Current sensing/measuring circuit

In summary: So your logic might look something like this: In summary, the person is looking for a way to measure current with an MCU using a C.T or sense resistor. They are having trouble finding a wide range and good resolution of 5mA. They need to translate them into 0-5V. They need a differential power supply like +/- 5 or 15 volts so the opamp can sense the below-ground voltage on the "left side" of the current sense resistor. They will also need to connect the opamp as a precision rectifier and feed it to a high resolution A to D converter. Finally, they need a 12 bit A/D if they need the direction as well as amplitude.
  • #1
Hi everyone, I've been trying very hard to contruct an analog front end to measure current with an MCU, using a C.T(preferbly) or a sense resistor. Translating them into positive 0-5V.But find no luck as the I need a wide range and good resolution of 5mA.

Requirements :-

Line current : 0 - 10A 50/60hz AC
Resolution :5 mA

I need to translate them into 0-5V to be measure by my MCU to graph the instananeous current waveform, and of coz the rms values, peaks and so on.

The biggest problem is the 5mA requirement.Any help is greatly appreaciated.
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  • #2
Use a small resistor .1 ohms or less and connect the differential inputs of an op-amp across it. Adjust the feedback around the opamp to get the scaling you need. You'll need a differential power supply like +/- 5 or 15 volts so tge opamp can sense the below-ground voltage on the "left side" of the current sense resistor.
  • #3
You will also need to connect the opamp as a precision rectifier and feed it to a high resolution A to D converter.

That is about 2000 steps (10 A / 0.005 A) so you would need at least 11 bit (2048 step) resolution.
  • #4
vk6kro said:
You will also need to connect the opamp as a precision rectifier and feed it to a high resolution A to D converter.

That is about 2000 steps (10 A / 0.005 A) so you would need at least 11 bit (2048 step) resolution.

I assumed he was already behind the rectifier.

Pagedown -do you need to measure direction of the current or just amplitude?
  • #5
What is the resolution of your A/D converter? Most uPs are only 10 bits.

Do you need 5 mA resolution even at 10 amps? If not you may consider using a log amp. Instead of using an opamp between the sense resistor and the A/D, you could use a log amp. You might also use an opamp to optimally scale the output of the log amp to the A/D converter.

Here is one I have used.

Note: If you don't need fast conversion times, you can get 11 bit resolution from a 10 bit A/D by averaging several readings.
  • #6
Ya, I will need the direction and also amplitude, thus the rectifier will cut-me off my direction. I will be using a 12-bit external ADC if needed.

Log amp will have this solved?
  • #7
Yes, if you need the direction as well as amplitude you will need a 12 bit A/D. Unfortunately, log amps, like logarithms, do not handle negative values elegantly.

FAQ: Current sensing/measuring circuit

1. What is a current sensing/measuring circuit?

A current sensing/measuring circuit is an electronic circuit used to measure the magnitude of an electrical current flowing through a specific point in a circuit. It typically consists of a sensor, an amplifier, and a display or output device.

2. How does a current sensing/measuring circuit work?

A current sensing/measuring circuit works by using a sensor, such as a shunt resistor or a hall effect sensor, to measure the voltage drop across a specific point in a circuit. This voltage is then amplified and converted into a readable signal, which can be displayed or used for further analysis.

3. What are the different types of current sensing/measuring circuits?

There are several types of current sensing/measuring circuits, including shunt resistor circuits, hall effect sensor circuits, and transformer-based circuits. Each type has its own advantages and is suitable for different applications.

4. What are the benefits of using a current sensing/measuring circuit?

A current sensing/measuring circuit allows for accurate and precise measurement of electrical currents, which is essential for monitoring and controlling power consumption in electronic devices. It also provides real-time data, allowing for quick troubleshooting and identification of potential issues.

5. Can a current sensing/measuring circuit be used for both AC and DC currents?

Yes, there are current sensing/measuring circuits that can measure both AC and DC currents. However, the type of circuit used may differ depending on the type of current being measured. For example, a hall effect sensor is commonly used for DC currents, while a transformer-based circuit may be better suited for AC currents.
