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- TL;DR Summary
- I think it's possible to create a propability higher than 50/50 between two sides communicating by measuring a state of quantum entangled particles.
Full disclosure, I do not have credentials in this field, and only watched a youtube video explaining the subject. So if this is wrong, I would love to be explained why!
So the theory relates to measuring yhe state of a quantum particle, say up or down. Specifically this build on the technique described as repeat measurements seen in this video:
I understand why repeat measurements wouldn't work. However what if this series of measurements was done multiple times. In essence we'd have a grid of particles. Then we gave both Alice and Bob the some rules:
- Bob on collum 1 (or the first series of say 5 measurements): Measure until you get the result you want.
- Alice on collum 1: Measure until you percieve a change in direction.
This would not help much yet of course, as Bob it wants could get the result they want on the first particle measured, and thus Alice would be no wiser as to what Bob means.
But here is where we repeat the measurements. And give Bob and Alice new rules:
Bob still measures until they get the result they want, or until they have measured the same number of particles. And Alice also does this exact thing.
In this case, if alice measured more particles then Bob, given enough iterations of this pattern, Alice should notice an inconsistency in their measurements and tgus deduce Bob's answer must be the very first particle measured. Otherwise, Alice's measurement pattern must match Bob's pattern.
The only thing I can think of that breaks this is if there is a situation where all measured particles have the same state, and thus Alice never notices an incosistency. However THAT is a propability, but not a 50/50 one.
If I need to illustrate this example I would gladly do so! However, I am writing this from my phone, rather late in the evening :p (thanks quantum physics).
Super interested in the responses to this!
I understand why repeat measurements wouldn't work. However what if this series of measurements was done multiple times. In essence we'd have a grid of particles. Then we gave both Alice and Bob the some rules:
- Bob on collum 1 (or the first series of say 5 measurements): Measure until you get the result you want.
- Alice on collum 1: Measure until you percieve a change in direction.
This would not help much yet of course, as Bob it wants could get the result they want on the first particle measured, and thus Alice would be no wiser as to what Bob means.
But here is where we repeat the measurements. And give Bob and Alice new rules:
Bob still measures until they get the result they want, or until they have measured the same number of particles. And Alice also does this exact thing.
In this case, if alice measured more particles then Bob, given enough iterations of this pattern, Alice should notice an inconsistency in their measurements and tgus deduce Bob's answer must be the very first particle measured. Otherwise, Alice's measurement pattern must match Bob's pattern.
The only thing I can think of that breaks this is if there is a situation where all measured particles have the same state, and thus Alice never notices an incosistency. However THAT is a propability, but not a 50/50 one.
If I need to illustrate this example I would gladly do so! However, I am writing this from my phone, rather late in the evening :p (thanks quantum physics).
Super interested in the responses to this!