Critical points of 4 variables?

In summary: Cholesky Decomposition and its Application to Optimization. In summary, the hessian is given by 1 0 -2 1 0 2 0 -1 -2 0 5 2 1 -1 2 4 and the Attempt at a Solution can get the determinant of the principal submatricies until the 3x3 matrix but is that enough to determine if its a local max min or saddle? If the Hessian matrix has all: 1) positive eigenvalues then you have a minima 2) negative eigenvalues then you have a max 3) Mix of positive and negative eigenvalues you have a saddle point.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have been given a 4x4 hessian matrix at a point c. I want to find out if the point is a local min/max/saddle. I am aware of the conditions of critical points for 3x3 hessians, but I'm not sure about 4x4 hessians.

The hessian is given by

1 0 -2 1
0 2 0 -1
-2 0 5 2
1 -1 2 4

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I can get the determinant of the principal submatricies until the 3x3 matrix but is that enough to determine if its a local max min or saddle?
Physics news on
  • #2
I think the best version of the theorem you want is this:

If the Hessian matrix has all:
1) positive eigenvalues then you have a minima
2) negative eigenvalues then you have a max
3) Mix of positive and negative eigenvalues you have a saddle point

This version works in all dimensions.
  • #3
AndreTheGiant said:

Homework Statement

I have been given a 4x4 hessian matrix at a point c. I want to find out if the point is a local min/max/saddle. I am aware of the conditions of critical points for 3x3 hessians, but I'm not sure about 4x4 hessians.

The hessian is given by

1 0 -2 1
0 2 0 -1
-2 0 5 2
1 -1 2 4

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I can get the determinant of the principal submatricies until the 3x3 matrix but is that enough to determine if its a local max min or saddle?

The way practical algorithms carry out the tests in optimization packages is to apply Cholesky factorization of the Hessian Matrix H. This seeks to find an upper triangular matrix U with (strictly) positive diagonal elements, such that H = U^T * U, where U^T = transpose of U. If such a U exists, H is positive definite and your point is a strict local minimum. If -H has a Cholesky factorization, your matrix H is negative-definite, and the point is a strict local max. If H is indefinite, your point is a "saddle point"---neither a max nor a min.

Finding the Cholesky factors manually is easy for matrices up to about 10x10 or a bit more; just using a hand-held calculator is enough. In practice, eigenvalues are NOT used for such purposes, as computing them is much more involved than Cholesky methods. Also, computation of many, many subdeterminants is avoided as well, for the same reason.

The article
shows how to do the computations, although it regards the factorization as H = L * L^T for lower-triangular L, but of course, L = U^T. Basically, here is how to do it:
u(1,1) = sqrt{h(1,1)}, u(1,j) = h(1,j)/u(1,1) for j=2,3,...,n
u(2,2)^2 = h(2,2) - u(1,2)^2, so u(2,2) = sqrt{h(2,2)-u(1,2)^2},
and u(2,j) = [h(2,j)- u(1,2)*u(1,j)]/u(2,2), j=3,...,n
and for k = 3,...,n:
u(k,k) = sqrt{h(k,k)-sum_{i=1..k-1} u(i,k)^2 },
and u(k,j) = [h(k,j) - sum_{i=1..k-1} u(i,k)*u(i,j)]/u(k,k), j=k+1,...,n

Note that in u(k,k) we need the sum of squares of previous u in column k, and in u(k,j) we need the product of previous u in columns k and j.


FAQ: Critical points of 4 variables?

1. What are critical points of 4 variables?

Critical points of 4 variables refer to points in a multi-variable function where the partial derivatives of all four variables are equal to zero. These points can represent local maxima, local minima, or saddle points.

2. How do you find critical points of 4 variables?

To find critical points of 4 variables, you need to take the partial derivatives of the function with respect to each variable and set them equal to zero. Then, solve the resulting system of equations to find the values of the variables at the critical points.

3. What do critical points of 4 variables tell us about a function?

Critical points of 4 variables can tell us about the behavior of a function. For example, a local maximum or minimum at a critical point indicates that the function is increasing or decreasing in a particular direction, while a saddle point represents a change in concavity.

4. How many critical points of 4 variables can a function have?

The number of critical points of 4 variables a function can have is dependent on the function itself. It can have zero, one, or multiple critical points. For example, a simple quadratic function can have one critical point, while more complex functions can have multiple critical points.

5. What is the importance of critical points of 4 variables in optimization?

Critical points of 4 variables are essential in optimization because they represent the points where a function is either at its maximum or minimum value. By finding these points, we can determine the optimal values for the variables in order to achieve the desired outcome.
