Damped linear oscillator: Energy losses

In summary, the conversation discusses demonstrating that the total energy of a damped free oscillator is a function of time and the time derivative of the total energy is negative. The equation for the motion of the oscillator is used to show that the total energy is equal to the sum of the kinetic and potential energy. It is concluded that the time derivative of the total energy is negative, indicating that the energy decreases as time increases. The conversation also mentions the importance of formalizing the steps of the proof.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello everyone. I need to demonstrate that with a damped free oscillator, which is linear, the total energy is a function of the time, and that the time derivative of the total energy is negative, without saying if the motion is underdamped, critically damped or overdamped, i.e. in general.

Homework Equations

From the non-canonical equation for the free oscillator in one dimension [tex]m\ddot{x}+b\dot{x}+k{x}=0[/tex] where m is the mass attached to the spring (for example), b is a constant for the damping, and k is the spring constant.

The Attempt at a Solution

I could get the general solution for the equation stated above, but the expressions for the energy are a little cumbersome.
Another way I've been tried is that the equation for the motion of the oscillator times [itex]\dot{x}[/itex] gives
integrating over time gives
[tex]\frac{m\ddot{x}^2}{2}+b\int{\dot{x}^2 dt}+\frac{k x^2}{2}=C[/tex]
but the former expression looks like the total energy of the simple harmonic oscillator, which is
[tex]\frac{m\ddot{x}^2}{2}+\frac{k x^2}{2}=E[/tex]
so I'm tempted to say that the total energy for the damped oscillator is
[tex]E=C-b\int{\dot{x}^2 dt}[/tex]
and say that if the velocity [itex]\dot{x}[/itex] is not zero ([itex]b>0[/itex] as hypothesis), the expression for E depends explicitly on time, and that the time derivative of E is (using the fundamental theorem for integral calculus):
which is negative, so energy decreases as time increases.
So far, i think everything is correct, but i need to formalize the above steps, first on the fact that [itex]E=C-b\int{\dot{x}^2 dt}[/itex], which was the crucial point of the proof.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Everything looks fine to me (except I'm sure you meant to write the kinetic energy as ##\frac{m\dot{x}^2}{2}##).

Note that your result for dE/dt makes a lot of sense. The damping force is ##f = -b\dot{x}## and the rate at which that force does work is ##f\dot{x} = -b\dot{x}^2##.
  • #3
Thank's TSny, and yeah I've made a copy-paste error. I'm very grateful for your help!

FAQ: Damped linear oscillator: Energy losses

1. What is a damped linear oscillator?

A damped linear oscillator is a physical system that exhibits oscillatory motion in response to an external force, but also experiences energy losses due to damping. It is often represented by a mass attached to a spring, with a damper attached to the mass to dissipate energy.

2. How does damping affect the energy of a linear oscillator?

Damping causes the energy of a linear oscillator to decrease over time. This is because the damping force acts in the opposite direction of the motion, reducing the amplitude of the oscillations and dissipating energy as heat.

3. What factors can affect the amount of energy lost in a damped linear oscillator?

The amount of energy lost in a damped linear oscillator is influenced by the damping coefficient, which is a measure of the strength of the damping force. It is also affected by the mass and spring constant of the system, as well as the initial conditions of the oscillation.

4. How is the energy of a damped linear oscillator related to its amplitude?

The energy of a damped linear oscillator is directly proportional to the square of its amplitude. This means that as the amplitude decreases due to damping, the energy also decreases at a faster rate.

5. Can a damped linear oscillator reach equilibrium?

Yes, a damped linear oscillator can reach equilibrium when the damping force is equal to the force exerted by the spring. In this state, the oscillator will no longer experience oscillations and the energy will have dissipated completely.
