Creating an Egg Drop Device for Physics/Engineering Assignment

In summary, the conversation is about creating an egg drop device that can prevent the egg from breaking when dropped from a height of two stories. The device must be lightweight, small, and have a high bounce. The winner will be determined by the best combination of these factors and whether the egg survives. The person has an idea for the egg's container but is struggling with how to make it bounce, and is considering using a mini basketball. Other suggestions include using a rigid ball to convert kinetic energy into mechanical energy and attaching the egg's container to a bouncy ball. The best option would need to be determined by testing different balls for weight and bounce.
  • #1
First of all I would like to apologize if I am posting in the wrong forum. I couldn't really decide if this belonged in the general physics, homework, or engineering forums since it involves principles of physics, is technically an assignment, and also has to do with engineering.

Anyways, yes, I have to create and egg drop device that will obviously prevent an egg from breaking. There are some parameters that have been set, however. They are:
-the device cannot be must be tossed horizontally over a railing and drop a distance of about 2 stories.
-the device has to be the light and small as possible
-since we are studying momentum and impulse, the device must bounce...higher the bounce the better

the winner is determined by whomever has the best combination of the lightest wieght, the smallest size, and the greatest height of bounce, and of course if the egg lives or not.

i think i have a pretty good idea as to how to create the egg's container, i just don't know how to make it bounce, and the fact that i have to throw it complicates things. one idea of mine is to use one of those mini basketballs, but it won't bounce unless there is air in it. anyone else have an ideas?
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  • #2
Something like a basket ball - fairly rigid to convert the kinetic energy into mechanical energy for the recoil - and the egg could be secure in layers of bubble wrap.

A ball like a plastic beach ball would be insufficiently rigid, and if the ball is too large air resistance would reduce the kinetic energy available for recoil.

One could attach the egg's container to 'bounceable' ball.

One would have to weight different balls to see which one is lightest and which one is bounciest.
  • #3

I can provide some suggestions for your egg drop device based on principles of physics and engineering. First, it is important to understand the concept of impulse and momentum in this assignment. Impulse is the change in momentum of an object, and momentum is the product of an object's mass and velocity. In order to reduce the impulse on the egg upon impact, it is important to reduce the velocity of the egg as it hits the ground. This can be achieved by incorporating shock-absorbing materials in your device, such as foam or rubber.

In terms of making the device bounce, you can use a spring mechanism or a bungee cord to provide a cushioning effect upon impact. This will allow the egg to bounce back up and reduce the force of the impact. Additionally, you can also consider using a parachute or wings on your device to slow down its descent and reduce the velocity upon impact.

In terms of the size and weight of your device, it is important to find a balance between making it light and small, while also ensuring it has enough structural integrity to protect the egg. You can use lightweight materials such as cardboard, plastic, or thin wood to construct your device. You can also use a combination of these materials to provide a sturdy and lightweight design.

Overall, the key to success in this assignment is to carefully consider the principles of physics and engineering and find a balance between all the parameters given. I would also recommend conducting some trial runs and making adjustments to your design based on the results to optimize the performance of your device. Good luck!

FAQ: Creating an Egg Drop Device for Physics/Engineering Assignment

1. How do I start creating an egg drop device?

To start creating an egg drop device, you should first research and gather information about different designs and materials that have been used in the past. Then, come up with a design that you think will work best for your assignment.

2. What materials should I use for my egg drop device?

The materials you use for your egg drop device will depend on your design and the resources you have available. Common materials used include cardboard, straws, popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and foam.

3. How can I make my egg drop device more durable?

To make your egg drop device more durable, you can reinforce it with additional materials such as bubble wrap or foam, or you can create a shock-absorbing structure using rubber bands or springs. It is also important to test your device multiple times to identify any weak points and make improvements.

4. What is the best way to protect the egg in my device?

The best way to protect the egg in your device is by creating a cushioning mechanism using materials such as foam or cotton. You can also try different methods, such as using a parachute or creating a cradle for the egg to sit in.

5. How should I test my egg drop device?

To test your egg drop device, find a safe and open space to drop it from a designated height. You can also try dropping it from different heights to see how well it can protect the egg. Make sure to have a backup egg in case the first one breaks.
