Current through voltage doublers

In summary, voltage doubler circuits produce double the output voltage but half the current. When the output is put through a resistive load, the current through that load is equal to voltage divided by resistance. The voltage doubler provides half of the current on one side as on the other, which does not imply anything about what it does compared to if it isn't there. The maximum current that can be drawn from the doubler depends on the value of capacitors. The net charge and averaged current through the load is half of the net charge and current that flows into the capacitors from the input. Adding a doubler will quadruple the current consumed from the source, but the current through a specific resistor is not relevant.
  • #1
When it comes to voltage doubler circuits, They produce double the output voltage but half the current. But when a voltage doubler output is put through a resistive load, the current through that load is equal to voltage divided by resistance. So how does the voltage doubler provide half of the current from the source to the load when current flowing through a resistive load is dependent only on the voltage provided to the load?
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  • #2
The voltage doubler provides half the current on one side of it as on the other. That does not imply anything about what it does compared to if it isn't there.
  • #3
Idea04 said:
When it comes to voltage doubler circuits, They produce double the output voltage but half the current. But when a voltage doubler output is put through a resistive load, the current through that load is equal to voltage divided by resistance. So how does the voltage doubler provide half of the current from the source to the load when current flowing through a resistive load is dependent only on the voltage provided to the load?
Suppose your voltage doubler is powered from a 12v source, and is drawing 2A from that source. Even if it were 100% efficient, then at 24v output it could deliver only 1A. Otherwise, it would be outputting more power than it drew from the source, and efficiency would exceed 100%.
  • #4
yes, the question should be addressed backward from OP.

Since at best, power in = power out,
and power = Volts X Amps,

to double Volts out,, you must either halve (OOPS ! edit - not volts, but ) Amps out or double Amps in.
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  • #5
if you are discussing the doubling rectifier such as bridge (Delon) doubler

then the maximum current depends on the value of capacitors, and indeed the current through load will be half of the current that flows from AC source into the doubler as half of the cycle the charge from the input waveform (current*time) is put into one capacitor and other half of the time into another*, while both capacitors will be discharging through the load simultaneously; if you consider the net charge, the net charge that will flow through the load is half of the net charge that flows into the capacitors from the input (the charge that flows through the load is equal to charge added into one capacitor, or the charge added into another), and so is the averaged current (which is simply total charge per time).

*not so neatly in practice as it will only consume spikes of current at the peaks of the original waveform.

edit: with regards to current through a specific resistor with and without doubler, that is not relevant. If you have a high value resistor, without the doubler the power consumption (from the AC source) will be lower than with the doubler. In particular the current through a high value resistor will double, while the current consumed from the source, and the power, will quadruple, if you add a doubler. The current after the doubler will still be half of the current consumed from source, but the current consumed from source will quadruple. (for low values the doubler may fail to actually double the voltage, depending to the capacitance and frequency)
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FAQ: Current through voltage doublers

What is a voltage doubler?

A voltage doubler is a type of electronic circuit that is used to double the input voltage. It is commonly used in power supplies to convert AC voltage to DC voltage.

How does a voltage doubler work?

A voltage doubler works by using a combination of diodes and capacitors to store and discharge electrical energy. This process effectively doubles the input voltage, providing a higher output voltage.

What is the difference between a voltage doubler and a voltage multiplier?

A voltage doubler is a specific type of voltage multiplier that doubles the input voltage, whereas a voltage multiplier can produce a higher output voltage by utilizing multiple stages of capacitors and diodes.

What are the advantages of using a voltage doubler?

The main advantage of using a voltage doubler is that it can effectively double the input voltage without the need for a bulky and expensive transformer. This makes it a more compact and cost-effective solution for power supply applications.

Are there any limitations to using a voltage doubler?

Yes, there are a few limitations to using a voltage doubler. The main limitation is that the output voltage is not regulated, meaning it can fluctuate depending on the input voltage and load. Additionally, the output current is limited, making it unsuitable for high-power applications.

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