Cylinder,piston termodynamics problem

In summary, after heating up to 4T/3, the volume of the upper half of the cylinder is 3 times the volume of the lower half.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A closed vertical cylinder contains a mobile piston that splits it in two parts of volumes V1 and V2 with a ratio V1/V2=3. Both parts contain the same mass of an ideal gas at the same temperature T.
Both chambers are heated to a temperature of 4T/3, find the ratio of the new volumes.

Here's a little diagram to make it more clear.

The Attempt at a Solution

Now I'm somehow confused because they don't specify if the mass of the piston is negligible.

So, if the piston is in equilibrium and its mass is negligible then the resultant force that apply to the piston must be 0 => p1=p2, which is false because p1/p2=1/3. (where p=pressure)

If the piston's mass is not negligible it has a mass m.

p2'=p1'+mg/S (where g=gravitational constant, S=surface area of the piston)

4nRT1/3 (1/V2' - 1/V1') = nRT1(1/V2-1/V1)

4/3 ( 1/V2' - 1/V1') = 1/V2 - 1/V1, from this i should conclude the V1'/V2' ratio but something might be wrong here, the problem statement is kind of misleading.
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  • #2
Well, I am no thermodynamics kind of guy so take my comments with a grain of salt

First of all, this is some kind of idealized textbook problem, in other words, don't worry too much about mass vs mass-less or even gravity...' cause then, you would need to worry about friction or where is the rest of that piston which look pretty much like just a disc with no mechanism to be moved or anything...anyway...

If the initial condition was an equilibrium condition, I would say, yes, you need to find out how much pressure the piston is helping with to the weakest of the chambers...then, you keep that piston help constant and heat up both chambers and see what the final volumes need to be so the pressure still balance.

On the other hand, if the initial condition has nothing to do with anything and was not even steady and the piston is massless and is not exerting any force, then, the final position of the piston should be right in the middle... :-)
  • #3
You know that there is a net downward force of the piston from the pressure difference. If it is frictionless, you could calculate the mass of the piston if you knew the area, but you don't need that. You just need to know that there is a net downward force that is constant (ie. the same force applies on the lower section after the contents are heated).

  • #4
Andrew Mason said:
You know that there is a net downward force of the piston from the pressure difference. If it is frictionless, you could calculate the mass of the piston if you knew the area, but you don't need that. You just need to know that there is a net downward force that is constant (ie. the same force applies on the lower section after the contents are heated).


The piston is frictionless.

And that's pretty much what i said in the second part: p2=p1+mg/S where mg/S is due to the piston's mass. But i cannot find the ratio V1'/V2' from my calculations. I would really apprecied if you checked them.
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  • #5
I think you just need to come up with enough equations to find the ratio between the volumes after heating things up to 4T/3

For example, initially, you know that
(1) V1/V2 = 3
which can also be expressed as
(2) V1 - 3V2 = 0

Because both chambers have the same amount of mass and are at the same temperature, you know that
P1V1 = nRT = P2V2
and, thus
(3) P1V1 = P2V2
(4) P1/P2 = V2/V1
(5) P2/P1 = V1/V2
(6) P2/P1 = 3 [ using (1) ]
(7) P2 = 3P1
(8) P2 = P1 + 2P1

Also, because of the initial equilibrium condition, you know that
(9) P2 = P1 + Ppiston

See the similarity between (8) and (9) ? We now know the pressure that comes from the piston without having to know its mass or anything, we got it in terms of P1!

So, you need to continue with the problem and keep Ppiston constant.

After heating things up, you know have

(10) P1' V1' = 4nRT/3 = P2' V2'

And you also now have:

(11) P2' = P1' + Ppiston
(12) P2' = P1' + 2P1

And of course
(13) V1 + V2 = Vtotal
(14) V1' + V2' = Vtotal
and so
(15) V1 + V2 = V1' + V2'

etc., etc.

FAQ: Cylinder,piston termodynamics problem

1. What is the purpose of a cylinder and piston in a thermodynamics problem?

The cylinder and piston are used to represent a closed system in which the thermodynamic processes are occurring. The cylinder contains the working fluid and the piston acts as a boundary, allowing for changes in volume and pressure within the system.

2. How do you calculate the work done by a piston in a thermodynamics problem?

The work done by a piston in a thermodynamics problem is calculated by multiplying the force applied by the piston by the distance it moves. This can be represented by the equation W = F x d, where W is work, F is force, and d is distance.

3. What is the ideal gas law and how is it related to a cylinder and piston thermodynamics problem?

The ideal gas law is a fundamental equation in thermodynamics that describes the relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles of a gas. In a cylinder and piston thermodynamics problem, the ideal gas law can be used to calculate the changes in pressure and volume of the working fluid.

4. How can the first law of thermodynamics be applied to a cylinder and piston problem?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. In a cylinder and piston problem, this law can be applied by considering the changes in internal energy, work done, and heat transfer within the system.

5. What is the significance of the Carnot cycle in a cylinder and piston thermodynamics problem?

The Carnot cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that represents the most efficient way to convert heat into work. In a cylinder and piston thermodynamics problem, the Carnot cycle can be used as a standard for comparison to determine the efficiency of the system and identify areas for improvement.

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