Creating a Quantum Circuit for Measuring X⊗Z, Z⊗X, & Y⊗Y Simultaneously

In summary, the conversation discusses the creation of a quantum circuit to measure three commuting observables on two qubits. The approach involves using Hadamard gates to measure in the computational basis, but this results in two bits of information instead of the desired single bit. This highlights the need for a measurement that reveals the value of the product of individual qubit measurements without revealing the individual measurements themselves.
  • #1
I'm trying to create a quantum circuit which does the following very simple thing:

Alice has two qubits, and she wants to measure the observables: X⊗Z, Z⊗X, and Y⊗Y, each taking values in {-1,1}.

Note that this is a commuting set of observables, so it should be possible to measure all three simultaneously.

Now when I try to build a quantum circuit which does this using only measurements in the computational basis, what I would do is the following:

I start with the observable X⊗Z, i.e. X on the first qubit and Z on the second qubit, then for the first qubit I would have a measurement in the computational basis conjugated by two Hadamard gates (so effectively measuring in the Hadamard basis then converting back) , whereas for the second I would simply measure directly in the computational basis.

Usually we throw away qubits after measuring them, but here we propagate them further to do Z⊗X. I would have a computational basis measurement on the first qubit, and a measurement conjugated by two Hadamard gates for the second qubit.

To do Y⊗Y, I do something analogous.

The problem I run into is that when I do the analysis things don't work out as they should. A simple property of the product (X⊗Z)(Z⊗X)(Y⊗Y)=(XZY⊗ZXY)=Identity, is that the product of the outcomes must always equal 1, but outcomes obtained in the above manner do not necessarily follow this rule. Therefore there must be something wrong in my conceptual understanding of how to measure observables in a quantum circuit. I would appreciate any help.

Thank you.
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  • #2
Travis091 said:
I start with the observable X⊗Z, i.e. X on the first qubit and Z on the second qubit, then for the first qubit I would have a measurement in the computational basis conjugated by two Hadamard gates (so effectively measuring in the Hadamard basis then converting back) , whereas for the second I would simply measure directly in the computational basis.

The problem is that that is not a measurements of X⊗Z, it's a measurement of X⊗I followed by a measurement of I⊗Z. That the three observables commuting with one another implies measurement commutativity hinges on the assumption that each measurement yields a single bit of information: the product of the individual qubit measurements. The procedure you're describing yields two bits of information and so you're running up against the usual fact that the Pauli matrices, taken individually, do not commute. What you need to do is devise a measurement that reveals the value of ##x_1 z_2## (and similarly with the other two measurements) that doesn't reveal ##x_1## and ##z_2## (etc) individually.
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FAQ: Creating a Quantum Circuit for Measuring X⊗Z, Z⊗X, & Y⊗Y Simultaneously

1. What is a quantum circuit?

A quantum circuit is a visual representation of a quantum algorithm, consisting of quantum gates and qubits. It is used to manipulate and store information in quantum computers.

2. How does a quantum circuit measure X⊗Z, Z⊗X, & Y⊗Y simultaneously?

A quantum circuit uses a combination of quantum gates, such as Hadamard and CNOT gates, to entangle and manipulate qubits in order to measure multiple operators simultaneously.

3. What is the significance of measuring X⊗Z, Z⊗X, & Y⊗Y simultaneously?

Measuring multiple operators simultaneously allows for more efficient and accurate quantum computations, as it reduces the number of measurements needed and decreases the potential for errors.

4. Can any quantum circuit measure X⊗Z, Z⊗X, & Y⊗Y simultaneously?

No, the specific arrangement and combination of gates in a quantum circuit must be carefully designed in order to measure these operators simultaneously. It requires a thorough understanding of quantum mechanics and quantum computing principles.

5. Are there any practical applications for measuring X⊗Z, Z⊗X, & Y⊗Y simultaneously?

Yes, simultaneous measurement of these operators has potential applications in quantum error correction, quantum cryptography, and quantum simulations of complex systems.
