Cylinder/piston pressure multiplier River water pump

In summary, a submersed water pump for river flows is described with two cylinders, one with a diameter of 1 meter and the other with a diameter of 0.2 meters. The cylinders are connected by a shaft and have an area ratio of 25:1. The larger cylinder has a shroud with a diameter of 1.5 meters on both ends and is open on both sides. When submerged in the river flow, water enters one end and pushes the piston, while water exits the other end in the direction of the river flow. The piston then pushes the second piston in a closed cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 meters, pressurizing the water. Both cylinders have retention valves for controlling the
  • #1
Matos de Mato
Submersed water pump for river flows.
Two cylinders, one with 1 meter diameter and the other 0.2 m/diameter. Pistons are in the same shaft. Area ratio is of 25 X. The bigger cylinder have a shroud of a diameter of 1.5 meter in both ends and is open on both sides. When we submerse it in the river flow the water flows in and pushes the piston. On the other end of the cylinder the water flows out in the direction of the river flow.
The piston pushes the second piston, in a closed cylinder ( 0,2m/d) and pressures water. The inlets and outlets of this double side cylinder have retention valves to control aspiration and discharged of the cylinder.
The cylinders rotate on its axis, enabling continuous cycles.
I need to find the pressure on both cylinders, if the flows at 1 m/s, and power calculations if the pressure water works on micro hydro turbine to produce electric energy.
Engineering news on
  • #3

I would first consider the design and functionality of this cylinder/piston pressure multiplier river water pump. It appears to be a unique and innovative design that utilizes the natural flow of a river to generate power. The use of two cylinders, one with a larger diameter and one with a smaller diameter, allows for a pressure multiplier effect which increases the force and power generated by the pump.

In order to determine the pressure on both cylinders, we would need to consider the flow rate of the river (1 m/s) and the area ratio (25x). This means that the larger cylinder has an area 25 times greater than the smaller cylinder, resulting in a pressure increase of 25 times as well. However, the shroud on the larger cylinder may affect the flow dynamics and the actual pressure on the cylinders would need to be calculated using fluid dynamics equations.

The use of retention valves is also an important aspect of the design as it allows for control of the aspiration and discharge of the cylinders. This ensures a continuous flow of water and efficient operation of the pump.

In terms of power calculations, we would need to consider the pressure and flow rate of the water as well as the efficiency of the pump and the micro hydro turbine. The pressure and flow rate of the water would determine the amount of power that can be generated by the turbine, while the efficiency of the pump would determine the amount of power that can be transferred to the turbine.

Overall, this cylinder/piston pressure multiplier river water pump has the potential to be a sustainable and efficient source of electric energy. Further calculations and testing would be needed to determine the exact pressure and power output, but the design shows promise for harnessing the power of flowing water.

FAQ: Cylinder/piston pressure multiplier River water pump

1. What is a cylinder/piston pressure multiplier river water pump?

A cylinder/piston pressure multiplier river water pump is a type of pump that uses the power of a river or other water source to drive the movement of a piston, which in turn creates pressure and forces water to flow through a cylinder. This type of pump is commonly used in rural areas or areas with limited access to electricity or other power sources.

2. How does a cylinder/piston pressure multiplier river water pump work?

The pump works by using a river or other water source to fill a cylinder. As the water fills the cylinder, it creates pressure that forces a piston to move. The motion of the piston then pushes water out of the cylinder and into a connected pipe or hose, creating a constant flow of water. As long as the water source continues to fill the cylinder, the pump will continue to operate.

3. What are the benefits of using a cylinder/piston pressure multiplier river water pump?

There are several benefits to using this type of pump. One of the main benefits is that it does not require electricity or fuel to operate, making it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. It is also relatively low maintenance and can provide a consistent flow of water even in remote or rural areas.

4. What factors should be considered when choosing a cylinder/piston pressure multiplier river water pump?

When choosing a pump, it is important to consider the size and flow rate of the water source, as well as the distance and elevation that the water needs to be pumped. The type of materials used in the pump should also be considered to ensure durability and resistance to corrosion.

5. How can a cylinder/piston pressure multiplier river water pump be used in scientific research or experiments?

This type of pump can be used in various scientific research or experiments that require a reliable and consistent flow of water. It can be used to simulate natural water flow or to test the effects of different water pressures on various materials. It can also be used to pump water from a river or other source for experiments that require a large volume of water.
