Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates Changing

In summary: So in this case, the angle would be something like -1.5*(π/6, π/6). Lastly, when ρ is negative does that mean the angle starts from the -z axis? Because when ρ is positive it starts from the positive z axis.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Convert the following as indicated:

1. r = 3, θ = -π/6, φ = -1 to cylindrical

2. r = 3, θ = -π/6, φ = -1 to cartesian

The Attempt at a Solution

I just want to check if my answers are correct.

1. (2.52, -π/6, 1.62)
2. (-2.18, -1.26, 1.62)
Physics news on
  • #2
theBEAST said:

Homework Statement

Convert the following as indicated:

1. r = 3, θ = -π/6, φ = -1 to cylindrical

2. r = 3, θ = -π/6, φ = -1 to cartesian

The Attempt at a Solution

I just want to check if my answers are correct.

1. (2.52, -π/6, 1.62)
2. (-2.18, -1.26, 1.62)

What coordinate system are these given in? ##r## is usually used in cylindrical coordinates and ##\rho## for spherical. Also, if ##\phi## is the spherical coordinate angle from the ##z## axis, it is usually restricted to the interval ##[0,\pi]##. Are you sure you copied the ##\phi## values correctly?
  • #3
Mathematicians and physicists use ##\theta## and ##\phi## differently. You need to tell us which convention you're using here.
  • #4
Here is the question with the answer key:

In this case r = ρ and I'm not sure why phi is negative.

I don't think the answer key is correct.
  • #5
The answer key is correct. You need to show us your calculations. To answer #1, it's probably most straightforward if you do #2 first and the convert from Cartesian to cylindrical.
  • #6
vela said:
The answer key is correct. You need to show us your calculations. To answer #1, it's probably most straightforward if you do #2 first and the convert from Cartesian to cylindrical.

For number one, how can r be negative? They have -2.52 whereas I have 2.52. It is why I thought the answer key was wrong.
  • #7
When r is negative, you reflect through the origin from where you'd otherwise be. In polar coordinates, for instance, the point r=-1, θ=π/4 would correspond to (-1/√2, -1/√2), which is where you'd end up if you reflected r=1, θ=π/4 through (0,0).

You'll notice they gave you a second answer where r is positive, but the angle has been changed to account for the reflection.
  • #8
vela said:
When r is negative, you reflect through the origin from where you'd otherwise be. In polar coordinates, for instance, the point r=-1, θ=π/4 would correspond to (-1/√2, -1/√2), which is where you'd end up if you reflected r=1, θ=π/4 through (0,0).

You'll notice they gave you a second answer where r is positive, but the angle has been changed to account for the reflection.

Lastly, when ρ is negative does that mean the angle starts from the -z axis? Because when ρ is positive it starts from the positive z axis.
  • #9
Not exactly. Reflection in spherical coordinates takes ##\phi \to \pi-\phi## and ##\theta \to \theta+\pi##. The change to ##\phi## effectively means you're measuring from the -z-axis, but you also have to accompany it with a rotation by 180 degrees about the z-axis.

FAQ: Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates Changing

1. What are cylindrical and spherical coordinates?

Cylindrical and spherical coordinates are two systems used to describe the position of a point in three-dimensional space. Cylindrical coordinates use a distance from the origin, an angle from a reference direction, and a height above a reference plane. Spherical coordinates use a distance from the origin, an azimuth angle from a reference direction, and a polar angle from a reference plane.

2. How do you convert from cylindrical to spherical coordinates?

To convert from cylindrical coordinates to spherical coordinates, you can use the following equations:
x = r sinθ cosϕ
y = r sinθ sinϕ
z = r cosθ
where r is the distance from the origin, θ is the angle from the z-axis, and ϕ is the angle from the x-axis.

3. How do you convert from spherical to cylindrical coordinates?

To convert from spherical coordinates to cylindrical coordinates, you can use the following equations:
r = √(x² + y² + z²)
θ = arctan(y/x)
z = z
where r is the distance from the origin, θ is the angle from the reference direction, and z is the height above the reference plane.

4. What are the advantages of using cylindrical and spherical coordinates?

Cylindrical and spherical coordinates are useful in situations where it may be difficult to describe a point's position using Cartesian coordinates. For example, in situations involving circular or spherical objects, these coordinate systems can simplify calculations and provide a more intuitive understanding of the point's position.

5. What are some real-world applications of cylindrical and spherical coordinates?

Cylindrical coordinates are commonly used in engineering and physics, particularly in applications involving cylindrical objects such as pipes, cylinders, and turbines. Spherical coordinates are often used in astronomy, geology, and navigation, where it is useful to describe the position of objects on the surface of a sphere or the Earth. They are also used in mapping and GPS systems to pinpoint locations on the globe.
