Coupled Oscillator: Solving Initial Forces & Finding Eigenvalues

In summary, the conversation discusses two masses attached by springs, with the spring constants and displacements denoted as k_n and x_n respectively. The problem at hand is formulating the initial forces on these masses, with one attempt using matrix algebra to find the normal modes of the system. However, this approach leads to imaginary angular frequencies. The final solution involves revising the initial formulation of the forces.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two masses attached via springs (see picture attachment). [tex]k_n[/tex] represents the spring constant of the [tex]n^{th}[/tex] spring, [tex]x_n[/tex] represents the displacement from the natural length of the spring.

There are two masses, [tex]m_1[/tex] and [tex]m_2[/tex].2. The attempt at a solution

My problem is formulating the initial forces on these. Here's what I've tried (with reference to the attached picture):

Mass [tex]m_1[/tex] has a force

[tex]F_1 = -k_1 x_1 + k_2 x_2[/tex]

acting on it. We take right as the positive [tex]x[/tex] direction, so mass 1 has the tension in spring 1 acting on it to the left, as well as the tension of spring 2 acting to the right.

Mass [tex]m_2[/tex] has a force

[tex]F_2 = -k_2 x_2 - k_3 x_3 = -x_2 (k_2 + k_3) - x_1 k_3[/tex]

acting on it; spring 2 acts to the left (it's trying to contract), and spring 3, the longest spring, also acts to the left. Here is the assumption I'm unsure about, that the displacement of spring 3, [tex]x_3[/tex], is equal to the sum of the other two springs. I know I'll need to express [tex]x_3[/tex] in terms of [tex]x_1, x_2[/tex] as these correspond to the displacements of the masses, but this solution doesn't work.

3. Solving the equations

I'm OK with this part, I'm using matrix algebra to find the normal modes of the system (the eigenvalues). However, using the above logic I would end up with imaginary angular frequencies:

\[ \left(
m_1 & 0\\
0 & m_2
k_1 & -k_2\\
k_3 & k_2 + k_3

Eventually giving:

\[ \left|
\frac{k_{1}}{m_{1}}-\omega^{2} & -\frac{k_{2}}{m_{1}}\\
\frac{k_{3}}{m_{2}} & \frac{k_{2}+k_{3}}{m_{2}} - \omega^{2}

And the solutions to the quadratic in [tex]\omega^{2}[/tex] that this produces has imaginary roots, which is not ideal!

So; which initial formulation will help me?


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  • #2

[tex]F_{1} = -k_{1}x_{1} - k_{2}x_{1} + k_{2}x_{2}[/tex]
[tex]F_{2} = -k_{3}x_{2} + k_{2}x_{1} - k_{2}x_{2}[/tex]

Thanks all the same!

FAQ: Coupled Oscillator: Solving Initial Forces & Finding Eigenvalues

1. What is a coupled oscillator?

A coupled oscillator is a system of two or more oscillators that are connected or coupled together in some way. The oscillators can be physical systems, such as pendulums or springs, or they can be mathematical systems, such as differential equations.

2. How do you solve for initial forces in a coupled oscillator system?

To solve for initial forces in a coupled oscillator system, you need to use the equations of motion for the individual oscillators and apply the principle of superposition. This allows you to break down the forces acting on each oscillator and solve for their initial values.

3. What are eigenvalues in a coupled oscillator system?

Eigenvalues in a coupled oscillator system are the values of the system's parameters that satisfy a special equation, known as the characteristic equation. They represent the natural frequencies of the system and can be used to determine the stability and behavior of the oscillators.

4. How do you find eigenvalues in a coupled oscillator system?

To find eigenvalues in a coupled oscillator system, you need to set up the characteristic equation and solve for the values of the system's parameters that make the equation equal to zero. This can be done by hand or using mathematical software.

5. Why is solving for eigenvalues important in a coupled oscillator system?

Solving for eigenvalues in a coupled oscillator system allows you to understand the behavior and stability of the system. The eigenvalues determine the natural frequencies of the oscillators, which can help predict how the system will respond to external forces and disturbances. They also provide important information for designing and optimizing coupled oscillator systems for specific applications.
