Cross product in higher dimensions?

In summary, the cross product is a particular case of a wedge product between two 1-forms. It can be defined by determinants and dot products, as the unique vector u such that for every vector z, we have u.z = det[v,w,z].then this generalizes to all finite dimensions n as follows:the cross product of the n-1 vectors v1,...,vn-1, is the unique vector u such that for all vectors z we havez.u = det[v1,...,vn-1,z].
  • #1
Although, the dot product works in infitine dimensions, it is not the case for the cross product. Anybody know in what dimensions the cross product can be defined?
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  • #2
The cross product is a particular case of a wedge product.(In 3D,it is the Hodge dual of the wedge product between 2 1-forms).Of course,no one can put a limit on the dimension of the manifold,but customarily,this manifold is finite dimansional.

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  • #3
AKA exterior product or occasionally outer product in some algebraic texts. Look up exterior algebra.
  • #4
the cross product v x w can be defined by determinants and dot products, as the unique vector u such that for every vector z, we have

u.z = det[v,w,z].

then this generalizes to all finite dimensions n as follows:

the cross product of the n-1 vectors v1,...,vn-1, is the unique vector u such that for all vectors z we have

z.u = det[v1,...,vn-1,z].

since this is a product not of two vectors but of n-1 of them, it is not considered a "product" by everyone.

it does occur however as the "triple product" in vector analysis (v x w).z.

for this definition, see spivak, calculus on manifolds, page 84.

the relation with the exterior products, is due to the fact that exterior products are an intrinsic way to write determinants.

i.e. if we write wedge ^ for exterior product, then we can multiply v1^...^vn-1 and get an object whose wedge product with any vector is an element of the n th wedge of R^n, hence naturally a number, since it equals a unique scxalar times the wedge of the stabndard unit vectors e1^...^en.

thus wedging with v1^...^vn-1 is the same as dotting with something which we could call the cross product of the v1,..,vn-1.

I think this is what is meant by saying the cross product is the "Hodge dual" of the wedge v1^...^vn-1.
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  • #5
A standard way of defining dot product in other dimensions than 3 is to use the "alternating tensor": Aijkl... (where the number of indices is the same as the dimension of the space) is defined as: 0 if any of the indices repeat. If not then ijkl... is a permutation of 123...n. Aijkl...= 1 if that permutation is even, -1 if it is odd.

In 3 dimensions Auv= Aijkujvk ("contracting" on j and k) is the cross product of u and v.

In other dimensions, the cross product of vector u1, u2, ..., un-1 (1 less than the number of dimensions) is Au1u2...un-1.

FAQ: Cross product in higher dimensions?

1. What is the definition of cross product in higher dimensions?

The cross product, also known as the vector product, is a mathematical operation that takes two vectors as inputs and produces a third vector that is perpendicular to both of the input vectors. In higher dimensions, the cross product can be thought of as the vector that is perpendicular to the plane formed by the two input vectors.

2. How is the cross product calculated in higher dimensions?

In higher dimensions, the cross product can be calculated using the determinant of a matrix. The matrix is formed by placing the unit basis vectors (i,j,k...) in the first row, followed by the components of the first vector in the second row and the components of the second vector in the third row. The resulting vector is then the coefficients of the unit basis vectors.

3. What is the significance of the cross product in higher dimensions?

The cross product is important in higher dimensions because it allows us to find a vector that is perpendicular to a plane. This can be useful in many applications, such as calculating torque in physics or determining the direction of flow in fluid mechanics.

4. Can the cross product be used in dimensions higher than three?

Yes, the cross product can be extended to dimensions higher than three. In fact, the cross product can be generalized to any number of dimensions, but its usefulness decreases as the number of dimensions increases. This is because in higher dimensions, there are more than one possible vectors that are perpendicular to the input vectors, making the cross product less unique.

5. Are there any other operations similar to the cross product in higher dimensions?

Yes, there are other operations similar to the cross product in higher dimensions, such as the wedge product in multilinear algebra and the exterior product in differential geometry. These operations also involve finding a vector that is perpendicular to two input vectors, but they have different properties and uses compared to the cross product.
