Critics Fear Collider Could Doom Earth

In summary, the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland could potentially make some groundbreaking discoveries, but there are also concerns that it could create a black hole or dangerous particles. Scientists at CERN, who have been working on the project for years, dismiss these fears as unfounded. Overall, some people think the concerns are exaggerated and that the collider will not pose any real threat to the Earth.
  • #1

MEYRIN, Switzerland (June 29) - The most powerful atom-smasher ever built could make some bizarre discoveries, such as invisible matter or extra dimensions in space, after it is switched on in August.

But some critics fear the Large Hadron Collider could exceed physicists' wildest conjectures: Will it spawn a black hole that could swallow Earth? Or spit out particles that could turn the planet into a hot dead clump?

Ridiculous, say scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known by its French initials CERN - some of whom have been working for a generation on the $5.8 billion collider, or LHC.

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  • #2
How do you guys feel about the critics concerns? I personally think people are being way too paranoid.
  • #3
Wow, everyone wants to talk about this today! Anyway, there is a discussion on this topic here: We don't generally allow two threads open on the same topic, thus I am closing this here.

Also, in future, please do not quote entire articles: this potentially infringes upon copyright law.

FAQ: Critics Fear Collider Could Doom Earth

1. What is the Collider and why are people worried about it?

The Collider, also known as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is a particle accelerator located in Switzerland. It is used to study the fundamental building blocks of matter by colliding particles at high speeds. Some people are worried that these collisions could create dangerous black holes or other catastrophic events that could potentially doom the Earth.

2. Are there any real risks associated with the Collider?

No, there are no real risks associated with the Collider. Extensive safety assessments have been conducted by experts and the Collider has been deemed safe. The energy levels of the collisions are too low to create black holes or any other catastrophic events. Any particles created during collisions are short-lived and do not pose a threat.

3. Why do some critics continue to express concerns about the Collider?

Some critics continue to express concerns because they misunderstand the science behind the Collider and the safety measures that have been put in place. They may also have misconceptions about particle physics and the nature of black holes. Fear-mongering and sensational media coverage have also contributed to these concerns.

4. Has the Collider caused any major disasters or consequences?

No, the Collider has not caused any major disasters or consequences. It has been in operation since 2009 and has successfully conducted thousands of experiments without any negative effects. The Collider has contributed to numerous scientific discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the universe.

5. What measures are in place to ensure the safety of the Collider?

The Collider has multiple safety measures in place, including extensive safety assessments and protocols, redundant safety systems, and continuous monitoring by experts. In addition, the Collider operates at energy levels that are well below the natural cosmic rays that constantly bombard the Earth. These measures ensure that the Collider is safe and poses no threat to the Earth.

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