Creating intuition about Laplace & Fourier transforms

In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between Fourier transform and Laplace transform, particularly in terms of their theoretical foundations and their use in control systems theory. The Fourier transform uses complex exponential basis functions to decompose a function, while the Laplace transform uses underdamped/overdamped sinusoids. There is also a distinction between Hamel basis and Hilbert basis, with the latter being more applicable to infinite-dimensional spaces. The conversation also touches on the issue of convergence and the importance of defining norms in these transforms.
  • #1
Hey everyone,

I've been reading up a bit on control systems theory, and needed to brush up a bit on my Laplace transforms. I know how to transform and invert the transform for pretty much every reasonable function, I don't have any technical issue with that. My only problem is that some theoretical things are not entirely intuitive.

This is my current understanding of the Fourier transform: We have an function, member of an infinite dimensional space, and we want to decompose it in terms of basis functions [itex]e^{j\omega t}[/itex]. To do so, we project (analogously to taking the dot product) our function onto the basis functions, using the following definition of an inner product for the function space: [itex]<f, g> = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}f(t)\cdot g^*(t)dt[/itex], which gives rise to the Fourier transform: [itex]F(j\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(t)\ e^{-j\omega t}\,dt[/itex]. Reconstructing the original function from the coefficients times the basis functions gives [itex]f(t) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} F(j\omega)\ e^{j\omega t}\,d\omega[/itex]

Now, looking at the definition of the Laplace transform, it looks like it's trying to do the same thing using underdamped/overdamped sinusoids of the form [itex]e^{\sigma t}e^{j\omega t}[/itex], instead of pure sinusoids like the FT. This enables representing functions which don't vanish at infinity, but rather can diverge exponentially. However, it doesn't quite fit in the framework I laid above. First of all, the inversion integral confuses me. [itex]\mathcal{L}^{-1} \{F(s)\}(t) = f(t) = \frac{1}{2\pi j}\int_{\sigma-j\infty}^{\sigma+j\infty}F(s)e^{st}\,ds[/itex]. Why am I free to do the integration for any value of σ, as long as it's bigger than the real part of the rightmost pole? If I plug in [itex]s = \sigma + j \omega, ds = j d\omega[/itex], I can pull [itex]e^{\sigma t}[/itex] out of the integral, to get [itex]\mathcal{L}^{-1} \{F(s)\}(t) = f(t) = \frac{e^{\sigma t}}{2\pi}\int_{\infty}^{+\infty}F(\sigma+j\omega)e^{j\omega t}\,d\omega[/itex]. It appears strange to me that the [itex]e^{\sigma t}[/itex] term has to be exactly compensated by the fact that the transform is being evaluated more to the right or to the left. Also, when analyzing systems using the Laplace transform, the main thing we're interested in is the location of its zeros and poles. Intuitively, I would expect that, since the function "blows up" at the poles, there would be large contributions from those amplitudes in the inversion integral if it passed near the poles. However, if it can pass arbitrarily far away from the poles, it doesn't make as much sense...

I'm sorry if I'm not explaining myself as well as I wanted to, but this isn't really that easy to express...

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  • #2
I don't know much about Laplace transforms, so I will limit my remarks to the Fourier transform.

Your intuitive explanation of the Fourier transform is fine, but there are some technicalities.

A complex exponential, say ##g(t) = e^{i\omega t}##, is not a basis function for your inner product space. Indeed, it is not even an element of the space, because
$$\langle g,g\rangle = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{i\omega t}e^{-i\omega t} dt = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (1) dt = \infty$$
This problem disappears if we integrate over a finite interval, as with Fourier series. In that case, the complex exponentials are members of the inner product space. You still have to be careful about calling them a "basis" in that case.

First, you have to specify what kind of basis you mean. For infinite-dimensional spaces, there are (at least) two notions of basis.

A Hamel basis is a basis in the linear algebra sense: every element of the space can be expressed as a linear combination of FINITELY MANY elements of the basis. The complex exponentials are clearly not a Hamel basis. (However, Zorn's lemma does guarantee that every vector space has a Hamel basis, even if we cannot construct one explicitly!)

On the other hand, a Hilbert basis is a set of orthonormal elements of the space, the span of which is DENSE in the space. This means that you can approximate any element of the space arbitrarily closely by taking finite sums of basis elements. Of course, we have to define what "closeness" means. What it means here is that, given a Hilbert basis ##\{g_n\}##, the approximation error
$$\left\| f - \sum_{n=1}^{N} a_n g_n \right\|$$
can be made arbitrarily small by judicious choice of ##N## and ##a_n##. The norm is defined in terms of the inner product: ##\| \cdot \| = \sqrt{\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle}##.

Note that this does NOT guarantee that ##f(x)## and ##\sum_{n=1}^{N} a_n g_n(x)## can be made arbitrarily close simultaneously for all points ##x## (pointwise convergence), only that the norm of their difference can be made as small as we like (convergence in norm).

Again, the above is valid for Fourier SERIES: the key distinction versus the Fourier TRANSFORM is that the integration interval is finite.
  • #3
I had thought about how the fact that the norm of the basis elements isn't really defined since the integral doesn't converge, but didn't really reach any conclusion... How can you justify integrating over a finite interval?

You mention the Hilbert basis won't guarantee pointwise convergence, but the Fourier series does, provided the function is sufficiently well behaved, right?

Related to Creating intuition about Laplace & Fourier transforms

1. What is the purpose of Laplace and Fourier transforms?

The purpose of Laplace and Fourier transforms is to convert a function in the time domain to a function in the frequency domain. This allows for easier analysis and understanding of complex systems and signals.

2. What is the difference between Laplace and Fourier transforms?

Laplace transforms are used for functions that are defined for all positive real numbers, while Fourier transforms are used for functions that are defined for all real numbers. Additionally, Laplace transforms are used for functions that decay or grow exponentially, while Fourier transforms are used for functions that are periodic or non-decaying.

3. How do Laplace and Fourier transforms relate to each other?

Laplace transforms can be seen as a generalization of Fourier transforms, as they can handle a wider range of functions. Additionally, the Laplace transform of a function is equal to the Fourier transform of that function evaluated at a specific value in the complex plane.

4. What are some practical applications of Laplace and Fourier transforms?

Laplace and Fourier transforms are commonly used in signal processing, control systems, and circuit analysis. They are also used in image and sound processing, as well as in solving differential equations in physics and engineering.

5. Are there any limitations to using Laplace and Fourier transforms?

While Laplace and Fourier transforms are powerful tools, they have limitations in handling functions with discontinuities or singularities. They also require the function to be integrable, which may not always be the case. In these situations, alternative techniques such as the z-transform may be used.

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