Curious Question about Velocity

In summary, when firing a gun from a train traveling at velocity X, the bullet will travel at very nearly 2X relative to the train. However, at very high speeds, the difference becomes noticeable. In the opposite direction, the bullet's speed will subtract slightly from the train's speed. At everyday speeds, the bullet's velocity will be 2X relative to the ground. This changes when approaching the speed of light. From the perspective of a person on the ground, the bullet will appear to be hanging in space, but in reality, it is falling to the ground due to the Y-component of its movement. This was demonstrated by Mythbusters.
  • #1
Can someone explain to me what will happen in this scenario?

Imagine you are in a train which is traveling at velocity X. In it, you fired a gun which points towards the direction of the moving train launching the bullet out at the same velocity. Will this cause the bullet to travel at 2X? What if it was fired in the opposite direction?

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Albert Einstein
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  • #2
You can already answer this yourself. Our Earth is moving at a velocity X with respect to some other planet. And yes, we have fired MANY guns in many different directions already.

So now ask yourself, how fast is the bullet moving with respect to you, on the earth, and with respect to another person on that other planet.

  • #3
I suppose that you mean that the velocity of the bullet determined with respect to the train, while the velocities X and 2X are determined with respect to the rails.

In that case the bullet will travel at very nearly 2X; for all practical purposes you can take it to be 2X. However, at very great speeds, near to that of light, the difference becomes noticeable.

As determined from the railway track, the measurement system of an incredible high speed train will be affected by the speed so that the bullet, although it looks like X as determined from the train, will add less than X to the speed of the train as seen from the railway track.

In the opposite direction the effect is also opposite: the bullet's speed will subtract with very slightly more than X from the speed of the train as determined from the railway track. For trains and bullets and usual requirements of precision, the the bullet's speed will be X-X=0.

If you want to deepen your understanding for very high speeds (or extreme precision), please ask for details in the relativity forum.
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  • #4
Only_Curious said:
Can someone explain to me what will happen in this scenario?

Imagine you are in a train which is traveling at velocity X. In it, you fired a gun which points towards the direction of the moving train launching the bullet out at the same velocity. Will this cause the bullet to travel at 2X? What if it was fired in the opposite direction?

Well bullets are generally much faster than trains, so the bullet's velocity is going to be more than 2x. But basically, the velocity of the train will be directly added to the velocity of the bullet (or subtracted, if fired in the opposite direction). If the bullet is indeed just as fast as the train, then its velocity relative tot he ground will be 2x.

This is generally true until you start getting near the speed of light, but we needn't worry about that at everyday speeds.
  • #5
harrylin said:
In the opposite direction the effect is also opposite: the bullet's speed will subtract with very slightly more than X from the speed of the train as determined from the railway track. For trains and bullets and usual requirements of precision, the the bullet's speed will be X-X=0.

Interesting, doesn't it also mean a person standing on the ground (train station) will see the bullet is hanging at one point in the air, not moving?
Even though the bullet is moving, the 'inertia speed' of the bullet will cancel the 'firing speed' of the bullet, as a result the bullet will appear to be hanging at one point in space. I can't even imagine this situation. Of course, all external disturbances must be eliminated.
  • #6
Neandethal00 said:
Interesting, doesn't it also mean a person standing on the ground (train station) will see the bullet is hanging at one point in the air, not moving?
Even though the bullet is moving, the 'inertia speed' of the bullet will cancel the 'firing speed' of the bullet, as a result the bullet will appear to be hanging at one point in space. I can't even imagine this situation. Of course, all external disturbances must be eliminated.

As Lsos pointed out, a normal bullet goes much faster than a normal train. But yes, launch a projectile backwards out of a train with the same speed as the train is going, and it will fall straight down with respect to the ground.
  • #7
harrylin said:
As Lsos pointed out, a normal bullet goes much faster than a normal train. But yes, launch a projectile backwards out of a train with the same speed as the train is going, and it will fall straight down with respect to the ground.

...and curiously the gun will still kick the same due to the force needed to "stop" bullet from going the speed of the train. :smile:
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  • #8
Neandethal00 said:
Interesting, doesn't it also mean a person standing on the ground (train station) will see the bullet is hanging at one point in the air, not moving?
Even though the bullet is moving, the 'inertia speed' of the bullet will cancel the 'firing speed' of the bullet, as a result the bullet will appear to be hanging at one point in space. I can't even imagine this situation. Of course, all external disturbances must be eliminated.

On the contrary, it is not hard to imagine at all. In fact it is quite mundane.

The bullet does not hang at all, but falls to the Earth exactly as if someone was standing next to the rail and dropped it from their hand.

When you fire a gun horizontal to the Earth, the bullet, despite traveling at Mach speeds (or in your special case, only as fast as the train) falls to the ground exactly as if it is not moving at all. The X-component of its movement has no effect on the Y-component of its movement.Mythbusters demonstrated this by firing a gun and dropping a stationary bullet simultaneously. They hit the ground simultaneously.
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Related to Curious Question about Velocity

Question 1: What is velocity?

Velocity is a measure of the speed and direction of an object's motion. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude (speed) and direction.

Question 2: How is velocity different from speed?

While velocity and speed are often used interchangeably, they are actually different concepts. Speed is a scalar quantity, meaning it only has magnitude, while velocity is a vector quantity that also includes direction.

Question 3: How is velocity measured?

Velocity is typically measured in units of distance divided by time, such as meters per second or kilometers per hour. It can also be measured using other units, such as feet per second or miles per hour.

Question 4: What factors affect an object's velocity?

An object's velocity can be affected by several factors, including the object's mass, the force acting on it, and any friction or resistance it may encounter. Changes in these factors can result in changes in the object's velocity.

Question 5: How is velocity calculated?

Velocity can be calculated by dividing the distance an object travels by the time it takes to travel that distance. In mathematical terms, it can be expressed as v = d/t, where v is velocity, d is distance, and t is time.

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