Coupled Harmonic oscillator problem

In summary, the problem discussed is about coupled harmonic oscillators with two masses attached to two rigid supports by springs. A third spring of force constant k3 is also connected between the two masses. The masses are free to move along the x-axis without damping. The equations of motion for the system can be set up using the equation m1\ddot{x} = -k1x for the first mass and m2\ddot{x} = -k2x for the second mass. The equations also take into account the displacement of each mass, x1 and x2, and the force constant of the third spring, k3. However, there may be a problem with the signs in the equations.
  • #1
I need your help to solve this problem on coupled harmonic oscillators.

Two masses m1 and m2 are attached to two rigid supports by means of springs of force constants k1 and k2 respectively. The masses are connected to a third spring of force constant k3. The masses are free to move along the x-axis, assuming there is no damping. Set up the equations of motion for the system.

My work:

I suppose the third spring is connected in between the two masses.
Equation for first mass is:
[tex]m_1\ddot{x} = -k_1x[/tex]
Equation for second mass is:
[tex]m_2\ddot{x} = -k_2x[/tex]

Now please help me proceed to setup the equation for the 2 connected masses.
Physics news on
  • #2
what you did didnt seem to cosnider the third spring
let it be in this order
k1 m1 k3 m2 k2 (thats how the steup would be, I am too lazy to draw a diagram)
suppose m1 was moved right or left) by some amount x1 then m2 may also move some amount x2 right?
i don't think it is necessary for x1 = x2.
so your equation is now (if i took the left direction to be positive)
[tex] m \ddot{x} = k_{1}x_{1} + k_{3}(x_{2}-x_{1}) [/tex]
[tex] m \ddot{x} = k_{2}x_{2} + k_{3}(x_{2}-x_{1}) [/tex]

thats my two cents
i think they may be a problem with the signs...

FAQ: Coupled Harmonic oscillator problem

1. What is a coupled harmonic oscillator problem?

A coupled harmonic oscillator problem refers to a system of two or more oscillators that are connected or coupled to each other in some way. This coupling can be through a spring, a string, or any other mechanical connection. The motion of one oscillator affects the motion of the others, making the problem more complex than that of a single oscillator.

2. What is the equation for a coupled harmonic oscillator?

The equation for a coupled harmonic oscillator is similar to that of a single harmonic oscillator, but with an added term to account for the coupling between the oscillators. The equation is: m1x1'' + k1x1 + kc(x1 - x2) = 0, where m1 and m2 are the masses, k1 and k2 are the spring constants, and kc is the coupling constant.

3. How do you solve a coupled harmonic oscillator problem?

The coupled harmonic oscillator problem can be solved using various methods, such as the method of undetermined coefficients, the method of variation of parameters, or by using the matrix method. These methods involve solving the differential equations that describe the motion of the oscillators and finding the general solution, which can then be used to determine the specific solution for the given initial conditions.

4. What is the significance of coupled harmonic oscillators?

Coupled harmonic oscillators have important applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. They can be used to model many real-world systems, such as mechanical systems, electrical circuits, and even molecular vibrations. They also help us understand the concept of resonance and how it can be used to our advantage in various applications.

5. Can coupled harmonic oscillators exhibit chaotic behavior?

Yes, coupled harmonic oscillators can exhibit chaotic behavior, especially when the coupling is strong and the initial conditions are carefully chosen. This means that the motion of the oscillators becomes unpredictable and highly sensitive to initial conditions. This chaotic behavior has been observed in many physical systems, including coupled pendulums and electrical circuits.
