Curl of the vector potential produced by a solenoid

In summary, the conversation is about verifying the curl of the vector potential, A, is equal to the magnetic field, B, in a specific example. The confusion lies in how to apply the equation for curl in cylindrical coordinates. After discussion and simplification, it is determined that for the inside of the solenoid, A_phi = \mu_0 nI / 2 * s, and for the outside, A_phi = \mu_0 n I R^2 / 2 * \rho. The only non-zero term for the curl is (1 / \rho) * (partial (sA_phi) / partial s) * \hat{z}. This simplifies to 0 for the outside and is equal
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

I was looking at Example 5.12 in Griffiths ( and I can't manage to work out how to verify that the curl of the vector potential, A, is equal to the magnetic field, B.

I believe my problem lies in confusion about how to apply the equation for curl in cylindrical coordinates (given the final vector potential in equation 5.71).

The Attempt at a Solution

I was unable to make progress while trying to apply the formula for curl in cylindrical coordinates as per

Am I using the wrong equation? If not, how should I be going about doing it? Any assistance is appreciated.
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  • #2
You're doing fine. Griffiths wants to avoid confusion between r, R and ##\rho## so he uses s. In the curl expression that is ##\rho##.
  • #3
Ok thank you.

So then do I write:

[tex]A_{\phi} = \frac{\mu_0nIR^2}{2\rho}=\frac{\mu_0nI(\rho^2 + z^2)}{2\rho}[/tex]

Then after simplification as all other terms are zero [tex]\bigtriangledown \times A = -\frac{\partial A_{\phi}}{\partial z}\hat{\rho}+\frac{1}{\rho}\left(\frac{\partial (\rho A_{\phi})}{\partial \rho}\right)\hat{z}[/tex]
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  • #4
I don't think ##R^2 = \rho^2 + z^2##. I think it's the radius of the solenoid. Simplifies things !
  • #5
Sorry I don't think I'm following, I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to have for [tex]A_{\phi}[/tex] then. I'm thinking that I need to get [tex]\mu_0 n I \hat{z}[/tex] out of this as the result but I've tried many different things for [tex]A_{\phi}[/tex] with no progress. What should the value of [tex]A_{\phi}[/tex] be please.

Ugh, don't know how to format the latex, sorry.
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  • #6
For ##A_\phi ## you have 5.70 for inside and 5.71 for outside.
e.g. 5.70 :
$$A_\phi = {\mu_0 nI\over 2} s\hat \phi $$doesn't depend on z, so:

For the curl then the only nonzero is ## \displaystyle \frac{1}{\rho}\left(\frac{\partial (\rho A_{\phi})}{\partial \rho}\right)\hat{z}## , in this case ##\displaystyle\frac{1}{s}\left(\frac{\partial (s A_{\phi})}{\partial s}\right)\hat{z}## . Bingo !
  • #7
But then for the outside wouldn't that mean that [tex]\frac{1}{\rho}\left({\frac{\partial (\rho A_{\phi})}{\partial \rho}}\right)\hat{z}=\frac{1}{\rho}\left({\frac{\partial (\rho\frac{ \mu_0 n I R^2}{2 \rho})}{\partial \rho}}\right)\hat{z}=\frac{1}{\rho}\left({\frac{\partial (\frac{ \mu_0 n I R^2}{2})}{\partial \rho}}\right)\hat{z} = 0[/tex]

Which isn't equal to [tex]B = \mu_0 n I[/tex]?
  • #8
And are you unhappy about that ? You just found the same result as 5.57 in example 5.9 ! Bravo !
  • #9
Oh... *sigh*

Thank you for your assistance BvU, it was much appreciated!
  • #10
You're welcome. I learn too (haven't worked with vector potential since university).

FAQ: Curl of the vector potential produced by a solenoid

What is the curl of the vector potential produced by a solenoid?

The curl of the vector potential produced by a solenoid is a measure of the rotation or circulation of the magnetic field generated by the solenoid. It is a vector quantity that describes the direction and magnitude of the circular flow of the magnetic field.

How is the curl of the vector potential calculated?

The curl of the vector potential is calculated using the vector calculus operation known as the curl. Specifically, it is the cross product of the gradient of the vector potential with respect to position and the vector representing the direction of rotation or circulation.

What is the significance of the curl of the vector potential in solenoids?

The curl of the vector potential is significant in solenoids because it helps to determine the strength and direction of the magnetic field produced by the solenoid. It is also used in electromagnetic theory to calculate the force exerted on charged particles moving through a magnetic field.

Can the curl of the vector potential be zero?

Yes, the curl of the vector potential can be zero in certain cases. This means that there is no rotation or circulation of the magnetic field, and the field is considered to be irrotational. This can occur in simple solenoids with uniform fields or in certain symmetrical configurations.

How does the curl of the vector potential relate to the divergence of the magnetic field?

The curl of the vector potential is related to the divergence of the magnetic field through Maxwell's equations. Specifically, the curl of the vector potential is equal to the negative of the time derivative of the magnetic field, while the divergence of the magnetic field is equal to the negative of the charge density. This relationship helps to explain the behavior of electromagnetic fields in solenoids and other systems.
