Create a Versatile Light Barrier with Plasma Curtains

  • Thread starter mystic_i
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In summary, the group discusses different ways to create a light barrier in a room, but ultimately concludes that a solid partition would be the most practical option. Some suggestions brought up include using lasers, charged dust particles, and a hippie bead curtain, but the potential difficulties and drawbacks of each idea lead them to favor a simple curtain.
  • #1
Plasma Curtains or Artifical Curtains or Light Curtains..

Can anyone think of a way we can creat a light barrier that can be switched on and off to restric view ?

So you want to partition a room into put up this light barrier in the middle of the room which can be walked through but you can't see through it?
Physics news on
  • #2
I don't think so, but why not just use a curtain? You can have it open or shut by a small remote controll motor, and you can have vertical slits to make passage easier...
  • #3
Plasma, by its nature, is very hot.
Passing through a slab of this stuff would be uncomfortable.

To have light be emitted from any source, there has to be some high energy "stuff" there. You could have lasers set up so that they focus on a precise plane in the room, but you would not see any curtain unless you had some dust of some sort in that location.

This could be done if you had a dust emitter at the top of the zone and a vacuum at the bottom, so that there is a flow of this dust always at the zone where the lasers are focused. Every time you walk through, though some dust will scatter throughout the room, so it better be something totally benign and hypoallergenic.

After all this consideration, a solid partition begins to look like a better idea.
  • #4
what about a magnetically confined screen of charged smoke particles?
  • #5
Originally posted by Fuego
what about a magnetically confined screen of charged smoke particles?

We'd need to create diamagnetic dust. (or is it paramagnetic) Finely ground glass would work, but don't breathe while you go through the curtain. THen we'd need to figure out how to confine a magnetic field to a narrow plane. Not impossible, I'm sure, but it would have to include using a gigantic current (kinda spendy). THen we'd need to have something that keeps the dust from settling to the floor, since our magnetic miracle could only keep the dust from drifting forward or back.

Possible, but I still say the plastic sheet is easier!
  • #6
why not just get one of those hippie bead curtains??
  • #7
A good dust emitter would be someone (you don't like) with a chronic dandruff problem, and when you get bored of him...*shove* into the hot plasma, u get dust for a few more seconds and you can get on with what you are doing in privacy!

FAQ: Create a Versatile Light Barrier with Plasma Curtains

1. How does a plasma curtain work?

Plasma curtains use a beam of plasma, which is a gas that has been heated to extremely high temperatures, to create a barrier of light. When the plasma beam is activated, it produces a bright light that can be used to block or redirect other forms of light, such as lasers or sunlight.

2. What materials are needed to create a plasma curtain?

To create a plasma curtain, you will need a gas source, such as air or nitrogen, and a high-voltage power supply. The gas is heated to create the plasma, and the power supply is used to control the plasma beam and create the desired barrier of light.

3. Can plasma curtains be used for security purposes?

Yes, plasma curtains can be used for security purposes. They can be used to create an invisible barrier that can detect and block intruders or unauthorized objects from entering a designated area. They can also be used to redirect or disrupt laser-based security systems.

4. Are there any safety concerns with plasma curtains?

Like any technology that involves high temperatures and electricity, there are some safety concerns with plasma curtains. It is important to follow proper safety protocols and use appropriate protective gear when working with plasma. Additionally, plasma curtains should not be used in areas with flammable materials or near sensitive electronic equipment.

5. What are the potential applications of plasma curtains?

Plasma curtains have a wide range of potential applications. They can be used for security and defense purposes, as well as in industrial settings to block or redirect light during manufacturing processes. They can also be used in entertainment and stage productions to create visually stunning effects. Additionally, plasma curtains have potential uses in medical and scientific research, such as creating controlled environments for experiments.
