Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0}: Exploring φ

  • Thread starter mich0144
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In summary, Hatcher defines actions as a homomorphism from a group to a space. An action of a group on a space is a map from the space to itself which is continuous.
  • #1
Hatcher defines actions as:

Given a group G and a space Y , then an action of G on Y is a homomorphism ρ from G to the group Homeo(Y ) of all homeomorphisms from Y to itself. Thus to each g ∈ G is associated a homeomorphism ρ(g) : Y →Y.

now the following problem:
Letφ:R2 →R2 be the linear transformation φ(x, y) = (2x, y/2). This generates an action of Z on X = R2−{0}. Show this action is a covering space action and compute π1(X/Z).

I don't understand the question, going by the definition Z is G and each integer is associated with a homeomorphism from R2−{0} to R2−{0}. So how exactly does the linear transformation generate the action. Is φ the homeomorphism (kx,y/k) associated with k in Z (in this case 2) ?
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  • #2
Consider the following less abstract but equivalent definition of group action:

Given a topological group G and a topological space X, an action of G on Y is an action of the group G on the set Y which is continuous in the obvious sense that the map G x Y --> Y is continuous from the product space G x Y to Y.

The axioms of a group action on a set means that the obvious associated map G-->{Maps Y-->Y} is a homomorphism, and in fact it takes its values in Homeo(Y) since g^-1 is sent to a continuous map Y-->Y which is the inverse of the map that is the image of g.

With this in mind, observe that a linear map L:R²-->R² induces a Z-action on R²-0 simply by k*(x,y) := L(x,y)+(k,k).

Then I believe all you have to do is check condition (*) of page 72 and apply Prop 1.40.
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  • #3
hmm thanks, so you're saying that the associated homeomorphism is L(x,y)+(k,k). so it maps a point (1,1) to (2,1/2) + (1,1) = (3,3/2) under the integer 1. How do you know this is the generated action aren't there others?
  • #4
Well, if the author is not more precise, then it means he's talking about the obvious action. This is the most obvious one to me.
  • #5
I agree quasar I'v never see a problem where they don't specify the generated action no matter how obvious it is, for ex another action where integers are associated to powers of φ(x, y) also fits the definition of a homomorphism this seems pretty natural as well, so I have no idea.
  • #6
What do you mean "powers of φ(x, y)"?
  • #7
as in each integer a is associated to (φ(x,y))^a. This works as well it seems and it's easy to see this is properly discontinuous, you can just pick your neighborhood U to be an interval less than 2x on the right endpoint and all the power translates will take it out of the neighborhood.
  • #8
What is x^a for x in R²?
  • #9
x as in the x coordinate from (x,y) in R² so k in Z corresponds to taking x,y to x*2^k, y/2^k
  • #10
See this is not a group action because Z is an additive group, so its neutral element is 0. And with your proposed action, 0 acting on (x,y) gives (1,1) and not (x,y) as it should.
  • #11
I don't understand how does 0 give (1,1), (φ(x,y))^0 gives (x*(2^0), y/(2^0)) = (x,y) In other words this is when phi is applied 0 times so nothing happens to (x,y) of course.
I think you thought it was (x*2)^k. I should have added parenthesis to begin with.
  • #12
Ok, I see. Well he is probably talking about your action then.

I just realized mine isn't good because 1 acting on (½,2) goes to (0,0) which he deliberately removed from the domain!
  • #13
yea I think that's the implied one I just got to calculate the actual fundamental group when i I get around to it thanks for the help.

FAQ: Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0}: Exploring φ

What is the Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0}?

The Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0} refers to the mathematical concept of a group action, where the group Z (the integers) acts on the set of non-zero points in R2 (the two-dimensional real numbers). This action is defined by a function called φ, which maps each integer to a specific transformation of the points in R2.

What does it mean to explore φ in this context?

In this context, exploring φ means studying the properties and behavior of the function that defines the Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0}. This can involve analyzing the mathematical structure of the function, as well as understanding how it affects the points in R2 when the group Z acts on them.

Why is the Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0} an important concept in mathematics?

The Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0} is an important concept in mathematics because it has many applications in various fields such as algebra, geometry, and topology. It provides a way to study the behavior of groups and their actions on mathematical objects, which can lead to a deeper understanding of these objects and their properties.

What are some examples of real-world applications of the Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0}?

The Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0} has numerous applications in real-world systems such as crystallography, robotics, and computer graphics. It can also be used to study the fundamental group of a topological space, which has implications in fields such as physics and engineering.

How does the Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0} relate to other mathematical concepts?

The Covering Space Action of Z on R2−{0} is closely related to other important concepts in mathematics such as group theory, symmetry, and transformation. It also has connections to other branches of mathematics such as topology, algebraic geometry, and differential equations. Understanding this concept can provide insights into these related areas and their applications.

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