Create Particle: Emerge from Energy or Divide?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of particle creation and stability, specifically in relation to the Hawking radiation. It is explained that under regular circumstances, particles and antiparticles are created and then quickly recombine and annihilate. However, in the case of the "Big Bang," there may have been a mechanism for particle creation stability. The term "dirac sea" is mentioned as a potential explanation for this phenomenon.
  • #1
Gold Member
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Please forgive a (no nothing) from what i have understood, if enough energy
is poured into the vacuum, a particle can (emerge) is this particle given
existence, or is it drawn across some divide, sorry if this has been done to
death some where before.
Physics news on
  • #2
Is this question to (stupid) may be some one can tell me where to look for
the obvious ansewer :smile:
  • #3
A pair of particles can appear; you have to obey all conservation laws, so you have to produce particle-antiparticle pairs so as to average out the charge increase to zero. This has been used as a (not exactly right) explanation of Hawking radiation.
  • #4
selfAdjoint said:
A pair of particles can appear; you have to obey all conservation laws, so you have to produce particle-antiparticle pairs so as to average out the charge increase to zero. This has been used as a (not exactly right) explanation of Hawking radiation.
Thanks SA, when you say appear, does that mean they are created?
  • #5
Yeah, but under regular circumstances they must recombine and anihilate within a short period of time.
  • #6
This is a difficult question, as the created particle/antiparticle tends to seek a quick union with each other, therefore both "poofing" out of existence not long after creation.
Of course, NATURE provided some unknown mechanism for particle creation stability during the stages of the "Big Bang" or whatever flavor of creation one ascribes to.
I would venture to guess that during original "creation" that there were much more anihilations than stable "offshoots", but enough "stability" to create what we have now.
  • #7
Google "dirac sea". That should correspond to your "drawn across some divide".
  • #8
Thank you all, i will look up dirac sea.

FAQ: Create Particle: Emerge from Energy or Divide?

How does a particle emerge from energy?

Particles can be created through a process called pair production, where a high-energy photon, or particle of light, interacts with the energy inside a vacuum and creates a particle-antiparticle pair.

What is the role of energy in particle creation?

Energy is necessary for the creation of particles because it provides the necessary conditions for pair production to occur. Without sufficient energy, particles cannot be created.

Can particles also be created through division?

Yes, particles can also be created through a process called fission, where a larger particle splits into smaller particles. This process is commonly seen in nuclear reactions.

Are there any other ways for particles to be created?

Particles can also be created through fusion, where two smaller particles combine to form a larger particle. This process is commonly seen in stars and other high-energy environments.

Is the creation of particles from energy a common occurrence?

In our everyday lives, the creation of particles from energy is not a common occurrence. However, in high-energy environments such as particle accelerators and in the early stages of the universe, particle creation from energy is a common and important process.

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