, merely by adding 0, 1, 2, 3 respectively. Since we added 3 to d, we must also add 3 to n. So now it's a matter of the number of ways of choosing 4 distinct numbers from 0,..,n+3.
  • #5

I understand the importance of combinatorics in solving problems related to counting and arranging objects. In this case, the problem can be solved using the principles of combinations and permutations.

Firstly, we can see that the values of a, b, c, d are restricted to be between 0 and n, with a being the smallest and d being the largest. This suggests that we are dealing with combinations, as the order of the numbers does not matter.

To find the number of possible combinations, we can use the formula for combinations, which is nCr = n! / (r!(n-r)!). In this case, we have 4 numbers to choose from (a, b, c, d) and we need to choose 4 of them, so n = 4 and r = 4. Thus, the total number of combinations would be 4C4 = 4! / (4!(4-4)!) = 1.

However, this only gives us the total number of combinations without considering the restrictions on the values of a, b, c, d. To account for these restrictions, we need to use the principle of inclusion-exclusion.

Firstly, we need to consider the restriction that 0 <= a <= b <= c <= d <= n. This means that the values of a, b, c, d can be chosen from a range of n+1 numbers (0, 1, 2, ..., n). Therefore, the total number of combinations without any restrictions would be (n+1)C4.

However, this includes combinations where a, b, c, d are not in increasing order. To account for this, we need to subtract the number of combinations where the values are not in increasing order. This can be calculated by considering the number of ways to arrange 4 numbers in decreasing order, which is 4!. Therefore, the total number of combinations with this restriction would be (n+1)C4 - 4!.

Similarly, we need to consider the other restrictions on the values of a, b, c, d. This would include the restriction that a, b, c, d cannot be greater than n. This can be calculated by considering the number of combinations where at least one of the values is greater than n, which would be (n+1)C4 - (n+1).

Finally, we need to add back the number of combinations

FAQ: Counting Quadruples of Integers: A Combinatorial Problem

What are quadruples of integers?

Quadruples of integers refer to a set of four numbers that are all integers, meaning they are whole numbers without any decimals or fractions.

How are quadruples of integers different from regular numbers?

Quadruples of integers are different from regular numbers in that they are composed of four separate integers, while regular numbers may have decimals or fractions.

What is an example of a quadruple of integers?

An example of a quadruple of integers is (2, 5, -1, 7). This set of numbers contains four integers: 2, 5, -1, and 7.

How are quadruples of integers used in scientific research?

Quadruples of integers may be used in scientific research to represent a set of four variables or quantities in an experiment or study. They may also be used in mathematical equations and calculations.

Are there any special properties or rules associated with quadruples of integers?

Yes, there are several properties and rules that apply to quadruples of integers. For example, the sum, difference, product, and quotient of any two quadruples of integers will always result in another quadruple of integers.

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