Current Angle More Than Ninety Degrees

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of power factor for a current with an angle of -159.9 degrees, as well as the use of positive phase angles for inductive circuits. The speaker also mentions their difficulty in understanding what angles higher than 90 degrees mean and requests help in the Homework forum.
  • #1
jaus tail
I'm studying Sync Generators. In one problem I got Ia as 1.59 angle of -159.9 degrees.

How do you calculate power factor for such a current?
Book says Ia leads Terminal Voltage by 23.13 degrees.
I guess they got that value by 180 - 159.9
But why?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Capacitive load versus Inductive load.
  • #3
But in capacitive and inductive the phase angle is from 0 to 90 degrees.
I'm not able to understand what does angle more than 90 mean.

Mathematically i used 159 degrees by
I angle 159
= I cos 159 + j I sin 159
and that equals I angle -23
  • #4
I fail to see a reason for 159 degrees. The phase angle has already been given:
jaus tail said:
Book says Ia leads Terminal Voltage by 23.13 degrees.
Pay attention to the book quote above as to which is leading, Voltage or Current, and to the fourth and fifth sentences in this tutorial.

It is customary to use the angle by which the voltage leads the current. This leads to a positive phase for inductive circuits since current lags the voltage in an inductive circuit.[i/]
  • #5
I got the phase angle as 159 degrees. In sync alternator I = (E - V)/X
E is 2.341 pu angle + 90
V = 1 angle 0
X = j1.6
  • #6
Sorry we are not making progress. Your problem can likely be better answered in the Homework forum. Be sure to fill in the information in the template there so people here get a better idea of the question details.

Paging @russ_watters to assist in this redirection.
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FAQ: Current Angle More Than Ninety Degrees

1. What is a current angle more than ninety degrees?

A current angle more than ninety degrees refers to an angle that is greater than 90 degrees, or a right angle. This means that the angle measures more than a quarter of a full circle.

2. How is a current angle more than ninety degrees measured?

A current angle more than ninety degrees is measured by using a protractor or other angle measuring tools. The angle is measured by placing the protractor on one side of the angle and aligning the center mark with the vertex. The angle measurement is then read from the protractor's scale.

3. What are some examples of angles that are more than ninety degrees?

Some examples of angles that are more than ninety degrees include obtuse angles, reflex angles, and full angles. These angles measure between 91 and 360 degrees.

4. What is the significance of a current angle more than ninety degrees in geometry?

A current angle more than ninety degrees is significant in geometry as it represents a larger portion of a circle and can help determine the shape and size of geometric figures. It is also used in trigonometry to calculate the sides and angles of triangles.

5. How is a current angle more than ninety degrees used in real life?

A current angle more than ninety degrees is used in real life in various fields such as architecture, engineering, and navigation. For example, architects use angles greater than ninety degrees to create interesting and unique designs, while engineers use them to determine the slope and stability of structures. In navigation, angles greater than ninety degrees are used to determine the direction and distance between two points.

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