Damped Oscillation Homework: Calculating b & Q for Lightly Damped System

In summary, a damped oscillator with a mass of 1.6 kg and spring constant of 20 N/m has a damping constant of 0.796 kg/s and a Q value of 7.1066 kg^-1. The system is lightly damped, meaning the amplitude decreases exponentially over time but still oscillates, with a damped frequency that is 99% of the undamped frequency. To find the new damping constant required to make the system critically damped, the equation \omega' = \sqrt{\omega^2 - (\frac{b}{2m})^2} can be used. The definition of lightly damped is not specific, but it means the same as underdamped and indicates that
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Homework Statement

A damped oscillator of mass m=1,6 kg and spring constant s=20N/m has a damped frequency of \omega' that is 99% of the undamped frequency \omega.

As found out by me:
The damping constant b is 0.796 kg/s.
Q of the system is 7.1066 kg^-1.
Are the units here right?

The questions are:
a) Confirm that the system is lightly damped.
b) What new damping constant b_new is required to make the system critically damped?
c) Using b_new calculate the displacement of the mass at t=1,0s given that the displacement is zero and the velocity is 5,0 m/s at t=0.

Homework Equations

To calculate b I used
\omega' = ( \omega^2 - b/2m)^1/2

To calculate Q I used
Q = ((mass*spring constant)^1/2)/b

The Attempt at a Solution

I couldn't find any specific definition of when a system is lightly damped.
I found somewhere that if \omega' is about equal to \omega the system is lightly damped, which is the case here (\omega' = 99%\omega) but this can't be the answer since I have to find a new damping constant.

If I had the new damping constant I would just use the given data to make up a wave equation for x(t).

Thanks for helping.
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To calculate b I used
\omega' = ( \omega^2 - b/2m)^1/2

I think this should be [tex] \omega' = \sqrt{\omega^2 - (\frac{b}{2m})^2} [/tex]

I couldn't find any specific definition of when a system is lightly damped.

I think lightly damped means the same and underdamped. It just means the system is not critically damped or overdamped. So it is just damped enough that the amplitude decreases exponentially over time but still oscillates.

I found somewhere that if \omega' is about equal to \omega the system is lightly damped, which is the case here (\omega' = 99%\omega) but this can't be the answer since I have to find a new damping constant.

But in that part of the question you are supposed to find the new damping constant that would make the system critcally damped, that's a different situation.

Hope that helps.

FAQ: Damped Oscillation Homework: Calculating b & Q for Lightly Damped System

1. What is damped oscillation and how is it different from regular oscillation?

Damped oscillation is a type of motion where the amplitude of the oscillation decreases over time due to the presence of a damping force. This is different from regular oscillation, where the amplitude remains constant.

2. How do you calculate the damping coefficient (b) for a lightly damped system?

The damping coefficient (b) for a lightly damped system can be calculated by dividing the natural frequency (ω0) by twice the damping ratio (ζ). The damping ratio is the ratio of the actual damping (c) to the critical damping (cc), which is equal to the damping force needed to prevent oscillation.

3. What is the importance of calculating the quality factor (Q) for a lightly damped system?

The quality factor (Q) is a measure of the efficiency of a lightly damped system. It represents the number of oscillations a system can complete before the amplitude decreases to 1/e (about 37%) of its initial value. It is important to calculate Q to understand the behavior and stability of a system.

4. How does the value of b affect the behavior of a lightly damped system?

The value of b affects the rate at which the amplitude of the oscillation decreases. A higher b value will result in a faster decrease in amplitude, while a lower b value will result in a slower decrease.

5. Can the damping coefficient (b) and quality factor (Q) be calculated experimentally?

Yes, the damping coefficient (b) and quality factor (Q) can be calculated experimentally by measuring the amplitude and frequency of the oscillation and plugging those values into the equations for b and Q. These values can also be obtained using data analysis software.
