Creating a Java Voice Chat Room with Admin Functions

  • Java
  • Thread starter apples
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    Chat Java
In summary: Really, unless you want to start a career in web development, I would recommend going for a pre-built and hosted solution. I've met many advanced web programmers who would not know how to build a voice chat application from the ground up.
  • #1
What I want to do is make a Voice chat room with administrative functions embedded in a website. i think the best way is to use Java, but I don't know anything about java.
i can't start from scratch and learn the language, because this is really important and I have less time.
i was hoping if any of you could help me and guide me in making one.
Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
apples said:
What I want to do is make a Voice chat room with administrative functions embedded in a website. i think the best way is to use Java, but I don't know anything about java.
i can't start from scratch and learn the language, because this is really important and I have less time.
i was hoping if any of you could help me and guide me in making one.
Thanks a lot!
You want to make a fairly complicated application in Java and you have no Java experience. That is obviously not a very good idea.

Do you have experience in other languages and with similar applications?
  • #3
nope. That's why I need help. But I don't know what to do.
  • #4
What you seem to be asking is: can you guys either write my program for me, or give me several years of programming experience in a few posts on a forum? The answer, of course, is no.

We can answer specific questions you might have, but it's too big a task for us to teach you everything you'd need to know.

- Warren
  • #5
apples said:
nope. That's why I need help. But I don't know what to do.

You don't have the ability to write this program, then.

- Warren
  • #6
Well you don't necessarily have to write it. Do you have any programming experience whatsoever?

edit: the question's actually meant for apples.
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  • #7
You should look to use a third party's chat app because there are many challenges involved with doing a multiuser application.

You need both a client component (in java or flash) and a server component (in java, flash, php, asp, c++, c or anything you want).

Building a server component with Java is a very advanced task because you'll need multithreading, shared memory, socket management, etc. Building the client component with Java is also advanced because you'll need to spend some time learning about the java audio libraries, use sockets and sign the applet.

Building the server with PHP or ASP is simpler because you don't need to explicitely use sockets and multithreading (the web server takes care of that). But, you'll still need to use shared memory and thread synchronization.
The easiest approach is to use Flash at the client and at the server use flash again running under the Flash Media Server or the old Flash Communication server. This is easier to code but a lot harder to host because most web hosts don't offer Flash Server hosting and those that do are really expensive. You'll either have to setup your own server or buy a dedicated server which is even more expensive than a flash server web host.

For setting up your own server you need to be familiar with how to setup an iis or apache environment, setup the DNS for your domain, setup the Flash Media server in case you decide to go with Flash, and get a new box. You'll also want a business package from your ISP because you want a static IP, open ports (my ISP blocks port 80 for example) and a fair amount of bandwidth (since you're looking to do a voice chat).

Notice that if you go with Java, C++, C at the server as well then you have the same hosting issues as if you went with the Flash Media Server because most hosts won't enable you to load up a custom built server listening on some port, unless you have a dedicated server.

And FYI, even if you go with a pre-built chat app, unless the company you buy it from also hosts it, you'll also have issues hosting its server component, since it's probably not built with ASP or PHP.
  • #8
OK, I know it may have seemed idiotic when I asked those questions, because no, I don't have any programming experience. But you can also judge from this how important this is to me.
Thank you - Job -, I've read your post once, but couldn't understand the whole thing. I'll try reading it again...
But even with all those issues, and all that stuff, and considering my situation, what should I do?
  • #9
Hire someone else who knows how to program.

- Warren
  • #10
Really, unless you want to start a career in web development i would recommend going for a pre-built and hosted solution. I've met many advanced web programmers who would not know how to build a voice chat application from the ground up.
  • #11
apples said:
OK, I know it may have seemed idiotic when I asked those questions, because no, I don't have any programming experience. But you can also judge from this how important this is to me.
Thank you - Job -, I've read your post once, but couldn't understand the whole thing. I'll try reading it again...
But even with all those issues, and all that stuff, and considering my situation, what should I do?

Go to the open source community and start the project. An example of such a community would be sourceforge. But this requires for it to be open source and it would of course take a lot of time to develop giving the scope of the task and helping is on a voluntary basis.
If you don't want to build it from the ground up, mayb they can point you to existing open source projects that you can use.
But given your lack of experience, you may find it hard to get the project started because these open source projects usually need a very strong initiative .
  • #12
Thanks a lot.

I searched for open source communities. But I don't understand how to get started. Do i visit the forums or something and start a topic like this?
  • #13
I just registered for creating a project at sourceforge. The registration was really complicated and confusing.
This is what I did

# License :: OSI-Approved Open Source :: MIT License
# Intended Audience :: Other Audience
# Development Status :: 1 - Planning
# Topic :: Communications :: Chat
# Programming Langauge :: ASP
# Programming Langauge :: C
# Programming Langauge :: C++
# Programming Langauge :: Java
# Programming Langauge :: JavaScript
# Programming Langauge :: PHP
# Operating System :: Grouping and Descriptive Categories :: All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)
# User Interface :: Graphical :: Carbon (Mac OS X)
# User Interface :: Graphical :: Handheld/Mobile/PDA
# User Interface :: Graphical :: Win32 (MS Windows)
# Translations :: English
# Database Environment :: File-based DBMS :: Microsoft Access
Is this fine?
  • #14
Once it suites your requirements, you should be good. Pay attention to licensing though. Whats the link to your project?
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  • #15
I registered without reading any license. They were too long. I read the MIT license and chose it...
I don't know what I did. Can I go to jail if something goes wrong because of this?

My project hasn't been approved yet, so there is no link.
  • #16
Wait a minute, didn't I post this in the wrong section. this should have been in the Programming section.
  • #17
You should have read the details of the MIT License first before you did anything. Personally I would have gone with GNU GPL or GNU LGPL. Please read the details of all of these licenses. I can't pick them for you.
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  • #18
it hadn't been approved yet, so i change it do GNU General Public Liscence.
it's been a few days. When are they going to approve it?
  • #19
Apples, I hope you did not get the false expectation that somehow, somebody, out of the blue, is going to write you this application.

Unless this question is deemed personal, may I ask the reason why you need this application urgently?
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  • #20
The answer is a bit personal so it may not seem really clear.
But I need to get this done for some personal reason, and it's urgent because I'm going out of town soon.

EDIT: are you saying I won't get any help in the open source community as well?
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  • #21
Even if you could find enough people to help you write this for free, it's going to take months to write it. You need to give up, and try to use an existing solution. What's wrong with skype?

- Warren
  • #22
apples said:

EDIT: are you saying I won't get any help in the open source community as well?

As I indicated in post #11:
1) Must be open source
2) The development time would be long given the scope of your task and helping is on a voluntary basis.
3) Your lack of experience will work against because these projects won't start out of the blue.

it hadn't been approved yet, so i change it do GNU General Public Liscence.
it's been a few days. When are they going to approve it?
That I can't answer. Maybe you can find the average time in their help or FAQ section.

btw, can't you use an existing open source project on sourceforge and work with that?
  • #23
They're thousands of them. It'll be really hard to find the exact same thing or even something close to them. Most of their existing chat things are add ons for existing IM softwares.
  • #24
I think,
I explained my need the hard way.
In short I need something really close to Paltalk, which I can embed in my website.
  • #25
ok, my project has been approved by sourceforge. here's the link

I hired a person to make the program. When the deal was almost complete he said he will have to go out of town, and so he can't make the program.
  • #26
You should at least post in your forums and talk about your ideas. I was looking through your project, but couldn't find a blueprint for the project. Just make some initiatives to get the project kicking.
  • #27
OK, i did post a blue print.
  • #28
Why does it have to be through a webpage instead of something like teamspeak or ventrillo? There might even be a web application to connect to one of these servers out there already.

Why do you so desperately need to build this from the ground up and have it completely customized?
  • #29
ranger said:
You should at least post in your forums and talk about your ideas. I was looking through your project, but couldn't find a blueprint for the project. Just make some initiatives to get the project kicking.
Ranger, since it was you who suggested this in the first place, don't you worry that Apples now has the false impression that this application is going to written for him, just like that?

Sourceforge was not designed a "you ask we deliver" kind of thing. The people who start a project typically are the main contributors or organizers.

I fear this is going to end as a big disappointment for Apples.

apples said:
OK, i did post a blue print.
Where is that blueprint Apples?
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  • #30

I indicated in post #11 and #22 what he should do and the possible outcomes. He will have to give some initiative to his project. I wasn't under the impression that I was implying it would be done for him just like that.
  • #31
I find it very hard to believe that you can't use something that is already out there, apples. Nothing like this can truly be that urgent unless it's an assignment or you told someone you would deliver this application.

Look into alternative existing solutions.
  • #33
That ride was a school project, it had a due date so it was urgent. This, as I mentioned before is urgent because I'm going out of town, and i want to complete this before I go, otherwise I'll have to do it when I come back and I'll get busy in other things. Maybe, my way of expressing my urgency is similar.

I guess I just wasted my time with sourceforge.

And it's not that I need it completely customized, I just need all those functions I mentioned. If there's an existing application like this, or something which you can upload on a website then that's great! Please guide me.

The person i hired ran away. This is turning out to be really difficult and disappointing.

  • #34
I forgot exactly what you were looking for because of the confusion this thread caused. List your requirements in a coherent manner and mayb someone will suggest an application. I also believe that a few were mentioned throughout the course of this thread; reread it.
  • #35
There are free IRC web based, java-driven chat clients that you can place in your site.
Here's one:

A text-only chat is a simple project to do from the ground up, but voice chat isn't.
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