Coupled Oscillators Initial Conditions and Phase

In summary: So, when the initial velocities are zero, the phases are zero. The book is not guessing at all. In summary, when the initial velocities for a coupled oscillator system are zero, the phases of the solutions are also zero. This is not a guess, but rather a result of taking derivatives and evaluating them at the initial time. This simplifies the equations and makes the solution easier to find.
  • #1
Hello I have a question about coupled oscillators and what initial conditions affect what constants of integration.

In the book I have, A.P. French Vibrations and Waves, the guesses at solutions are chosen at random and sometimes do include a phase shift, while sometimes they dont.

For solutions to a coupled oscillator example (two masses, three equal strings, no damping) there is a set of two equations

x1 = a*cos(w1*t+A1) + b*cos(w1*t + A2)
x2 = a*cos(w1*t+A1) - b*cos(w1*t + A2)

and this is based on the guess that one solution to the initial differential equation was of the form

x = C*cos(w*t + A)

I get why and how that is, but when assuming that the initial velocities are zero, the book just guesses at a solution of the form

x = C*cos(w*t), without the phase.

Which would give something of the form

x1 = a*cos(w1*t) + b*cos(w1*t)
x2 = a*cos(w1*t) - b*cos(w1*t)

I have to deal with a problem where I have initial values for the displacement, but the velocities are assumed to be zero.

Obviously, the first case, where there are phases, requires me to solve for 4 unknowns {a, b, A1, A2}

But if I use the latter case without A1, A2, the job is easier.

My question is, does the assumption that the initial velocities = 0 allow me to assume A1 = A2 = 0? and get rid of the phases?

Or is it incorrect for me to assume a solution in the form described above, without the phases present (i.e. I have to find A1, A2, from my initial conditions)

The book doesn't do a good job of explaining why they guess one solution with a phase and one without, so I sometimes get confused on that.

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  • #2
The book is not guessing that when the initial velocities are zero, the phases are zero. Starting from
yklin_tux said:
x1 = a*cos(w1*t+A1) + b*cos(w1*t + A2)
x2 = a*cos(w1*t+A1) - b*cos(w1*t + A2)

and taking derivatives to find the velocities which you evaluate at ##t=0##, you get
##v_1(0)=-a \sin A_1-b \sin A_2=0##
##v_2(0)=-a \sin A_1+b \sin A_2=0##

If you add the equations, you get
##-2a \sin A_1=0##.

You have a product of three things that is equal to zero. This means that one of the following is TRUE:

1. ##2=0##, not a chance even for small values of ##2## :oldsmile:
2. ##a=0##, which is the trivial solution because it means there are no oscillations. :oldfrown:
3. ##\sin A_1 = 0## which implies that ##A_1=0##, yay! :partytime:

Similarly, by subtracting the equations you can show that #A_2=0##.

FAQ: Coupled Oscillators Initial Conditions and Phase

1. What are coupled oscillators?

Coupled oscillators are a set of two or more oscillators that are connected or interact with each other through a physical medium, such as a spring or a pendulum. These oscillators exhibit periodic motion and their behavior is influenced by the interactions between them.

2. What are initial conditions in coupled oscillators?

Initial conditions in coupled oscillators refer to the initial positions and velocities of each oscillator at the start of the system. These conditions determine the behavior of the oscillators and can greatly affect the overall motion of the system.

3. How do initial conditions affect the behavior of coupled oscillators?

The initial conditions of coupled oscillators can greatly affect the behavior of the system. For example, if the initial conditions are such that the oscillators start in phase, the amplitudes of their motion will increase and they will remain synchronized. On the other hand, if the initial conditions are such that the oscillators start out of phase, the system will exhibit beats and the oscillations will gradually become synchronized.

4. What is the phase difference between coupled oscillators?

The phase difference between coupled oscillators is the difference in the phase of their motion at a given time. It is measured in radians or degrees and can be used to describe the relationship between the oscillators. A phase difference of 0 means the oscillators are in phase, while a phase difference of π/2 or 90 degrees means they are in anti-phase.

5. How do coupled oscillators reach a steady state?

Coupled oscillators can reach a steady state when the interactions between them lead to a stable and synchronized motion. This can occur when the oscillators have similar natural frequencies and the initial conditions are such that they are in phase. In this state, the oscillations will continue with constant amplitude and frequency, as long as the external influences remain constant.
