Creating a Popsicle Stick Parachute: The Egg Drop Challenge

In summary, to construct a popsicle stick parachute for the egg drop challenge, you will need popsicle sticks, string or thin wire, scissors, a small piece of cloth, and an egg. The parachute should be lightweight and balanced, and can be made with various materials such as plastic bags, tissue paper, or household items like straws and rubber bands. To ensure success, test the parachute from different heights and make necessary adjustments. To make it stand out, you can decorate it or add unique elements, but make sure not to add too much weight. While it is possible to reuse the parachute for multiple challenges, it may not be as effective and should be tested and repaired before each use for best results.
  • #1
Okay so we are going to drop an egg from three stories high. The only materials we are allowed to use is popsicle sticks, glue, string, and garbage bags...HELP!
Physics news on
  • #2
Sounds like someone needs to build a parachute.

FAQ: Creating a Popsicle Stick Parachute: The Egg Drop Challenge

1. How do I construct a popsicle stick parachute for the egg drop challenge?

To create a popsicle stick parachute, you will need popsicle sticks, string or thin wire, scissors, a small piece of cloth, and an egg. Start by forming a square frame with the popsicle sticks and securing them with string or wire. Then, attach four strings to the corners of the frame and tie them together at the top. Cut a small hole in the center of the cloth and tie it to the top of the frame. Finally, place the egg in the center of the cloth and make sure it is securely fastened.

2. How can I ensure my popsicle stick parachute will be successful in the egg drop challenge?

There is no guarantee that your popsicle stick parachute will be successful, but there are a few things you can do to increase your chances. First, make sure the parachute is lightweight and balanced. Use a small, lightweight cloth and evenly distribute the strings and egg around the frame. Also, test your parachute from different heights and make any necessary adjustments before the actual challenge.

3. What materials can I use to make my popsicle stick parachute?

In addition to popsicle sticks, string, and cloth, you can also use other lightweight materials such as plastic bags, tissue paper, or even paper cups. You can also get creative and use household items like straws, rubber bands, or paperclips to add stability to your parachute.

4. How can I make my popsicle stick parachute stand out in the egg drop challenge?

There are a few ways you can make your popsicle stick parachute stand out in the egg drop challenge. You can decorate it with colorful tape or paint, or add unique elements like a small flag or a mini parachute for added visual appeal. Just make sure these additions do not add too much weight to your parachute.

5. Can I reuse my popsicle stick parachute for multiple egg drop challenges?

It is possible to reuse your popsicle stick parachute for multiple egg drop challenges, but it may not be as effective. The parachute can become damaged or weakened after each use, making it less reliable for future challenges. It is always a good idea to test and make any necessary repairs or adjustments before each challenge to ensure the best chance of success.
