Creating Entropy For Cryptographic Purposes

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TL;DR Summary
This topic touches on certain aspects of exploring entropy generating devices used to create information from energy.

My name is Mason C. Turner and I work in the cybersecurity field. My background includes both military communications as well as private sector experience.

According to the laws of physics, to the best of my understanding information and energy are directly interchangeable in a theoretical sense but any useable energy source contains inherent information. Such at the wavelength of the energy, interference, amplitude and modulation. My question is what would be your go to theoretical mechanism to generate the highest entropy possible using current day technology?

I am happy to learn about current day methods and theoretical mechanisms. For example, Cloudflare uses its "wall of entropy" which is dependent on a temperature, and then so, through advanced analysis, large data collection can be used to create an entropy baseline. It seems like the current solution is to use what seems to be random events in order to create an entropy source. I am open to critics and other input.


Mason C. Turner
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