Creating Anti-Particles with Pyroelectric Crystals?

  • Thread starter jwhawk04
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of creating anti-particles using the UCLA method of accelerating particles with pyroelectric crystals. The answer to the question posed is yes, but this method is still in early stages of development and has not yet been tested in a controlled setting. Even if enough energy was generated, the FERMI/CERN technique of creating antihydrogen would be difficult to achieve due to the current limitations of the UCLA method.
  • #1
New to the forum. Bellow is an idea, and I would like some feedback if this would be possible. Using the UCLA(B. Naranjo, J.K. Gimzewski, S. Putterman ) method of accelerating particles using pyroelectric crystals could enough energy be imparted on the particles to create anti-particles when striking an iridium rod? If so, could the standard FERMI/CERN technique of trapping and mixing anti-particles with plasma from radioactive sodium then be used to create antihydrogen? I have attached a crude flow diagram.


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  • #2
The answer to your question is yes, it is theoretically possible to create anti-particles using the UCLA method of accelerating particles using pyroelectric crystals. However, this method is still in its early stages of development and has not yet been tested in a controlled setting. Therefore, it is not yet known if this method could generate enough energy to create anti-particles when striking an iridium rod.In addition, even if enough energy was generated to create anti-particles, the FERMI/CERN technique of trapping and mixing anti-particles with plasma would be difficult to achieve. This technique requires precisely controlling the environment and conditions of the anti-particles, which is not possible with the UCLA method at this time. Thus, while theoretically possible, creating antihydrogen with the UCLA method will likely remain a challenge for the foreseeable future.
  • #3

Hello and welcome to the forum! That is a very interesting idea you have proposed. The UCLA method of using pyroelectric crystals to accelerate particles has shown promising results in the past, so it is definitely worth exploring whether this technique could also be used to create anti-particles.

In theory, if enough energy is imparted on the particles when striking the iridium rod, it is possible that anti-particles could be created. However, it is important to note that creating anti-particles is a complex process and there are many factors that need to be considered, such as the type and energy of the particles, the materials and setup used, and the conditions under which the experiment is conducted.

As for using the standard FERMI/CERN technique of trapping and mixing anti-particles with plasma from radioactive sodium to create antihydrogen, it is certainly a possibility. However, further research and experimentation would need to be done to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of this approach.

Your flow diagram is a good start, but I would recommend consulting with experts in the field and conducting more thorough research before proceeding with any experiments. Creating anti-particles is a complex and delicate process, so it is important to approach it with caution and careful consideration.

Overall, your idea is intriguing and has potential. I would encourage you to continue exploring it and seeking feedback and guidance from experts in the field. Best of luck with your research!

FAQ: Creating Anti-Particles with Pyroelectric Crystals?

1. How do pyroelectric crystals create anti-particles?

Pyroelectric crystals can create anti-particles through a process called spontaneous parametric down-conversion. This process involves using a strong electric field to split a photon into two particles with opposite charges, one of which is an anti-particle.

2. What types of pyroelectric crystals can be used to create anti-particles?

There are several types of pyroelectric crystals that can be used, such as lithium niobate, potassium titanyl phosphate, and barium titanate. These crystals have a non-centrosymmetric crystal structure, which allows for the generation of anti-particles.

3. Can anti-particles created with pyroelectric crystals be used for practical applications?

Yes, anti-particles created with pyroelectric crystals have potential applications in fields such as quantum computing, particle physics research, and medical imaging. They can also be used to study the properties of antimatter.

4. Are there any challenges in creating anti-particles with pyroelectric crystals?

One challenge is the low efficiency of the process. Only a small percentage of photons can be converted into anti-particles, making it difficult to produce a significant number of them. Additionally, the crystals must be kept at extremely low temperatures to maintain their pyroelectric properties.

5. What is the current state of research on creating anti-particles with pyroelectric crystals?

Research on this topic is ongoing, with scientists exploring different methods to improve the efficiency of the process and develop new types of pyroelectric crystals. Some studies have shown promising results, but further research is needed before practical applications can be realized.

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