Cylindrical glass boll (sealed, containing solvent) for RF detector

In summary, the individual is looking for suggestions on how to make a homemade NMR probe that does not use plastic micro boll capsules. They are looking for help in finding a professional glass worker in their country who can help them make the probe.
  • #1
Dear all,

here's my first request for a little help (maybe also in finding the proper subforum...)

I'm working as developer and scientific consultant in a lab for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at high field (> 21 Tesla), and I have to create a suitable probe for checking the stability of a wide-bore cryomagnet.

This will be done by a simple RF detecting circuit which pilots a coil, and the coil is wound around a micro boll containing a deuterated solvent (D2O, CDCl3, DMSO-d6 and so on). The RF circuit is already operative and capable to read out the very tiny signal which arises from deuterium inside the strong magnetic field ( as a quick reference, see" ).

Now, about my request.
I need to substitute the plastic micro boll with a soldered glass micro capsule, containing one of the deuterated solvent (i.e. Acetone-d6).

The main problem is to have a regular cylinder in glass, with max external dimensions L x D= 8.2 x 4.6 mm (Length x Diameter), fully filled with the liquid, and with its bases hermetically sealed.

Started cutting a NMR sample tube, I have no any laser precision device in my lab, hence the quality of the cutting is very poor. The subsequent problem is solder the glass with highly flammable solvents (i.e. acetone), but the risk could be reduced using cryogenic liquids (i.e. liquid nitrogen).

Do you have any idea for realizing this glass capsule?

Any idea would be greatly appreciated
All best

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  • #2
It sounds like you need a professional glass worker.

As a suggestion, solder in a tapered tube with a mating (ground?) stopper, and seal it at the end while heat sinking the liquid.
  • #3
Thanks Mike,

The point is that some solvent have quite low melting point and they vanish when one seals the cap.
Also, it seems there are no professional glass workers in my country. I asked to industries, but I am still waiting for an answer from a while.

I hope that physician people knows the way to build such a homemade device.


P.S. maybe I have to move this question in another place?
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  • #4
Some School Lab Technicians are very competent glass workers. Do you have a local High School or College?
  • #5
Good call on the technicians. Some college chem labs still have old techs that can work glass.
As for the technique, it's based upon sealing a tube with a tapered piston and then flowing them together at the far end from the fluid. I've seen some amazingly snug fits between glass parts that are ground to fit together.
I'm not certain how the glass was tapered, but I suspect that tube was ground out with a tapered copper rod. Diamond chips seed into the surface of copper well, and if you go slow, it will grind away at your glass.
Then follow with more diamond compound and the glass rod grinding to fit into the tapered tube.
The first vacuum tight seals were made this way, and by adding a bit of mercury to wet the seal.

FAQ: Cylindrical glass boll (sealed, containing solvent) for RF detector

What is a cylindrical glass boll for RF detector?

A cylindrical glass boll is a sealed container that contains a solvent, which is used for detecting radio frequency (RF) signals. It is often used in laboratory experiments and research to measure and analyze RF waves.

How does a cylindrical glass boll work as an RF detector?

The solvent inside the boll acts as a medium for the RF waves to pass through. When an RF signal enters the boll, it causes the solvent molecules to vibrate, which produces a measurable change in the electrical properties of the solvent. This change is then detected by the RF detector, providing information about the RF signal.

What types of solvents are used in cylindrical glass bolls for RF detection?

Common solvents used in cylindrical glass bolls for RF detection include water, ethanol, and isopropanol. These solvents have high dielectric constants, making them ideal for detecting RF signals. Other solvents may also be used depending on the specific experiment or research being conducted.

Are there any safety precautions to consider when using a cylindrical glass boll for RF detection?

Yes, it is important to handle the boll with care as it is made of glass and can break easily. It is also important to use the appropriate solvent and follow proper handling and disposal procedures. Additionally, it is recommended to use protective gear, such as gloves and safety glasses, when handling the boll and solvent.

Can a cylindrical glass boll be reused for multiple experiments?

Yes, cylindrical glass bolls can be reused for multiple experiments as long as they are properly cleaned and maintained. It is important to thoroughly clean the boll and solvent before each use to prevent any contamination or interference with the results. It is also recommended to check the boll for any cracks or damage before each use.

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