Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinate systems

In summary, you can have an acceleration in any direction if the coordinate system is not moving with the body.
  • #1
I have a question about the equation mechanics of cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems

This is basically about the velocity and acceleration equations of both

Let me just give an example from cylindrical

[tex]\vec v = \dot r\hat e_r + r\dot\theta\hat e_\theta + \dot z\hat k[/tex]


[tex]\vec a = (\ddot r - r\dot\theta^2)\hat e_r + (r\ddot\theta + 2\dot r\dot\theta)\hat e_\theta + \ddot z\hat k[/tex]

My question is, what is the physical meaning of [tex]\ddot r - r\dot\theta^2[/tex] if r is not changing. I thought that the coordinate system moved with the object you are measuring, and if can there be an acceleration in the direction of [tex]\hat e_r[/tex] if [tex]\dot r = \ddot r = 0[/tex]

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  • #2
Warr said:
how can there be an acceleration in the direction of [tex]\hat e_r[/tex] if [tex]\dot r = \ddot r = 0[/tex]

Think about what [itex]\dot{\theta}[/itex] is: the angular velocity. So think about a record playing at a constant 45 rpm. The [itex]r[/itex]-coordinate of each point on the record is constant, but since [itex]\dot{\theta}\neq0[/itex], the direction of the velocity vector of each point on the record is constantly changing, which means there is an acceleration. And in what direction must that acceleration point? Well, if it points in any direction other than the radial direction then the record will speed up, which is contrary to our assumption of constant [itex]\dot{\theta}[/itex]. Therefore, there must be a nonzero acceleration pointing in the radial direction.
  • #3
Warr said:
I have a question about the equation mechanics of cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems
My question is, what is the physical meaning of [tex]\ddot r - r\dot\theta^2[/tex] if r is not changing. I thought that the coordinate system moved with the object you are measuring, and if can there be an acceleration in the direction of [tex]\hat e_r[/tex] if [tex]\dot r = \ddot r = 0[/tex]


These cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems do not move together with the body: they are steady, just like the cartesian system of coordinates. You set up the system with its axes, and describe the motion of the body with respect the fixed axes of the system. The body can have acceleration in any direction, x, y, z. In the same way, it can have acceleration along the circles, surrounding the z axis of a cylindrical system, and also normal to these circles in radial direction, and along the z axis as well. Try to describe the velocity and acceleration of a body that moves along a straight line, using polar coordinates!
You might have mixed them with the coordinate system that moves together with the body and changes coordinate axes according to its orbit. In that system, one axis is parallel to the velocity vector and the other one is normal to the velocity in the plane of motion, and the third axis is normal to the plane. In that system, the acceleration has got a tangential component, the time derivative of the speed, and a radial component, the centripetal acceleration, v^2/R , where R is the radius of the curvature. You just have solved such a problem here in the Forum.


FAQ: Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinate systems

1. What is the difference between cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems?

The main difference between cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems is the way they measure distance and direction. Cylindrical coordinates use a combination of distance from the origin, angle from a reference plane, and height above the reference plane. Spherical coordinates use a distance from the origin, an angle from a reference plane, and an angle from a reference axis. Cylindrical coordinates are best suited for describing objects with cylindrical symmetry, while spherical coordinates are better for objects with spherical symmetry.

2. How do you convert between cylindrical and spherical coordinates?

To convert from cylindrical to spherical coordinates, use the following equations:
ρ = √(x2 + y2)
φ = tan-1(y/x)
θ = tan-1(√(x2 + y2)/z)
Conversely, to convert from spherical to cylindrical coordinates, use these equations:
x = ρsinφcosθ
y = ρsinφsinθ
z = ρcosφ

3. What types of problems can be solved using cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems?

Cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems are used in many different areas of science and engineering to solve problems involving objects with cylindrical or spherical symmetry. These include problems in physics, engineering, mathematics, and geology. Some specific examples include calculating the electric field around a charged wire using cylindrical coordinates, or calculating the gravitational potential of a planet using spherical coordinates.

4. How do you plot points in cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems?

In cylindrical coordinates, points are plotted using the distance from the origin (ρ), the angle from a reference plane (φ), and the height above the reference plane (z). To plot a point, first locate the distance ρ on the appropriate axis, then rotate the point by the angle φ around the origin, and finally move the point vertically by the height z. In spherical coordinates, points are plotted using the distance from the origin (r), the angle from a reference plane (θ), and the angle from a reference axis (φ). To plot a point, first locate the distance r on the appropriate axis, then rotate the point by the angle θ around the origin, and finally rotate the point by the angle φ around the z-axis.

5. What are some common applications of cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems in real life?

Cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems have many practical applications in real life. Some common examples include navigation and mapping, where spherical coordinates are used to locate points on the Earth's surface. Cylindrical coordinates are often used in engineering and construction to describe and design objects with cylindrical symmetry, such as pipes, towers, and bridges. In physics and astronomy, spherical coordinates are used to describe the position and motion of celestial objects. Cylindrical and spherical coordinates are also commonly used in computer graphics and 3D modeling to create and manipulate 3D objects.
