Creating a title in Latex while using two columns

In summary, the conversation discusses how to create a title that spans the entire width of the page and have the text below it in two columns. The use of the \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} command is mentioned, but it puts the title in the left column. The option of using the revtex package is suggested, with an example provided. The use of the \maketitle command is also mentioned as a solution.
  • #1
I want to create a title that spans the entire width of the page and then below the title, I want the actual text to be in two columns. I am currently using \documentclass[twocolumn]{article}, which puts the entire document into two columns, including the title, which is now in the left column. I want it like this:

Anyone know how to do this? I don't want to use the multicol package, because I'll have to redo the entire layout.
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Physics news on
  • #2
The title shouldn't be in the left column. Are you using the \maketitle command properly?

By the way, in order to get a paper that looks like the one you quote, you should look at revtex (
  • #3
Q: When I look for revtex in the ubuntu repositories, it is described as "obsolete":
revtex - LaTeX documentstyle from the American Physical Society (obsolete)
Any idea why that might be or what (if anything) is supposed to replace it?
  • #4
Well, the article in question is in revtex4, you can download its source if you need an example. (from the arxiv, this articles "source" should be renamed to a .gz, which is a zip and then extracted. its some eps figures and the tex.)

They're just using
On the use of X-ray telescopes for identifying the origin of electrons
and positrons observed by Fermi and PAMELA}

  • #5
cristo said:
The title shouldn't be in the left column. Are you using the \maketitle command properly?

By the way, in order to get a paper that looks like the one you quote, you should look at revtex (

I wasn't using \maketitle at all, but it works now that I added it. Cheers.

FAQ: Creating a title in Latex while using two columns

1. How do I create a title in Latex while using two columns?

To create a title in Latex while using two columns, you will need to use the \twocolumn command before the \title command. This will ensure that the title is displayed in both columns.

2. Can I change the font and size of the title in Latex?

Yes, you can change the font and size of the title in Latex by using the \title command followed by the \large or \huge command. You can also use any other font size commands available in Latex.

3. How can I center the title in Latex while using two columns?

To center the title in Latex while using two columns, you will need to use the \twocolumn command before the \title command, and then use the \centering command after the \title command. This will center the title in both columns.

4. Can I add a subtitle to the title in Latex?

Yes, you can add a subtitle to the title in Latex by using the \subtitle command after the \title command. This will display the subtitle below the main title.

5. What is the best way to format a title in Latex while using two columns?

The best way to format a title in Latex while using two columns is to use the \twocolumn command before the \title command, and then use the appropriate font and size commands to style the title. You can also use the \centering command to center the title, and the \subtitle command to add a subtitle.

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