CR Equations: Real & Imaginary Parts Satisfy Cont. & Diff.

In summary: this function is differentiable at every point, but the second order partial derivatives are not harmonic.
  • #1
Complex differentiable <--> real and imaginary parts satisfy C-R eqns and are cont.

Say we have a complex function f(z) we can break this into real and imaginary parts:

f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y)In my book I am told the following:(1) f complex differentiable at z0 in ℂ --> the Cauchy Reimann equations are satisfied by the partials of u and v at z0I am also told seperately:(2) For some z0 in ℂ, if the partials of u and v exist and are continuous on an open set containing z0 and they satisfy the Cauchy Reimann equatiions, then f is complex differentiable at z0Why isn't this an iff thing? It seems like the only thing keeping it from being bidiriectional is the fact that in (2) I also have to check that the partials are continuous on an open set O containing z0. But this is where my doubt arises. I am also told in my book:(3) If u and v satisfy the Cauchy Reimann equations at z0 for some neighborhood O containingi z0, then u and v are both harmonic in O. Since being harmonic requires establishing an equality between the second partial derivatives, isn't such a thing only possible if the first partial derivatives are continuous (as continuity is a essential for differentiability)? So how if u and v are harmonic shouldn't their first partials be continuous? If (1) gaurantees the Cauchy Reimann equations are satisfied which allows me to invoke (3), then doesn't (1) also gaurantee that the partials are continuous? So why can't I simply say f is differentiable at z0 in ℂ ⇔ it's real and imaginary components have partial derivatives continuous on an open set O containing z0 and these partials satisfy the Cauchy Reimann equations. Why does this need to be broken into two separate theorems?SIDE QUESTION: I know that if a complex function f is differentiable at z0 it is actually infinitely differentiable there. But are it's real and imaginary parts also infinitely differentiable? I am just getting so confused separating what I can infer about the complex function and what I can infer about its real and imaginary parts which are functions of real variables.
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  • #2

To conclude that f(z) is infinitely complex differentiable at a point z0 and that its real and imaginary parts have continuous partial derivatives of all orders in a neighborhood of z0, it is not sufficient to assume that f(z) is complex differentiable at z0, but we need to assume that this complex differentiability hold for all points in a neighborhood of z0, which is the same as saying that f is analytic (or holomorphic) at z0.

In your proposed equivalence, you must therefore not talk only about a single point z0, but about all points in some region in C.

For example, if we put f(z)=z^2 if |z| is rational and 0 otherwise, then f'(0) exists and is 0 at 0, and the first order partial derivatives of the real and imaginary parts of f exist and satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equtaions at 0 (they are all 0 there), but your proposed theorem fails there, for the partial derivatives do not exist at any point other than 0, and furthermore, f is not complex differentiable or even continuous at any other point and f is only complex differentiable one time at 0.
Your proposed theorem therefore fails for this f, but the original implication that complex differentiability at a point implies Cauchy-Riemann at that point is true also for this f.
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  • #3

ok, I think I see where I was going wrong. So in (3) that I had posted originally, this is the condition where the partials satisfy the C-R equations throughout a neighborhood containing z0, which means they are continuous in that neighborhood and f is holomorphic at z0. So the equivalence holds if f is holomorphic at z0, not simply complex differentiable.

FUrthermore, it seems you can have a function f that is complex differentiable at z0, so the C-R equations are satisfied at z0, but the partials are not necessarily harmonic. This happens when f is complex differentiable at z0 but not holomorphic at z0
  • #4

fleazo said:
ok, I think I see where I was going wrong. So in (3) that I had posted originally, this is the condition where the partials satisfy the C-R equations throughout a neighborhood containing z0, which means they are continuous in that neighborhood and f is holomorphic at z0. So the equivalence holds if f is holomorphic at z0, not simply complex differentiable.

FUrthermore, it seems you can have a function f that is complex differentiable at z0, so the C-R equations are satisfied at z0, but the partials are not necessarily harmonic. This happens when f is complex differentiable at z0 but not holomorphic at z0

Take f(z)=|z|^2 = x^2+y^2 .

Then u_x=2x ; u_y=2y ; v_x=0=v_y , u_x(0)=v_y ; u_y(0)=v_x , and

u_xx=2 =u_yy.
  • #5

I would respond by saying that the two theorems (1) and (2) are not equivalent because they are stating different conditions for the complex function f to be differentiable at z0. The first theorem states that if f is complex differentiable at z0, then its real and imaginary parts satisfy the Cauchy Reimann equations. The second theorem states that if the real and imaginary parts of f satisfy the Cauchy Reimann equations and are continuous, then f is complex differentiable at z0. These are two separate conditions that can both lead to the conclusion that f is complex differentiable at z0.

Regarding your side question, yes, if a complex function is infinitely differentiable at z0, then its real and imaginary parts are also infinitely differentiable at z0. This follows from the fact that the complex function is made up of the real and imaginary parts, and if the complex function is infinitely differentiable, then its components must also be infinitely differentiable.

Related to CR Equations: Real & Imaginary Parts Satisfy Cont. & Diff.

1. What are CR equations?

CR equations, also known as Cauchy-Riemann equations, are a set of partial differential equations that describe the relationship between the real and imaginary parts of a complex-valued function. They are used to determine if a function is differentiable at a certain point.

2. What does it mean for the real and imaginary parts to satisfy CR equations?

If the real and imaginary parts of a function satisfy CR equations at a point, it means that the function is differentiable at that point. This implies that the function is also analytic, meaning it can be expressed as a power series in a neighborhood of the point.

3. How are CR equations used in complex analysis?

CR equations are fundamental in complex analysis, as they provide a necessary condition for a function to be differentiable. This allows for the study of complex functions and their properties, such as holomorphicity, which is essential in many areas of mathematics and physics.

4. Can CR equations be solved for any complex-valued function?

No, not all complex-valued functions satisfy CR equations. However, many common functions, such as polynomials, trigonometric functions, and exponential functions do satisfy these equations. It is important to note that even if a function satisfies CR equations, it does not necessarily mean it is differentiable everywhere.

5. What is the geometric interpretation of CR equations?

The geometric interpretation of CR equations is that they describe the behavior of complex functions in terms of rotations and scalings in the complex plane. If the partial derivatives of a function meet the conditions set by CR equations, then the function preserves angles and magnitudes at a given point, similar to how a conformal map behaves.

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