Cross Products Verifying Third Vector Orthoginality?

In summary, a cross product is a mathematical operation that produces a vector by using two vectors and calculating a third vector that is perpendicular to both. It is calculated using the determinant of a 3x3 matrix and is commonly used in physics and engineering to confirm perpendicularity between vectors. Other methods, such as using the dot product or calculating the angle between vectors, can also be used to verify third vector orthogonality, but the cross product method is often preferred for its simplicity and reliability.
  • #1
I have a question. Let's say you have three distinct, non zero vectors that lie in the same plane. Can I verify the othoginality of the third vector using strictly cross products?

I know I can just do the dot product and if it equals to 0 then its orthoginal to the plane; however, I came across a method online (cannot find the source) where you can strictly use cross products to verify orthoginality. This had me and my professor thinking about whether or not this may be true such as below:

If i were to take the cross product of let's say A X B. Then take the cross product of A X C. If the resultant vectors of both A X B and A X C are equal, doesn't it technically imply that the third vector C is orthogonal?

For real number values: Let's say the 3 vectors were <1,-1,1>,<-2,3,4>,<0,1,6>.

A X B = | 1 -1 1 | = <-7,-6,1>
| -2 3 4 |

A X C = |1 -1 1| = <-7,-6,1>
|0 1 6|

Since both have the same normal vectors that are perpendicular to the plane, we can conclude that both lie within the same plane.

(Sorry if I do not make sense, its rather late. Perhaps ill revise this tomorrow morning)

Best Regards,
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  • #2
Do you mean that given A,B,C you want to know if A is orthogonal to B and C?

if A X (B X C)=0
then A.B=A.C=0
as is obvious
  • #3
adriandevera said:
I have a question. Let's say you have three distinct, non zero vectors that lie in the same plane. Can I verify the othoginality of the third vector using strictly cross products?
What is it supposed to be orthogonal to? The other two vectors? This is impossible if they're all in a plane that contains 0, as in your example.

If the plane isn't supposed to contain 0, then I see no reason to mention a plane, since there's always a plane that contains the three vectors.

adriandevera said:
If i were to take the cross product of let's say A X B. Then take the cross product of A X C. If the resultant vectors of both A X B and A X C are equal, doesn't it technically imply that the third vector C is orthogonal?
Orthogonal to what? To A and B? In this example, C is not orthogonal to both A and B:
$$(1,0,0)\times (1,1,0)=(1,0,0)\times (0,1,0).$$
  • #4
You could reason this way. Let A,B,C be three non zero vectors and we want to check if they are coplanar. Since we are talking about vectors (as opposed to points), then I assume that in this context, coplanar means that the origin must also lie in this plane. Otherwise, this does not make sense as Fredrik stated. In other words, the triple product (A X B)*C must be zero.

Following the OPs reasoning, we instead calculate A X B and A X C. If the three vectors were coplanar, then both these vectors would be orthogonal to that common plane, so they would be parallel. Two non zero vectors are parallel if their cross product is zero. So the test would be

(A X B) X (A X C)=0
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  • #5
You have to normalize and directly compare the cross product vectors and allow for a case similar to when A = (1,0,0), B = (1,1,0), C = (-1,1,0) and your algorithm compares AxB and AxC. The cross product vectors are the same except one is scaled by -1.

FAQ: Cross Products Verifying Third Vector Orthoginality?

1. What is a cross product?

A cross product, also known as a vector product, is a mathematical operation that produces a vector as its result. It is calculated using two vectors and results in a third vector that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors.

2. How is a cross product calculated?

A cross product is calculated using the determinant of a 3x3 matrix. The first row of the matrix contains the unit vectors i, j, and k. The second row contains the components of the first vector, and the third row contains the components of the second vector. The result is a vector in the direction perpendicular to the two original vectors.

3. What does it mean for a cross product to verify third vector orthogonality?

If the cross product of two vectors is equal to a third vector, it means that the third vector is perpendicular to both of the original vectors. This is known as third vector orthogonality. It can be used to confirm the perpendicularity of vectors in a three-dimensional space.

4. Why is verifying third vector orthogonality important?

Verifying third vector orthogonality is important in many applications, especially in physics and engineering. It allows for the confirmation of perpendicularity between vectors, which is crucial in calculating forces, angles, and other physical quantities.

5. Are there any other ways to verify third vector orthogonality?

Yes, there are other ways to verify third vector orthogonality, such as using the dot product or by calculating the angle between the vectors. However, the cross product method is the most commonly used and is often preferred due to its simplicity and reliability.
