Criticality calculation of an homogeneous finite reactor

In summary, the conversation revolves around the criticality calculation of a 2D homogeneous finite cylindrical reactor core using four-group diffusion equations. The speaker has successfully discretized the equations using the finite difference method but is stuck on using an iterative method (such as Gauss-Seidel or SOR) to solve the linear equations using MATLAB. They have requested help with understanding the algorithm or calculation strategy for the criticality calculation.
  • #1
Please,I am working on the criticality calculation of an homogeneous finite cylindrical reactor core using four-group diffusion equations. I have been able to discretize the multigroup diffusion equations using the finite difference method(FED). But

I am stocked on the iterative method to solve the linear equations using matlab. Thanks
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  • #2
I'm assuming one is doing this in a 2D geometry.

Has one studied an example of a 2D 2-group system?
  • #3
yes sir, it is a 2D geometry which entails r and z, but most examples i have come by are mostly 1D and very few 2D(x and y) 2-group system
  • #4
please, I wanted to upload my sets of equations on the forum, but I couldn't. How can I display my set of discretized equations
  • #6


  • chapter3.pdf
    392 KB · Views: 282
  • chapter3.pdf
    392 KB · Views: 305
  • #7
thank you sir, I have been able to attached the document
  • #8
please I am stocked on how to use an iterative method(gauss-seidel or SOR method) to solve the linear equations using MATLAB with the above attached pdf document. Thanks
  • #9
I think you will have to program the Gauss-Seidel method yourself. I recall that it was straightforward in FORTRAN, but should be doable in MATLAB.
  • #10
Yes I want to programme it using the Gauss- Seidel method, but i need an algorithm or the calculation strategy well explicit that I can use to calculate the criticality calculation. Thanks

FAQ: Criticality calculation of an homogeneous finite reactor

1. What is a criticality calculation?

A criticality calculation is a mathematical analysis used to determine the state of a nuclear reactor, specifically whether it is in a state of criticality (balanced between neutron production and absorption) or subcriticality (too few neutrons to sustain a chain reaction). This is an important safety consideration in nuclear engineering.

2. What is an homogeneous finite reactor?

An homogeneous finite reactor is a type of nuclear reactor where the composition of the fuel and moderator is uniform throughout the core. This is in contrast to heterogeneous reactors, where there are variations in the composition of the core. Homogeneous reactors are often simpler to analyze and control, but may have limitations in terms of power output.

3. How is the criticality of a homogeneous finite reactor calculated?

The criticality of a homogeneous finite reactor is calculated using the neutron transport equation, which takes into account factors such as the neutron flux, cross sections of the fuel and moderator, and neutron multiplication. This equation is solved using numerical methods, such as Monte Carlo simulations, to determine the state of criticality.

4. What factors can affect the criticality of a homogeneous finite reactor?

Several factors can affect the criticality of a homogeneous finite reactor, including the concentration and type of fuel, the density and composition of the moderator, the presence of neutron-absorbing materials, and the geometry of the core. Changes in any of these factors can have a significant impact on the reactor's criticality and must be carefully considered in the design and operation of the reactor.

5. Why is criticality calculation important in nuclear engineering?

Criticality calculation is important in nuclear engineering because it helps ensure the safe and efficient operation of nuclear reactors. By accurately determining the state of criticality, engineers can make informed decisions about how to control and maintain the reactor, preventing potential accidents or damage to the equipment. Criticality calculation also allows for the optimization of reactor design and performance, leading to more reliable and cost-effective nuclear energy production.

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