Cross Product Magnitude for Triangle Area

In summary, the conversation discusses using cross product and its magnitude to find areas in a homework problem. The student is struggling with a specific problem involving three vertices and is unsure if their approach is correct. They ask for clarification on the proper approach and receive help with solving the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So I have several problems on my homework which deal with the application of cross product and its magnitude to find areas. I know how to do cross product, and I know how to find the magnitude, however, no matter how many times I try to calculate it, I get the wrong answer.

Take for example:

Find the area of the triangle with the three vertices [0, 0, -5], [-2, 1, -4], and [-3, -1, -6].

2. The attempt at a solution

This is where I'm not sure if I'm doing something incorrectly. I have generally been trying to create the two vectors for the cross product by subtracting one vertex from the other two.


[-2, 1, -4] - [0, 0, -5] = [-2, 1, 1]


[-3, -1, -6] - [0, 0, -5] = [-3, -1, -1]

Then, computing the cross product to be [0, 5, 5]

So the magnitude comes out to be [itex]\sqrt{50}[/itex]

And then the area of the triangle would be [itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex][itex]\sqrt{50}[/itex]

Is this right? If not, where did I go wrong? Is there some proper approach to deciding which vertex to use as the starting point?

Thanks for your help.
Physics news on
  • #2
I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing.
  • #3
50= (2)(52) so it might be better to write it as
[tex]\frac{\sqrt{50}}{2}= \frac{5\sqrt{2}}{2}[/tex]

FAQ: Cross Product Magnitude for Triangle Area

What is the cross product magnitude for triangle area?

The cross product magnitude for triangle area is the magnitude of the cross product of two sides of a triangle. This value represents the area of the triangle in 3-dimensional space.

How is the cross product magnitude for triangle area calculated?

The cross product magnitude for triangle area is calculated by taking the magnitude of the cross product of two sides of a triangle. This can be done by finding the length of each side and using the formula: magnitude = |a||b|sinθ, where a and b are the two sides of the triangle and θ is the angle between them.

Why is the cross product magnitude important for calculating triangle area?

The cross product magnitude is important for calculating triangle area because it represents the area of the triangle in 3-dimensional space. This allows us to accurately calculate the area of triangles in a 3-dimensional environment.

Are there any real-world applications for the cross product magnitude for triangle area?

Yes, there are many real-world applications for the cross product magnitude for triangle area. One example is in computer graphics, where it is used to calculate the surface area of 3-dimensional objects. It is also used in physics and engineering to calculate the moments of inertia and torque.

Is the cross product magnitude for triangle area the same as the area of a 2-dimensional triangle?

No, the cross product magnitude for triangle area is not the same as the area of a 2-dimensional triangle. This is because the cross product magnitude represents the area of a triangle in 3-dimensional space, while the area of a 2-dimensional triangle is calculated using base and height measurements.
