Creating an Air-Hockey table but to slide Tortilla Chips over

In summary: For debugging purposes, or if there are any problems with the perforated chute.In summary, it would be helpful to preforate the air holes in the chute so that the chips will not get stuck, but it would also be helpful to have a way to control the pressure so that the chips don't fly all over the place.
  • #1
Here's my problem:

I have a giant oven that has 3 layers of conveyor belts in it. Tortilla chips are sent through the oven starting at the top layer, and then passed down to the second conveyor (which runs reverse compared to the top one) to get both sides of the chip to cook. After the second layer, the chips are dumped onto a chute (similar to a half-pipe) and slide down to the 3rd, and bottom belt. Sometimes, on this chute, the chips get stuck (not dry enough to slide down), and then build up clump that I have to shut down the entire oven to clean out the clumps. Is it possible to build my chute (half-pipe) with preforated holes, and connect it to compressed air or a blower to mimic an air-hockey table? I think creating an air-bed for the chips to gently slide over would alleviate any problems with them sticking to the chute (since theoretically, they won't touch the chute)

I have a restaurant-style (Triangle) chip, that weights 3.6g. Square dimensions are 3.25"(length) x 4.5" (max width) of the chip. I'm planning on cutting 1/8" holes that would be spaced 1/2" x and y apart from each other.

Area of holes:
pi*(.0625)^2 = .0123in^2
Square-izing the triangle tortilla chip would result in the chip covering 41 holes, and covering 15 semi-circles.
(.0123)x41 + (.00614)x15 = .5964

F=(.0036kg)(9.8m/s^2)=.03528 N
.03528 N = .00793126 lb of force

(.00793126) / .5964 = .0133 psi

Is this accurate? Any help or more variables that I would need to account for would be appreciated.
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  • #2
From a textbook (i.e. homework, lots of simplifications), sure it seams reasonable. Create a deltaP over that area to offset the weight of the chip.

In real life though, you're going to have lots of uncertainties to deal with. One, the chip will not at all times cover the right amount of holes. Two, pressure acts normal to the surface, so an uneven chip will cause force to be directed at angles other than straight up.

Most importantly, depending on how long you are perforating this chute, you may need a fairly sizable pump. You'll need to calculate the amount of flow needed to generate that pressure, taking into account losses through the holes (0.0133 psig in the "plenum" will not get you 0.0133 psig on the chip).
  • #3
minger said:
Create a deltaP over that area to offset the weight of the chip.

In real life though, you're going to have lots of uncertainties to deal with. One, the chip will not at all times cover the right amount of holes. Two, pressure acts normal to the surface, so an uneven chip will cause force to be directed at angles other than straight up.

If I increase the amount of pressure coming out of the holes, (i.e. increasing the amount of "lift" on the chip), so that way if its not covering all holes, it will still glide down, would that work? As far as #2, how significant of a problem do you think that will be? If a chip comes down unevenly/folded, will the air cause the chip to go in a variety of directions possibly negating the entire reason of attempting to put preforated air holes in the chute? Basically, would I solve parts of the problem, but the air could also act in a way to create the same problem I'm trying to solve?

What does deltaP relate to? Change in pressure, pounds?

Most importantly, depending on how long you are perforating this chute, you may need a fairly sizable pump. You'll need to calculate the amount of flow needed to generate that pressure, taking into account losses through the holes (0.0133 psig in the "plenum" will not get you 0.0133 psig on the chip).

I was thinking of using compressed air. We have a compressed Air pump that pipes throughout the plant, therefore I wouldn't need a fairly sizable pump right next to or underneath my oven. The chute is sized at 44" width, and about 12" length. I would need to preforate air holes in only 16" width, 12" length. How do I calculate the amount of flow needed to generate that pressure?

Is the only solution to try a small sample piece in the chute, to see how it reacts with real-life variables?
  • #4
Besides air, there are other possible solutions such as surface coatings, vibrating the chute, installing an oscillating rake or auger, making a circular chute that rotates.
  • #5
If this is something easy to try out, then you might as well just go ahead and try it. If you have the compressed air on hand, then creating a perforated chute isn't too much of an investment. Just make sure you have a way to control the pressure or you might have chips all over the place.

One a side-note, is there any way to handle the root cause of the problem? That being the fact that sometimes chips don't get cooked enough.

Related to Creating an Air-Hockey table but to slide Tortilla Chips over

1. How would you design an air-hockey table to slide tortilla chips over?

The design of an air-hockey table for sliding tortilla chips would involve several key elements. First, the table would need to have a smooth and flat surface to allow the chips to slide easily. The surface could be made of materials like plastic or wood. Second, the table would need to have a strong air blower system to create a cushion of air that would lift the chips and allow them to slide across the surface. Lastly, the table would need to have raised edges to prevent the chips from falling off the table during gameplay.

2. What materials would be best for creating an air-hockey table for tortilla chips?

The best materials for creating an air-hockey table for tortilla chips would be a smooth and durable surface such as plastic or wood. These materials would allow the chips to slide easily and withstand the constant movement and impact during gameplay. Additionally, using lightweight materials would make it easier to move and transport the table.

3. How would you ensure the tortilla chips slide smoothly on the air-hockey table?

To ensure the smooth sliding of tortilla chips on the air-hockey table, the surface would need to be regularly cleaned and maintained. Any debris or residue on the surface could affect the movement of the chips. Additionally, the air blower system must be powerful enough to create a consistent cushion of air to lift and propel the chips across the surface without any interruption.

4. How would you incorporate the game aspect into an air-hockey table for tortilla chips?

The game aspect of an air-hockey table for tortilla chips could be incorporated by creating goals at each end of the table and using small chips or coins as pucks. Players could take turns trying to shoot their chips into the opponent's goal, similar to traditional air-hockey gameplay. Additionally, points could be awarded for successfully sliding chips into certain designated areas of the table.

5. Are there any safety precautions to consider when creating an air-hockey table for tortilla chips?

Yes, safety precautions should be taken when creating an air-hockey table for tortilla chips. The table should have raised edges to prevent the chips from flying off and potentially causing harm to players or bystanders. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the air blower system is properly maintained and does not pose any safety hazards. It is also recommended to use smaller and lighter chips to reduce the risk of injury.

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