Cutting edge introductory info re: field emission microscopy and imaging methods

In summary: Field-ion microscopy: Recent advances" by Mikhailovskij et al. in Physical Review, 2009This article discusses the recent advances in field-ion microscopy, focusing on the use of carbon atoms as an example. The article is self-taught, and the authors note that reliable developments in the methodology have potentially now outstripped the methods in Mikhailovskij et al.'s 2009 paper. There are many references for further reading if interested in learning more about this topic.
  • #1

I'm self-taught and am currently trying to get up to date about the newest developments in field-emission microscopy and other methods of imaging sub-atomic structures. I'm able to follow (though just barely) Mikhailovskij et al.'s 2009 paper in Physical Review showing electron orbitals in a carbon atom from graphene, but I understand that reliable (and one assumes, replicable) developments in the methodology have potentially now outstripped the methods in that paper.

Could someone please recommend resources I could look at that will help me to follow and come further up to date with this, short of my enrolling in a graduate program?--something a little bit beyond a layperson's approach (although I won't object to that either) but not too much more.

Many thanks!
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  • #2
  • #3
Hi Spinnor,

Thanks for the links and sorry for the delay in response. What I was looking for was something more along the lines of 1-2 academic review article(s) but pitched for lay-people, rather than having to go through ArXiv tables of contents and lists of links which might or might not result in read-able (by me) papers. Any thoughts?

  • #5

Dear researcher,

It's great to hear that you are interested in staying up to date with the latest advancements in field-emission microscopy and imaging methods. This field is constantly evolving and it can be challenging to keep up with all the developments.

One resource that I would recommend is the journal "Microscopy and Microanalysis." It publishes cutting-edge research in all areas of microscopy, including field-emission microscopy. Another journal that may be of interest to you is "Ultramicroscopy," which focuses specifically on high-resolution imaging techniques.

In addition, attending conferences and workshops on microscopy can also be a great way to learn about the latest techniques and developments. These events often have sessions dedicated to field-emission microscopy and other advanced imaging methods.

Lastly, I would also recommend reaching out to experts in the field and asking for their recommendations on resources and literature to help you stay updated. You can also consider collaborating with researchers in this field to gain hands-on experience and learn from their expertise.

I hope this helps and I wish you all the best in your research endeavors.



Related to Cutting edge introductory info re: field emission microscopy and imaging methods

1. What is field emission microscopy?

Field emission microscopy (FEM) is an advanced imaging technique that uses a high electric field to produce a focused electron beam. This beam is then used to scan a sample surface, providing high-resolution images of its surface topography and composition.

2. How does FEM differ from other microscopy techniques?

FEM is different from other microscopy techniques in that it uses a much smaller electron source, which allows for higher resolution imaging. It also has the ability to image non-conductive samples, making it useful for a wide range of materials.

3. What are the advantages of using FEM?

The main advantage of FEM is its high resolution, which can reach atomic-scale imaging. It also has the ability to image samples in their natural state, without the need for any additional preparation. Additionally, FEM is a non-destructive technique, allowing for repeated imaging of the same sample.

4. What are some common applications of FEM?

FEM has a wide range of applications, including materials science, nanotechnology, and biological research. It can be used to study the surface structure of materials, analyze thin films, and investigate the composition of biological samples.

5. What are some limitations of FEM?

One limitation of FEM is that it requires a high vacuum environment, which can limit the types of samples that can be imaged. It also has a limited depth of field, making it difficult to image samples with complex structures. Additionally, FEM can be a time-consuming process and may require specialized training to operate the equipment.

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