Damped mass spring system with with external forcing function

In summary, the conversation is about modeling a damped mass spring system with an external forcing function and finding the motion of the mass relative to the system. The recommended method is to find the homogeneous solution and the particular solution by guessing Acos(wt)+Bsin(wt) and solving for A and B. The other option is finding the system's transfer function, but it may not be necessary in this case. The person also clarifies that they are only interested in the steady state motion of the mass displacement relative to the system, not including the forcing function amplitude.
  • #1
Hi All,

This is my first post here, and thanks in advance for any help and direction.

I'm trying to model an enclosed damped mass spring system with an external forcing function acting on the system (not on the mass directly). Ultimately I would like to plot/calculate the motion (y) of the mass relative to the system, supposing the forcing function is sinusoidal.

Please see attachment.

Thanks again.


  • Mass Spring System.jpg
    Mass Spring System.jpg
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  • #2
Is this really as simple as: ??

  • #3
yes, now find the homogeneous solution (easy) and the particular solution (guess Acos(wt)+Bsin(wt) and solve for A and B) and add those up.

You can also do this by finding the system's transfer function, but in this case its not worth bothering yourself with that:
  • #4
Thanks. I'll try that...

The reason I posted is that I'm interested in steady state motion of the mass displacement relative to the system ONLY...not system + forcing function amplitude.

Will the homogeneous + particular solution provide this, or is there more to it...?

Thanks again!
  • #5

Hello and welcome to the forum!

It sounds like you are working on a very interesting problem. The damped mass spring system with external forcing function is a common model used in many fields of science and engineering, including mechanical, electrical, and chemical systems.

To simulate and analyze this system, you will need to use a combination of mathematical modeling and numerical methods. You will first need to set up the equations of motion for the system, taking into account the external forcing function and the damping factor. These equations can then be solved using numerical methods such as Euler's method or Runge-Kutta methods.

Once you have the solutions for the equations of motion, you can then plot the motion of the mass over time. As you mentioned, if the forcing function is sinusoidal, the motion of the mass will also be sinusoidal but with a different amplitude and phase shift. You can use tools such as MATLAB or Python to plot and analyze the results.

I hope this helps get you started on your project. Good luck!

FAQ: Damped mass spring system with with external forcing function

1. What is a damped mass spring system with external forcing function?

A damped mass spring system with external forcing function is a physical system that consists of a spring, a mass attached to the spring, and a damping force acting on the mass. The external forcing function refers to an external force applied to the system, which can cause the mass to move.

2. How does a damped mass spring system with external forcing function behave?

The behavior of a damped mass spring system with external forcing function depends on the damping coefficient, the stiffness of the spring, and the characteristics of the external forcing function. Generally, the system will oscillate with decreasing amplitude and eventually reach a steady state, where the amplitude of the oscillations remains constant.

3. What factors affect the behavior of a damped mass spring system with external forcing function?

The behavior of a damped mass spring system with external forcing function is affected by several factors, including the damping coefficient, the stiffness of the spring, the mass of the object attached to the spring, and the frequency and magnitude of the external forcing function.

4. What is the relationship between the damping coefficient and the behavior of a damped mass spring system with external forcing function?

The damping coefficient plays a crucial role in the behavior of a damped mass spring system with external forcing function. A higher damping coefficient results in faster damping of the oscillations and a shorter time for the system to reach a steady state. On the other hand, a lower damping coefficient leads to slower damping and a longer time for the system to reach a steady state.

5. How is a damped mass spring system with external forcing function used in real-world applications?

Damped mass spring systems with external forcing function are commonly used in various engineering applications, such as suspension systems in vehicles, shock absorbers, and earthquake-resistant structures. They are also used in musical instruments, such as pianos, to control the vibrations and produce the desired sound.
