Creating a Moore state diagram

In summary, when designing a sequence detector with a single bit input line x and a single bit output line z, the output should indicate (z=1 for an entire clock cycle) when the sequence 0110 has been detected on the input line x. This can be achieved by adding a new state in the Moore state diagram that represents the output remaining 1 for an entire clock cycle until the input changes.
  • #1
I have the following specification for a Synchronous Network, a sequence recognizer. I've done the Mealy state diagram and now have to do a Moore state diagram. I'm confused about how to go about the Moore version, I end up doing a Mealy.

I did the Mealy for this:

"Design a sequence detector with a single bit input line x and a single bit output line z. The output is to indicate (z=1) when the sequence 0110 has been detected on the input line x. The output is to detect overlapping sequences, and it is to immediately indicate when the sequence has been detected."

I now need to do a Moore state diagram, because I need to make z=1 for an entire clock cycle:

"Design a sequence detector with a single bit input line x and a single bit output line z. The output is to indicate (z=1 for an entire clock cycle) when the sequence 0110 has been detected on the input line x. The output is to detect overlapping sequences."

The Attempt at a Solution

Here is the state table for the Mealy state diagram

Present State Next State Output
A B A 0 0
B B D 0 0
D B F 0 0
F H A 1 0
H B D 0 0

Any help?
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your specification for a Synchronous Network, a sequence recognizer. It is great that you have already completed the Mealy state diagram and are now working on the Moore state diagram. Let me offer some guidance on how to approach the Moore version.

Firstly, it is important to understand the key difference between Mealy and Moore state diagrams. In a Mealy state diagram, the output is dependent on both the present state and the input. On the other hand, in a Moore state diagram, the output is only dependent on the present state. This means that the output will remain the same for the entire clock cycle until the state changes.

In your case, the output is only required to be 1 for an entire clock cycle when the sequence 0110 has been detected. This means that the output should remain 1 until the state changes, even if the input changes. So, in your Moore state diagram, you will need to add a state that represents when the sequence has been detected and the output should remain 1 for an entire clock cycle.

One way to approach this is to add a new state, let's call it state G, which represents the output being 1 for an entire clock cycle. This state will have a transition back to itself if the input remains 1, indicating that the sequence is still being detected. Once the input changes to 0, the state will transition back to state A, indicating that the sequence has been detected and the output should now be 0. This will ensure that the output remains 1 for an entire clock cycle when the sequence is detected.

I hope this helps you in completing your Moore state diagram. Good luck!
  • #3

To create a Moore state diagram, you will need to make a few changes to the state table you have created for the Mealy state diagram. In a Moore state diagram, the output is dependent only on the current state, not the input. This means that the output column in your state table will now represent the output for that particular state, rather than the output for a particular input.

In addition, since the output is only based on the current state, you will no longer need to include the input column in your state table. Instead, you can just focus on the current state and the next state.

Here is an example of a state table for the Moore state diagram for the given sequence detector:

Present State Next State Output
A B 0
B B 0
D B 0
F H 1
H B 0

From this state table, you can create the Moore state diagram by drawing the states as circles and connecting them with arrows representing the transitions. The output for each state can be written inside the circle.

In this case, the final state H will have an output of 1, indicating that the sequence 0110 has been detected for an entire clock cycle. You can also add additional states if needed to detect overlapping sequences.

I hope this helps in creating your Moore state diagram. If you still have any confusion or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out for help from your instructor or a fellow classmate. Good luck!

FAQ: Creating a Moore state diagram

1. What is a Moore state diagram?

A Moore state diagram is a graphical representation of a finite state machine, which displays all possible states of a system and the transitions between those states. It is used to model sequential logic circuits and predict the behavior of a system.

2. How do you create a Moore state diagram?

To create a Moore state diagram, you first need to identify all the possible states of the system. Then, determine the inputs and outputs of each state and draw a diagram with circles representing the states and arrows representing the transitions between the states. Finally, label the inputs and outputs on the diagram.

3. What is the difference between a Moore state diagram and a Mealy state diagram?

The main difference between a Moore state diagram and a Mealy state diagram is the way they handle outputs. In a Moore state diagram, the output depends only on the current state, whereas in a Mealy state diagram, the output also depends on the inputs. This means that a Mealy state diagram can have a more compact representation since it does not require as many states as a Moore state diagram.

4. What are the benefits of using a Moore state diagram?

A Moore state diagram provides a visual representation of a system, making it easier to understand and analyze the behavior of the system. It also helps identify any potential errors or problems in the system design. Additionally, Moore state diagrams can be used to generate code for implementing the system in hardware or software.

5. How do you analyze a Moore state diagram?

To analyze a Moore state diagram, you need to examine the transitions between states and the outputs associated with each state. You can also simulate the behavior of the system by following the transitions based on different inputs. This will help identify any potential issues with the system and make necessary changes to improve its efficiency and functionality.
