Creative Ideas for Simple Game with Loops, IF-THENs & Inputs

In summary: Every recursive algorithm can be converted to an iterative one, so in general it doesn't matter whether the language allows recursion or not.
  • #1
I need an idea for a simple game in basic (i was told it can't be battleship for some reason) to program. I do not want whoever reads this post to give me the coding for it i am just looking for ideas. It must use loops, IF-THENs, and inputs and those 3 things are the only things it needs to have. I have been trying to think of an idea for a SIMPLE game to code but i am not very creative.

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  • #2

Tic tac toe.

That being said,

10 PRINT "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike"

is in Basic, isnt' it?
  • #3

Yup that's in basic..Thanks I will try that but I am going to try several things just in case. Thank you!
  • #4

Borek said:
Tic tac toe.

That being said,

10 PRINT "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike"

is in Basic, isnt' it?

Some of the more modern variants of Basic dispense with the line numbers.
  • #5

Mark44 said:
Some of the more modern variants of Basic dispense with the line numbers.

I know. I was trying to be as basic as possible.
  • #6

Do an RPG game that is text based. Based on the user response you send them a corresponding text line back.

Requires a huge list of text of possible responses and the ability to compare strings
  • #7

Can you go recursive in simple basic? If so, you can make the computer a very strong opponent in tic tac toe.
  • #8

NIM might be a good simple game to try.
  • #9

Andre said:
Can you go recursive in simple basic? If so, you can make the computer a very strong opponent in tic tac toe.

Every recursive algorithm can be converted to an iterative one, so in general it doesn't matter whether the language allows recursion or not.

FAQ: Creative Ideas for Simple Game with Loops, IF-THENs & Inputs

1. What are some examples of simple games that can be created using loops, IF-THENs, and inputs?

Some examples of simple games that can be created using these programming concepts are "Guess the Number", "Rock-Paper-Scissors", "Hangman", and "Tic-Tac-Toe". These games all involve taking input from the user, using IF-THEN statements to determine the next step in the game, and using loops to repeat certain actions.

2. How do loops and IF-THEN statements contribute to the gameplay experience in a simple game?

Loops and IF-THEN statements are essential in creating a dynamic and interactive gameplay experience. Loops allow for repeated actions, such as asking the player for input or checking for certain conditions, while IF-THEN statements allow for different outcomes based on the player's choices. Together, they create a fun and engaging game that can adapt to the player's actions.

3. Are there any limitations to creating a simple game with loops, IF-THENs, and inputs?

While these programming concepts can be used to create a variety of simple games, they may not be suitable for more complex games that require more advanced programming techniques. Additionally, these concepts may not be sufficient for creating games with advanced graphics or animations.

4. How can I incorporate user input in a simple game using loops and IF-THEN statements?

User input can be incorporated by using the input() function to prompt the user for their input. This input can then be stored in a variable and used in IF-THEN statements to determine the next step in the game. Loops can also be used to continuously ask for user input until a certain condition is met.

5. Can I create a multiplayer game using loops, IF-THENs, and inputs?

While it may be possible to create a multiplayer game using these programming concepts, it may require more advanced knowledge and techniques. For a simple game, it may be easier to stick to a single-player experience. However, with the right skills and tools, it is possible to create a multiplayer game using loops, IF-THENs, and inputs.

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