Creating Static Electricity: Pocket Held Devices

In summary: They are large generators that can produce up to 200kV. They are usually used in laboratories to produce high voltage sparks.
  • #1
Hi. not being expert in this field, I have a question about static electricity. I have seen balloons stuck to hair by rubbing them. If I wanted to create a (pocket held) electronic devise to create that charge on the body, so a balloon can be attached without rubbing, how would it be done. And similarly, can a hand held or pocket held make a charge , to prevent a balloon being stuck onto body, and how would such device be made?.


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  • #2
While I don't know how effective it would be, there are industrial static removers used for cleaning. They're called ionizing air guns. They shoot out a bunch of ionized air at the target which is supposed to help remove charge and electrically attracted debris.

They're quite expensive and are often used in clean rooms to prevent build up of charge on sensitive machinery. Any effect, if present, on the balloon would be only temporary anyway.
  • #3
fedaykin said:
While I don't know how effective it would be, there are industrial static removers used for cleaning. They're called ionizing air guns. They shoot out a bunch of ionized air at the target which is supposed to help remove charge and electrically attracted debris.

They're quite expensive and are often used in clean rooms to prevent build up of charge on sensitive machinery. Any effect, if present, on the balloon would be only temporary anyway.

Thanks for the reply, Fed. I am actually looking for a electronic device to do this. Something that one could attach to their body, and it will either repel or attract items. Thanks
  • #4
Do you want to charge up your whole body?
There are small battery powered high voltage generators that can produce up to 20kV.
You can either build one or buy one. I once saw one for 20$ on ebay.
But you can only charge yourself when you are insulated from ground. So you either have to stay at a place where the ground is insulating, which can be difficult, or wear special shoes with insulating soles.
  • #5
If you want a very dramatic effect, a Van de Graaff would be great.

FAQ: Creating Static Electricity: Pocket Held Devices

How do pocket held devices create static electricity?

Pocket held devices, such as smartphones or tablets, create static electricity through friction. This occurs when the device is rubbed against certain materials, such as fabric or plastic. The friction causes the transfer of electrons between the two materials, resulting in one material becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged.

Can using pocket held devices cause harm due to static electricity?

In most cases, the static electricity produced by pocket held devices is not strong enough to cause harm. However, it is possible for a static shock to occur if the device is exposed to a large amount of static charge. This can be avoided by grounding the device or using an anti-static wristband while handling it.

How can I reduce the amount of static electricity produced by my pocket held device?

One way to reduce the amount of static electricity produced by a pocket held device is to use a case or cover made of a material that does not create as much friction. Additionally, regularly cleaning the device's screen can also help reduce static buildup.

Why does my pocket held device sometimes cause static shocks?

Static shocks from pocket held devices usually occur when the device is exposed to a large amount of static charge. This can happen when the device is rubbed against certain materials, such as carpets, or when the air is dry. It can also happen if the device is not grounded or if the user is wearing clothing that creates friction.

Are there any safety precautions I should take when using pocket held devices with static electricity?

It is always a good idea to ground your pocket held device by plugging it into a grounded outlet or using an anti-static wristband while handling it. Avoid using the device in very dry environments and regularly clean the screen to reduce static buildup. If you experience frequent static shocks, it is best to seek professional help to ensure that the device is properly grounded.

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