Current of AC transmission lines and electricity in general

In summary, power is transmitted by waves of compression and rarefaction that travel down power lines at nearly the speed of light. The waves carry fields external to the wire, which largely control the speed of the wave.
  • #36
Hi Baluncore,
[I meant to write 'Finite' not "Fite"; how embarrassing]
Baluncore said:
No. When a two wire line is connected to a signal source, a differential wave travels away from the source guided by the two conductors. That transient wave will roll on down the transmission line, being attenuated by resistive losses and radiation until what energy remains reaches the load. There can be many transients traveling in a train down the line at one time. There will also be transients traveling back up the line due to impedance mismatches on the line and at the load.
If the conductors are far apart the energy density will be sparse and some “antenna” type radiation will take place. If they are close together, the energy will be dense between the conductors. By keeping the conductors close the energy radiated can be reduced. A coaxial cable internalises the fields and reduces cross coupling of stray signals.

I have no idea what you are getting at with that diagram.
Were you of the opinion that energy could not flow until the signal had run all the way down one wire, then all the way back up the return wire ?
In my last diagram I was trying to illustrate...nevermind. Yeah I was thinking maybe the electric field had to fully circulate before the current can flow because I was thinking about all the electron charge stays spaced evenly (doesn't bunch up).

So what would (by your definition) be the distance between three phase transmission? I assume you'd say the conductors are far apart? (What, like at least a foot between each aerial bundle) And the conductors of your extension cord are close together (because the conductors insulation is butted up against each other).

Energy propagation of three phase electricity:

Say that in the above figure the waveform is something like LHS is peaking, the middle is bottoming out and the RHS is climbing.
So I assume it doesn't matter other than increasing cross coupling or inductance if the conductors are close or far apart (it doesn't matter if the field is dense or sparse) the energy is still the same and the current will flow just as well.
So in principle this is still different from a micro-strip or wave-guide, neither the electric or magnetic component is in the direction of propagation?
How does the electric current propagate forward if there is no source electric field longitudinally?
Engineering news on
  • #37
tim9000 said:
Interesting, so even though a reaction turbine isn't pretty to look at, it's more efficient than an impulse turbine?
I don't think i said more efficient
just the reaction stage let's steam expand.

tim9000 said:
Hmm, I never thought of potential as being how hard they're pushing on each other, I always just thought of them like suspended in a gravitational field from an height. So on this train of thought, we could say that C*V is like holding C electrons at a height of V.

Ahh the water analogy - it falls to ground as it exits the garden hose .


I switched my water analogy long ago to use the pressure term because
within the constraints of a circuit
electrons have so little mass they're insensitive to gravity
and so little velocity the middle term disappears (exception when they're in a beam as in a CRT)

I encourage people to use pressure not height because to allow gravity invites misconceptions of Ground. It's not gravity that pulls lightning down.

So on this train of thought, we could say that C*V is like holding C electrons at a height of V.
see above objection.

A Coulomb X a Volt is to me more like holding a mole of charges at one atmosphere.

tim9000 said:
Anyway, so say P = I*V = (C*V / s) * V, what is that Columbs*Volts2 per second, mathematical analogy/model actually telling us about the real world?

from this question earlier ?
tim9000 said:
(So surely the Voltage part of power is related to how fast the electrons move?...or accelerate...actually that doesn't sound right, electrons have a velocity, not an acceleration...? and so power = C*V^2 / s)

by V do you mean Volts or Velocity ?

How about if you go back to energy = ½mass X velocity2
enter mass of an electron in kilograms
energy of one electron volt in joules
and figure what is velocity
and compare that to typical drift velocity.

Then we'll be on common ground about volts and velocity .
  • #38
tim9000 said:
Say that in the above figure the waveform is something like LHS is peaking, the middle is bottoming out and the RHS is climbing.
That is not possible with balanced 3PH as there is a 120° angle between phases. One phase cannot be high at the same time that another is low. The sum of all three line voltages will be zero. The sum of all three line currents will be zero.

tim9000 said:
How does the electric current propagate forward if there is no source electric field longitudinally?
The biggest voltage changes along the line are due to the transient wave traveling along the line. Losses along the line due to resistance also result in longitudinal voltage drops, but only in proportion to the energy lost in the line resistance. That is because each section of the line represents a small load in series with the intended output load.
  • #40
dlgoff said:
Image compliments of

Thanks Don

as I've said so often i don't trust formulas until all the terms are defined :smile:
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  • #41
Baluncore said:
That is not possible with balanced 3PH as there is a 120° angle between phases. One phase cannot be high at the same time that another is low. The sum of all three line voltages will be zero. The sum of all three line currents will be zero.
Woops sorry, well I was envisioning something like:
Anyway current direction aside the important part was were the electric fields what you meant?

Baluncore said:
The biggest voltage changes along the line are due to the transient wave traveling along the line. Losses along the line due to resistance also result in longitudinal voltage drops, but only in proportion to the energy lost in the line resistance. That is because each section of the line represents a small load in series with the intended output load.
I know start up, and faults, and adding and removing large load would cause transients, but is that all you meant? Or are transients caused by more things and more frequent than I understand?
My point with that diagram is that, from the description you gave (what I tried to illustrate) how is there a longitudinal voltage at all, if all the energy is between lines at right angles to the line itself?

I'll get to the rest of this thread hopefully tomorrow!
  • #42
Electrons are not like billiard balls. The kinetic energy of electrons is negligible, even when electric power transmitted is huge.[/QUOTE]

When an electron moves, it builds a magnetic field, so that energy has to be supplied to get it moving. It is as if it has additional, or virtual, mass, and the inertia which results from this must appear as inductance.
  • #43
tim9000 said:
how is there a longitudinal voltage at all, if all the energy is between lines at right angles to the line itself?

The energy travels along the line, not at right angles to the line. It is the electric field that is at right angles. The wave is traveling along the line. For any sinusoidal component, half a wavelength away the polarity is reversed. That gives a voltage gradient along the line but it cannot be measured because the propagation velocity will also occur in the meter leads.

There are two waves on the wire. One is the forward traveling wave, the other is a backward traveling wave reflected by the impedance mismatch at the load or along the line. Those traveling waves do not interact in the line, but where we make measurements we measure the sum of both which appears as what we describe and imagine to be a standing wave pattern.

The line is a good conductor so it takes very little voltage drop to drive the current against the copper resistance. Each small fragment of resistance along the line costs some energy, reduces the traveling wave voltage and generates another small backward traveling reflected wave component necessary to keep the directional ratios of v/i = Z0, the characteristic impedance of the line.
  • #44
Baluncore said:
The energy travels along the line, not at right angles to the line. It is the electric field that is at right angles. The wave is traveling along the line. For any sinusoidal component, half a wavelength away the polarity is reversed. That gives a voltage gradient along the line but it cannot be measured because the propagation velocity will also occur in the meter leads.

There are two waves on the wire. One is the forward traveling wave, the other is a backward traveling wave reflected by the impedance mismatch at the load or along the line. Those traveling waves do not interact in the line, but where we make measurements we measure the sum of both which appears as what we describe and imagine to be a standing wave pattern.

The line is a good conductor so it takes very little voltage drop to drive the current against the copper resistance. Each small fragment of resistance along the line costs some energy, reduces the traveling wave voltage and generates another small backward traveling reflected wave component necessary to keep the directional ratios of v/i = Z0, the characteristic impedance of the line.
It appears to me that line has not only resistance but series inductance, so that a voltage (E-field) is required in the longitudinal direction in order for a current to flow.
  • #45
tech99 said:
It appears to me that line has not only resistance but series inductance, so that a voltage (E-field) is required in the longitudinal direction in order for a current to flow.
The characteristic impedance of a lossless line is Z0 = √ ( L / C ) where L is the inductance per unit length and C is the capacitance per unit length.
A lossy line has series L, parallel C and also series resistance. That results in longitudinal energy losses and reflection of energy to balance the V and I equations along the line. The resistive losses occur for both the forward and backward waves. Longitudinal voltage is occurring in both directions at the same time.'s_equations#Distributed_components
  • #46
Hi Everyone,
This is one of many threads I've been trying hard to get back to.

tech99 said:
It appears to me that line has not only resistance but series inductance, so that a voltage (E-field) is required in the longitudinal direction in order for a current to flow.
Yeah, I really don't understand how 'there isn't'?
Is the B field Outside the coax (below) anti-clockwise? And is the B field Inside partially canceled by the current in the other direction?

Baluncore said:
The characteristic impedance of a lossless line is Z0 = √ ( L / C ) where L is the inductance per unit length and C is the capacitance per unit length.
Which is presumably = V(t)/I(t)
Is this diagram (frame at the top) subject to your description:


Anyone, Please answer the questions in the frames at your leisure.

Thanks very much!
  • #47
tim9000 said:
Is the B field Outside the coax (below) anti-clockwise?
There are no fields outside the coax due to signals inside the coax. The current flow on the outside of the inner conductor is equal and opposite to the current on the inside of the outer conductor. Any currents on the outside of the coax will be related to currents in the external environment, they form a separate transmission line with a different velocity factor to the inside surfaces of the coax.

tim9000 said:
And is the B field Inside partially canceled by the current in the other direction?
You must stop confusing the two quite independent directions of energy propagation on the line from/with the two equal and opposite surface currents on the conducting surfaces of the one line. Your question is ambiguous unless you make it clear what you are referring to and in which direction you are considering it.
  • #48
Baluncore said:
You must stop confusing the two quite independent directions of energy propagation on the line from/with the two equal and opposite surface currents on the conducting surfaces of the one line. Your question is ambiguous unless you make it clear what you are referring to and in which direction you are considering it.
Sorry about the ambiguity, I'll try again. So if I was looking just at the outer conductor in the picture, with the current going out of the page, there would be a magnetic field anti-clockwise; however you said that the current is only flowing on the Inside of the outer conductor, so there is no magnetic field outside the outer conductor. So I am wondering why there is still a magnetic field inbetween the two conductors? Because the right hand rule for the inner conductor of the picture is shown, so I'm wondering why there is no magnetic field due to the outside conductor.
As for the confusion of direction of energy propagation, I wasn't aware I was doing that, but I concede that I may have been. Are you implying that if the magnetic field WAS canceled inside that there wouldn't be any energy propagation?

What about the top frame of the second picture, with E in blue and B in red, was that what you'd previously meant when we were talking about a two wire conductor (circuit)? [What you meant by the E field being in between, and at right angles?]

  • #49
You can't just look at the outer because there has to be a return path for current to flow. The 'corkscrew rule' tells you that the magnetic fields add in the inside and cancel on the outside. Look at the diagrams further back in this thread. E fields are zero outside too. A
  • #50
tim9000 said:
Are you implying that if the magnetic field WAS canceled inside that there wouldn't be any energy propagation?

What about the top frame of the second picture, with E in blue and B in red, was that what you'd previously meant when we were talking about a two wire conductor (circuit)? [What you meant by the E field being in between, and at right angles?]
The inside of the outer conductor is a excellent conductor. That makes it a good EM mirror. Any magnetic field incident with the inside surface will induce a perpendicular longitudinal current that will create a reverse magnetic field to cancel the incident field. Those two fields cancel everywhere outside the inner surface of the outer conductor.
You are hypothesising that the magnetic field inside the transmission line is caused by a current flowing “in” the conductor. But that current was induced in that mirror surface by an incident internal magnetic field. You are forgetting that the EM field within a coaxial cable is constrained to the dielectric by the surface currents on the reflective “walls”.
When you connect a transmission line to a signal you are connecting the dielectrics and the conductive reflective walls. You do that by making sure that longitudinal surface currents and electric field between the surfaces will not be interrupted at the interface.

Hypothesising your own personal theory is a most inefficient way of approaching the subject. It wastes your time and the time of those who answer your questions. You question the paradigm by proposing a simpler model of reality that does not fit the paradigm. You then call for someone to say why your poorly specified model is wrong. That requires they understand your immature model, which is different to their reality. It is better to read and understand the physics than to learn in an ever changing feedback loop where communications in the English language gets two chances to be misunderstood per cycle.
  • #51
Baluncore said:
The inside of the outer conductor is a excellent conductor. That makes it a good EM mirror. Any magnetic field incident with the inside surface will induce a perpendicular longitudinal current that will create a reverse magnetic field to cancel the incident field. Those two fields cancel everywhere outside the inner surface of the outer conductor.
You are hypothesising that the magnetic field inside the transmission line is caused by a current flowing “in” the conductor. But that current was induced in that mirror surface by an incident internal magnetic field. You are forgetting that the EM field within a coaxial cable is constrained to the dielectric by the surface currents on the reflective “walls”.
When you connect a transmission line to a signal you are connecting the dielectrics and the conductive reflective walls. You do that by making sure that longitudinal surface currents and electric field between the surfaces will not be interrupted at the interface.

Hypothesising your own personal theory is a most inefficient way of approaching the subject. It wastes your time and the time of those who answer your questions. You question the paradigm by proposing a simpler model of reality that does not fit the paradigm. You then call for someone to say why your poorly specified model is wrong. That requires they understand your immature model, which is different to their reality. It is better to read and understand the physics than to learn in an ever changing feedback loop where communications in the English language gets two chances to be misunderstood per cycle.

I'm not sure what you're implying here. Are you suggesting that the internal B field is eliminated due to reflections? (perhaps not) There is a B field inside the 'cavity, which is circumferential (Transverse). There are a load of links that show how this can be calculated using Ampere's Law and it is finite at the inner surface of the outer conductor and at the outer surface of the inner conductor. This link shows it in detail but there is a graph showing the results of the calculations and the way the field varies with the radius. It shows that the external field is zero and that it exists throughout the conductors (depending on the resistivity)
If tim looks at the link, above, he will see the actual situation and will not need to try an alternative personal approach.
  • #52
HI, thanks for the replies;
sophiecentaur said:
You can't just look at the outer because there has to be a return path for current to flow. The 'corkscrew rule' tells you that the magnetic fields add in the inside and cancel on the outside. Look at the diagrams further back in this thread. E fields are zero outside too. A
I am surprised that I'm getting the corkscrew rule wrong, could you please give me post number in the thread, to specifically refer to?

Baluncore said:
The inside of the outer conductor is a excellent conductor. That makes it a good EM mirror. Any magnetic field incident with the inside surface will induce a perpendicular longitudinal current that will create a reverse magnetic field to cancel the incident field. Those two fields cancel everywhere outside the inner surface of the outer conductor.
You are hypothesising that the magnetic field inside the transmission line is caused by a current flowing “in” the conductor. But that current was induced in that mirror surface by an incident internal magnetic field. You are forgetting that the EM field within a coaxial cable is constrained to the dielectric by the surface currents on the reflective “walls”.
When you connect a transmission line to a signal you are connecting the dielectrics and the conductive reflective walls. You do that by making sure that longitudinal surface currents and electric field between the surfaces will not be interrupted at the interface.

Hypothesising your own personal theory is a most inefficient way of approaching the subject. It wastes your time and the time of those who answer your questions. You question the paradigm by proposing a simpler model of reality that does not fit the paradigm. You then call for someone to say why your poorly specified model is wrong. That requires they understand your immature model, which is different to their reality. It is better to read and understand the physics than to learn in an ever changing feedback loop where communications in the English language gets two chances to be misunderstood per cycle.
That is harsh but pretty fair, but in my defense I didn't realize I was hypothesising my own personal theory, I thought I was just applying the corkscrew rule an illustration on the internet, I didn't realize that I was being overly reductionist and that it required a deeper level of understanding, hence I mistakenly expected a more simple answer than could be given [I do completely agree with the whole 'introducing two misunderstandings per cycle']. (also according to @sophiecentaur I'm applying it wrong, which doesn't help)
So I'm a little bit lost here "But that current was induced in that mirror surface by an incident internal magnetic field. You are forgetting that the EM field within a coaxial cable is constrained to the dielectric by the surface currents on the reflective “walls”.
When you connect a transmission line to a signal you are connecting the dielectrics and the conductive reflective walls. You do that by making sure that longitudinal surface currents and electric field between the surfaces will not be interrupted at the interface."
So are you saying that the current in the surface of the two conductors is caused by the magnetic field, and not the electric potential of the source? Okay, so the EM fields are contained within the dielectric, but what do you mean by 'interrupted at the interface'?

sophiecentaur said:
If tim looks at the link, above, he will see the actual situation and will not need to try an alternative personal approach.
Yeah I think I will need to look at that link to figure out what is going on with the B fields and how they are cancelling. Thanks

The bottom picture in my post #46 (particularly the top frame) I was trying to illustrate my interpretation of something(s) you said earlier:
Baluncore said:
It travels between the conductors, guided by the surface of the conductors.
And I was wondering if you could please comment on that.
Baluncore said:
There is a voltage difference between the conductors. So between the conductors we also have an electric field. The E and M fields are perpendicular. The cross product of those two fields gives the poynting vector which is the direction of energy flow. That direction is from the generator to the load.

When we measure the rate of energy transfer from generator to load by multiplying the current by the voltage to get power in watts, we are in effect (cross-)multiplying the electric and magnetic fields.
The energy travels through the insulation and air between the wires, guided by currents in the surface of the wires.
Yeah I think I more or less understand that, (and I am fascinated by the realisation that it is in essence the cross-product), and so (in the second half of that picture I drew in #46) I wanted to make a sort of hypothetical of well if the energy travels between them, what if they (the conductor and return conductor) were infinitely far spaced away from each other, but the source was a finite distance from the load, would energy ever actually be able to flow towards the load?Cheers
  • #53
tim9000 said:
(also according to @sophiecentaur I'm applying it wrong, which doesn't help)
I have to backpedal here a bit. With a two wire feeder the B field between the two conductors will have contributions from both conductors but, of course, with a continuous outer, there is no contribution to the B field inside the cavity - if you consider the continuous outer as a number of parallel conductors with equal currents flowing in them, the 'corkscrew rule' will cancel the fields from diametrically opposite conductors. But Ampere's Law gives you the answer in a more pukka way.

tim9000 said:
what if they (the conductor and return conductor) were infinitely far spaced away from each other,
That's not an acceptable model to work with as you cannot connect a source or load in a conventional way. Your suggestion makes me think of radio communication between two antennae.
  • #54
sophiecentaur said:
Are you suggesting that the internal B field is eliminated due to reflections? (perhaps not)
No, I'm saying there are no fields from inside the coaxial cable getting outside because the walls are mirrors. At a conductive surface the transmitted wave is canceled so it does not exist outside the coax.
  • #55
Baluncore said:
No, I'm saying there are no fields from inside the coaxial cable getting outside because the walls are mirrors. At a conductive surface the transmitted wave is canceled so it does not exist outside the coax.
Yes, I see that now. :smile:
Also, Ampere's Law says what happens in any of these cases.
  • #56
sophiecentaur said:
I have to backpedal here a bit. With a two wire feeder the B field between the two conductors will have contributions from both conductors but, of course, with a continuous outer, there is no contribution to the B field inside the cavity - if you consider the continuous outer as a number of parallel conductors with equal currents flowing in them, the 'corkscrew rule' will cancel the fields from diametrically opposite conductors. But Ampere's Law gives you the answer in a more pukka way.

That's not an acceptable model to work with as you cannot connect a source or load in a conventional way. Your suggestion makes me think of radio communication between two antennae.
So with the conventional two wire feeder circuit (as I tried to illustrate in the top half of the bottom picture in #46) is that how the EM energy travels down the line? The B and E field vector orientations (if that is the right terminology) and so the cross product is down the line.

Ah yes, I see what you're both talking about with the continuous outer coax, thanks!
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  • #57
tim9000 said:
and so the cross product is down the line.
For a two wire feeder, there will have to be a finite radiation resistance, I think and this implies that the Power is mainly flowing down the line (TEM) but there will also be a slight divergence of the Pointing Vector field to account for the leaked power into free space. I guess that the E and B fields will have a small but finite in phase component.
  • #58
I was more interested in if the diagrammatic arrow representations of how you could think of the energy transfer component of the E and B actually looked, in the picture were accurate.
(also, what would this 'divergence' due to leaking power 'look like'?)
sophiecentaur said:
I think and this implies that the Power is mainly flowing down the line (TEM)
But I posed this before in about #12 and:
Baluncore said:
Why confuse things by using waveguide mode classification when phase velocity is not relevant because the distance between the wires is very very much less than a wavelength. EM radiation in space is TEM, just as are the fields between the good conductors that make up a circuit.
So are you saying that the conduction of electricity IS IN FACT a TEM model?

  • #59
tim9000 said:
So are you saying that the conduction of electricity IS IN FACT a TEM model?
Why not? The E field is normal to the wire, the B field is in circles round the wire and the power flows along the wire. The fields are (at least nominally) transverse to the direction of power flow. (We ignore the forward component of the E field, which seems to get so many people steamed up because they think that field component is relevant)

tim9000 said:
(also, what would this 'divergence' due to leaking power 'look like'?)
Without bothering to actually draw it, I can describe it as having the Poynting Vector S parallel with the wires in the centre and very slightly spreading 'outwards' at locations near the wires. The divergence will be small as the radiation resistance is very low. If the wires were significantly resistive, part of the power would be 'into the wires' (more divergence, I guess) so the total flux (between the wires) would get gradually less and less. The explanation for this divergence is that the speed of propagation near the resistive wire (or the radiation leaves from sections of it) is a bit slower. The same effect can be seen when a Vertically Polarised Medium Frequency signal travels along the ground (a ground wave) and it is constantly 'dragged' and dissipated by the ground, giving a slight forward slope to the E field, directing Power down into the ground. It keeps the level of received signal higher than you'd expect because energy above the ground gets directed downwards. The 'shadow' of an MF signal, produced by the presence of metal buildings in a city, gets repaired by this mechanism and the received signal beyond the city gradually recovers.
  • #60
tim9000 said:
So are you saying that the conduction of electricity IS IN FACT a TEM model?
How many different waveguide modes are possible on a coaxial cable?
  • #61
Baluncore said:
How many different waveguide modes are possible on a coaxial cable?
If the circumference of the pipe is less than a wavelength, there are two modes. The ordinary TEM and the "single wire" TM mode. The latter is small for a small diameter cable and is not noticed, because its group velocity is the same.
If the circumference is greater than a wavelength, then conventional waveguide modes can start to occur, and if the cable is sufficiently large there is no limit to their number.
  • #62
Baluncore said:
How many different waveguide modes are possible on a coaxial cable?
I'm not talking about a Coaxial cable. (the single conductor and return path)

sophiecentaur said:
Why not? The E field is normal to the wire, the B field is in circles round the wire and the power flows along the wire. The fields are (at least nominally) transverse to the direction of power flow. (We ignore the forward component of the E field, which seems to get so many people steamed up because they think that field component is relevant)
I'm just being pedantic now, but how can there be a forward component of the E field if it's normal to the wire?
So what do you mean by 'relevant', could you elaborate (you don't have to if you don't want to), I think the original answer to my question was remember cross product and remember the E field is between the potential of the conductor (and on that second point, I imagine that each point of potential has fictitious field lines running to each other point along the conductor of lesser potential and that 'is where' the E lines are, as opposed to the B lines which just rotate around the conductor)

@sophiecentaur I'll need more time to think about the rest of your post, cheers.
Thanks for the replies.
  • #63
tim9000 said:
I'm just being pedantic now,
Rightly so; you have to ask questions. I make no apology for saying that this is an 'Engineer's `thing' and it is perfectly acceptable to see this sort of problem as a set of shells; the outer shell would be the ideal / simplest model. This will suffice for many situations but it may be necessary to use more than the basic transmission line theory in some practical circs. The fact is that there is only a forward component of E when there is a non-ideal situation, involving loss of power as the wave travels. Nonetheless, this 'tilt' is very small in any normal transmission line. If you made a line out of nichrome (resistance) wire then you could imagine most of the power having dissipated within a couple of metres of line. Then you would really see some significant tilt or spread of the vector.
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  • #64
sophiecentaur said:
Rightly so; you have to ask questions. I make no apology for saying that this is an 'Engineer's `thing' and it is perfectly acceptable to see this sort of problem as a set of shells; the outer shell would be the ideal / simplest model. This will suffice for many situations but it may be necessary to use more than the basic transmission line theory in some practical circs. The fact is that there is only a forward component of E when there is a non-ideal situation, involving loss of power as the wave travels. Nonetheless, this 'tilt' is very small in any normal transmission line. If you made a line out of nichrome (resistance) wire then you could imagine most of the power having dissipated within a couple of metres of line. Then you would really see some significant tilt or spread of the vector.
That is a nice answer. So the infra red radiated (heat loss) is explained from the poynting vector diverging (spreading) from it's forward direction in it's TEM path between and around the two wires.
Thanks heaps!
  • #65
The "heat loss" is because of the resistance in the wires or the resistive element in the insulator / spacers. The other loss is due to EM radiation into space (the 'radiation resistance - which doesn't get anything hot until the EM is absorbed by something resistive out there.
  • #66
sophiecentaur said:
The "heat loss" is because of the resistance in the wires or the resistive element in the insulator / spacers. The other loss is due to EM radiation into space (the 'radiation resistance - which doesn't get anything hot until the EM is absorbed by something resistive out there.
I understand that the heat loss is due to resistance, I didn't consider that it was due to spaces in the conductor (minor insulation) I was just thinking of them (some of the electrons) absorbing some of the EM and then re-radiating it out as new photons off the conductor, but I suppose that is like a sort of insulation quality, then again this could just be two descriptions of the same thing? But now you're saying there is ANOTHER aspect, that of radiate resistance, so that means that a super-conductor would still radiate EM (and act as a transmission antenna)? So still has a resistance of sorts?

Also, just thinking about preparing to wind this thread up, of of my original post thesis was that I felt that the electrons were in them-selves acting as the medium for the ill-defined 'electricity', which I've come back around to thinking. So the electrons pass a sort of energy wave along the conductor as they slowly move (in DC) or oscillate back and forth without moving (in AC), as the Electric field is BETWEEN the conductor (and it's return path conductor) and the Magnetic field curls around the conductor (and it's return path) and I suppose the closest thing to what we call 'electricity', is the resulting poynting vector? [ of BxE or ExB (?) ]
And also just to double check there is no E field actually inside the conductor is there?

  • #67
RF power is radiated from any structure - that's fundamental. But the radiation resistance of a superconducting coil is extremely low a couple of metres is a minute fraction of a wavelength at 50Hz so it's not a significant factor - particularly at DC.
From some of your comments, it seems that you are trying to mix macroscopic matters (Maxwell's Equations and EE in general) with a very superficial model of how electrons are actually involved in real conductors. You are bound to draw funny conclusions when (as you say) you have only limited knowledge of either. I, certainly would be reluctant to get involved in that sort of exercise. If in doubt I go to the textbook (or a local PF expert.)
The Poynting Vector was originally defined as
H is Magnetic Field and B is magnetic flux density. Look it up if you feel like it but H and B tend to be used in different contexts and it's easy to get confused.
If you do it the other way round, the Power flows the wrong way. lol
  • #68
sophiecentaur said:
But the radiation resistance of a superconducting coil is extremely low
I thought that the current in superconductors flowed unimpeded forever. But if they have a (low) radiative resistance then this cannot be the case?

sophiecentaur said:
From some of your comments, it seems that you are trying to mix macroscopic matters (Maxwell's Equations and EE in general) with a very superficial model of how electrons are actually involved in real conductors.
I am guilty of having that nasty tendency, but I'm working on it. Though, how did I do that just before? Was it by saying that the electrons were what radiated the EM away? I didn't think really required Maxwell's equations (although I'm sure it would be consistent with them) I just thought I was taking an extremely superficial aspect of QM (not that I internally contexturalised that as a realisation when I said it).
tim9000 said:
And also just to double check there is no E field actually inside the conductor is there?
Thanks again!
  • #69
tim9000 said:
I thought that the current in superconductors flowed unimpeded forever. But if they have a (low) radiative resistance then this cannot be the case?
The resistance is Zero for DC but 'very low' for AC. This link quotes nanoOhms for the resistance in a superconducting microwave cavity as opposed to milliOhms in a copper one, which shows that it's still worth using superconductors. Radiation Resistance is, like the poor, "always with us' but, of course, at DC it is zero, in any case.

tim9000 said:
Was it by saying that the electrons were what radiated the EM away?
That is really mixing your metaphors and can't lead you anywhere with certainty, I think. I always say that there is no point in bringing electrons into electricity except when you have no option. Maxwell certainly didn't (they hadn't been found in his time) and did well enough without them. If you think that using electrons has actually helped you with your 'understanding of electricity' then you are in good company but it's a bit of a delusion. I guess you could say that electron behaviour is a part of electricity and not the other way round.
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  • #70
Ah, I ever so vaguely remember something like the BSC theory, (which my HS physics teacher called the 'BS theory') so that would make sense if that was for DC. As would be the case for levitating super conductors with a permanent magnet.

sophiecentaur said:
That is really mixing your metaphors and can't lead you anywhere with certainty, I think. I always say that there is no point in bringing electrons into electricity except when you have no option. Maxwell certainly didn't (they hadn't been found in his time) and did well enough without them. If you think that using electrons has actually helped you with your 'understanding of electricity' then you are in good company but it's a bit of a delusion. I guess you could say that electron behaviour is a part of electricity and not the other way round.
Yes, I agree about trying to neglect electrons from the 'electric model' which has been the big leap for my mind. I'm just trying to understand the role they play in their repulsion and behavior to be homogeneous in guiding the electric field for 'electricity' to happen ; so there is no electric field in the wire, I'm fine with that. But when I work back in the model, say from conductor to source from MMF, we're always taught to think of the loop of copper spinning cutting the flux and the 'current' to be induced in the wire. But using this model of the poynting vector etc. I'm trying to picture instead...what, the electric field is induced between the coils (between each turn and between one coil to the other) as they cut the magnetic flux? This is a bit for me to grapple with, but I'm trying.
