Curl and Divergence etc algebra manipulating quick question

In summary, by taking the curl of the equation ##\nabla p = \rho \nabla \phi##, we can prove that the gradients of ##\rho## and ##\phi## are parallel. This is shown by the formula ##\nabla \times (a \mathbf{B}) = (\nabla a) \times \mathbf{B} + a (\nabla \times \mathbf{B})##, which is readily available in most lists of vector calculus identities. It is important to note that the LHS is the curl of a "gradient", which is why it is equal to zero.
  • #1
##\nabla p = \rho \nabla \phi ##

My textbook says that by taking the curl we get:

## 0=\nabla \rho X \nabla \phi ## **

I don't follow. I understand the LHS is zero, by taking the curl of a divergence.
But I'm unsure as to how we get it into this form, from which it is clear that the gradients of ##\rho## and
##\phi## are parallel, since I get:

##\nabla X \rho \nabla \phi ##, I know that the curl acting on a scalar field doesn't make sense, I would get ##\rho \nabla X \nabla \phi ##, taking the scalar field ##\rho## to the left since it can not be operated on by a curl. I don't see how you would get **

Many thanks in advance
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  • #2
It is rather straightforward to prove that
\nabla \times (a \mathbf{B}) = (\nabla a) \times \mathbf{B} + a (\nabla \times \mathbf{B})
where ##a## is a scalar field and ##\mathbf{B}## is a vector field. This formula is also readily available in most lists of vector calculus identities (although I would strongly recommend you try to prove it yourself)
  • #3
One quick comment: The LHS is the curl of a "gradient". (The curl of a gradient is zero and so is the divergence of a curl).

Related to Curl and Divergence etc algebra manipulating quick question

1. What is the difference between curl and divergence?

The curl and divergence are two mathematical operations used in vector calculus. The curl measures the amount and direction of rotation of a vector field, while the divergence measures the amount and direction of expansion or contraction of a vector field. In other words, the curl represents the rotational behavior of a vector field, while the divergence represents the overall "flow" of the vector field.

2. How are curl and divergence related to each other?

The curl and divergence are related through the gradient operator. The curl of a vector field is equal to the cross product of the gradient operator and the vector field. The divergence of a vector field is equal to the dot product of the gradient operator and the vector field. This relationship is known as the fundamental theorem of calculus for vector fields.

3. What is the physical significance of curl and divergence?

Curl and divergence have important physical significance in fields such as fluid mechanics and electromagnetism. In fluid mechanics, the curl represents the vorticity or rotation of the fluid, while the divergence represents the rate of change of fluid density. In electromagnetism, the curl represents the circulation of the electric and magnetic fields, while the divergence represents the sources or sinks of these fields.

4. Can I use algebraic manipulation to solve problems involving curl and divergence?

Yes, algebraic manipulation can be used to simplify and solve problems involving curl and divergence. However, it is important to also understand the underlying concepts and physical meaning of these operations in order to correctly interpret the results.

5. What are some applications of curl and divergence in real life?

Curl and divergence have numerous applications in various fields such as engineering, physics, and meteorology. For example, in fluid dynamics, the curl and divergence can be used to analyze air flow patterns and turbulence in an airplane wing. In electromagnetism, they are used to study the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in electronic devices. In meteorology, they are used to predict weather patterns and analyze air flow in the atmosphere.
